Timing of meals

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planner lady
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Timing of meals

Post by planner lady » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:10 am

I have a question for everyone about the timing of your meals. Since on NOS we only get three, it seems important to space them out so as to get the most mileage out of the calories. I normally eat my meals at 9:00, 12:00 and 5:30. That eating schedule leaves a pretty long gap between lunch and dinner and another large gap between dinner and breakfast.

I am struggling to get started with this eating plan but the thing I've struggled with on the couple of days I've had success was those long gaps. One morning I woke up about 5:00 a.m. with a bad somach ache from hunger. It eventually passed but it was awful while it lasted. Is that normal?

But back to my original question. How do you successful nos-ers handle the timing of your three meals?

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Post by JWL » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:38 am

I actually eat 2 meals on my N days, but then I'm crazy that way.

I usually eat my first meal around 11 or 12, and my 2nd around 6pm.

The hardest part is letting your body get used to it, which can take a few weeks. But it will adapt, and you'll find yourself getting hungry just before mealtime.

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Post by Blondie » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:26 pm

9:30 am
noon or 1 pm
7 or 7:30 pm

I wake up and work out on an empty stomach, then eat breakfast when I get to work. I don't have very long in between breakfast and lunch, and then a long time between lunch and dinner. Afternoons aren't bad for me, and I like a later dinner. This scheme probably doesn't appeal to you, sorry. ;)

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Post by cvmom » Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:02 pm

Hi Planner Lady.

I like to eat breakfast around 8:30 to 9:00 am. But, what I do is delay lunch. Usually I don't eat lunch until 1:00 or 2:00. This leaves me full during my "danger zone" which is 3:30 to 4:30. (The old binging time.) Anyway, dinner is usually whenever it happens. Sometime around 6:00 to 7:30.

I guess you have to know your body's rhythm too. Some people don't function early in the morning with out food while others aren't too hungry.

I hope that helps.


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Post by Jammin' Jan » Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:12 pm

Hi Planner Lady,

Breakfast on No-S days: 8:00
Lunch: Noon
Dinner: Variable.

Dinner used to be at 5:00 sharp, but just at the time I started No-S, our daughter got a job at McDonald's in the afternoons and early evenings. We eat when she gets home, sometimes "on time" at 5, but sometimes as late as 7 pm.

This has been interesting! What I have learned to do is look at the day's schedule and adjust my portions to fit the time between meals. Also, drinking decaf coffee and tea, herb tea, and iced tea helps, too.

My body has adjusted better than I thought possible. For the first time in many many years, it's me in control of my eating, and not the clock or cravings. Be patient. It takes a while to get comfortable with this.

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Post by Justin » Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:15 pm

Like Jan-Tz and Freakwitch, I've found that my body adjusts. I tend to have a long gap between lunch and supper as well. I've also found that sometimes I enjoy the hungry hour or so before dinner. Just makes me enjoy the actual eating period that much more!

I also have a terrible problem with waking up quite hungry in the middle of the night. Just know that you aren't hurting yourself. I've also found it helps to have water next to my bed so that I'm not tempted to go in to the kitchen where I'll grab a snack for sure!

Since you're getting plenty of nutrients and calories from your three meals, there's nothing to worry about. Your body will adjust to the hunger. It seems like it's a mind-game; I find I just need to convince myself that I'm fine and I can easily make it to the next meal.


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Post by JWL » Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:02 pm

I've written before about a "Jedi mind trick" I've used on myself, a metaprogramming technique to turn the hunger into a positive.

Physiologically speaking, hunger means your body needs energy. And if your body needs energy, and you deprive it of immediate gratification of food, then it will be forced to get its energy from the only other place it can: stored fat reserves.

Put differently, hunger pangs mean your body is burning fat! This is a good thing, and that realization made it much easier to hold out until the next meal! Rather than think, "geez, I wanna eat" I think "man, my body must be burning some SERIOUS fat right now, if I feel this hungry."

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Post by Big Phil » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:39 am

Yeah Freakwitch,
What makes No-S so effective is the limitation of easily assimiliable sugar. The body actually signals hunger when your blood sugar takes a steep dive. If you eat snacks that are high in sugar that is easily converted to blood glucose (sucrose in white sugar and softdrinks goes to blood glucose faster than glucose itself) you will induce insulin production. Insulin send the sugar to your muscles or fat stores, resulting in a sharp dive in blood glucose. So you get hungry again and feel flat. I tend to think No-S is effective because for at least 5 days a week you get off the sugar treadmill and actually get to fell the "my stomach is completely empty" hunger that I haven't felt since I was a kid and had been at the pool all day.
I've always eaten big meals as well and the not allowing seconds has probably shrunk my stomach down so I can't fit as much in anymore! Whether the food is junk or not, I was still eating too many calories. I should get around to subscribing to the 21-club as I have made it - I really am surprised how easy it was! Serious congratulations Reinhard! I think this is an even better invention than shovelglove, to which I am now completely addicted! :oops:
See Ya,


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Post by carolejo » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:48 am

I eat my breakfast at around 7am every morning and I make sure that it contains a good sized portion of protein. I start work at 8am every morning and although I could eat my breakfast at my desk, I find I eat a more healthy breakfast if I do this at home rather than in the office.

Lunch is usually around 12:30 / 1pm. Dinner is around 7pm or 7:30.

I personally allowed myself to bend the rules a little though, in that I'm allowed to eat up to 2 pieces of fruit at some point during the day. I don't always eat these, but it's helpful to know at 3pm when I'm having my mid-afternoon 'slowdown' that I could always eat that apple / nectarine / plum or whatever.

I've found that since my sugar-junkie head cooled off, I've not been suffering from such big mid-afternoon crashes anyhow. I also tend to eat mostly wholegrain stuff which I think helps a bit, but that's mainly because I actually prefer it to the white flour, white bread, white rice stuff.

It's definately working. Weightloss is very slow - this week I didn't lose any, but then again, I didn't gain any either and my clothes *definately* feel looser, so I reckon I've replaced some fat with heavier, lean, muscle tissue.

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Post by reinhard » Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:57 pm

Planner Lady, the habit of a few discreet meals is deeply natural, how people have eaten for generations. You will get used to it. It takes a bit of effort at first to lift you out of your current rut of permasnacking, but these grooves are even deeper and more natural. Your new "second nature" will fall right into place with first nature.

Some practical steps to make it easier (these have all been mentioned, but repetition helps):

1. big firsts - long term habit is more important than short term calories

2. don't hesitate to reach for drinks between meals

3. be strict because that will build the habit faster.

4. mentally budget for the fact that it might take a few slipups to get the habit down. Don't be discouraged when they happen, bounce right back.

5. be patient with results: this is a lifetime investment, treasury bonds in your roth IRA.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:44 pm


I love that. It was me before No-S.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:55 pm

Yeah, Reinhard is a fountain of great "dietisms"...
My fave will always be "antiresponsible".... I swear, he makes us laugh, and that laughing comes from the knowing that what he is saying is truth...
If it wasn't true, it wouldn't be funny! He sure is a brilliant star in the Cosmos of diet leaders....

Permasnacking somehow reminds me of permafrost: a geological condition in the tundra sections of Northern regions, like Alaska.....

Our habits (especially bad ones) are really like a big frozen tundra which we are trapped, and stagnate in, I think....

Have a nice one Jammin Jan!
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Post by MerryKat » Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:02 am

Hi there

To combat the 10am and 3pm munchies I have found that the following works for me:

Breakfast - around 6am (I make this a big meal - about 1/2 again the size I was eating previously)

Lunch - around 12.30pm (again I have upped the amount of food I was eating)

Dinner - around 7pm (basically the same size as my before No-S dinners)

I find the bigger breakfast and lunch help me cope with the snack times and I drink around 2 litres of water a day plus around 6 cups of instant coffee.

This just feels 'right' and although I feel the hunger twinges before the next meal they are controlled and I really look forward to my next meal.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:33 pm

You Go, Mo!!!!!!

Your amazing!!!!!
Wow, brekkie at six am!!!! :P

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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:06 pm

I'm not considered successful yet, I haven't made 21 days, only 3, but so far the following is my schedule:

Breakfast somewhere between 7am & 9:30am
Lunch somewhere between 11:30am & 1pm
Supper somewhere between 6:30pm and 8pm

I have experienced hunger pangs also. They don't bother me as much as feeling weak. They generally last 5 - 10 minutes and if I get busy or drink water they usually go away and I catch my second wind. So far, thanks to some advice of others to make sure I get enough protein at my meals, I haven't had any weak spells.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:26 pm

Hi Tammy!!!
I don't think I wrote you yet...Sorry, yesterday I was in period sloth mode...
You are successful baby!!! You are here!
You are trying your best! You are taking control!!!

That is success!
(it took me a whole year on NOS to get a straight run of 21 days on habit, but even with an imperfect year, in that sense, I never doubted it was the right place for me... I did lose between 20-25 lbs this year prior to my good three weeks...)

You need to chant this mantra right now!
I am successful!!!
Believe in yourself!!!
Glad you're so on top of your urges when they arise... so often our hunger can be "postponed" if we distract ourselves, and often it really isn't true hunger anyway... Just some passing impulse...
Kudos to you!!!!
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Post by sibyl » Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:43 pm


Breakfast about 7 am.
Lunch (scheduled) is 12 pm.
Supper is any time after 6 pm, usually by 8 pm.

Breakfast about 10 am
Supper about 7-8 pm
Maybe a snack around 3, maybe not. Usually something sweet or salty in the evening.
I 'graze' all day, with lots of mini-meals, like a piece of fruit or some toast & cheese, or a cold sausage. A few sweets sprinkled in among the 'good stuff'. Definately an 'S' day only thing, though, the grazing. Not good for me, but if I have nothing structured and I'm at home all day, its the default. Good thing I don't work from home!

I'm not as hungry on the weekends as during the week, and if I eat proper meals instead of graze, I actually eat less. Which is very weird. I can get by on only 2 good meals, like Freakwitch, if I eat breakfast late enough in the day.
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Post by Blue Daisy » Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:39 pm

Thanks Deb. You're right. Everyday we No S on No S days is success. So today I am successful. :D


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Time of Meals

Post by ReneeSuzanne » Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:35 am

Hi I'm brand new - I just started last night after eating 3 pieces of birthday cake. I've enjoyed reading several threads as I get started.

My plan was to eat 4 meals a day. I thought this was allowed, just as long as it wasn't mindless snacking. After I read all these posts about people with hunger pangs forcing themselves into 3 meals, I thought maybe I missed something??

My plan is to eat at 8, 12, 4, and 7. I have low end blood sugar - nothing official but I always test right at 80 even after huge meal. (normal is 80-120) My 4 p.m. meal will be fruit, milk, and/or cheese. Couldn't planner lady eat like this rather than starve? Aren't hunger pangs actually a signal your body needs fuel?


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:04 pm

Hi Renee Suzanne!
Welcome :)
You sound like you are on the right track already! I think your plan sounds great and a agree that maybe it would work for PL too...
Peace and Love,
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Post by navin » Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:02 pm


Or is it Suzanne -

Anyway, welcome. As for your plan of 4 meals, just like everything in life there are trade-offs. Some people have done this successfully (I think Kevin is one) due to medical conditions or what not.

The most obvious disadvantage is that it's a lot easer to eat more if you have more meals. As Reinhard says on the No-S page, if you go for more than 3 meals, you might want to invest in some smaller plates.
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Post by ReneeSuzanne » Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:07 am

It is both - Renee Suzanne - sounds kind of French but I'm not..

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement Deb and Navin - thanks for idea of smaller plate - I have a set of lunch plates stored away and I will drag those out tomorrow.

Even though today was an S day - I only ate one plate of food at lunch and this was at a church potluck so I was pretty proud of myself. I did have small dessert, but not what I normally would have eaten.

Things are working out pretty good - I have a wedding next Saturday so will be able to eat some cake!

By the way, I have 20 pounds to lose.

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Post by hlidskjalf » Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:36 am

So far I've been using a 1pm 6:30pm 11:30pm system. With ShovelGlove around 3am. So far so good.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:20 am

You should have your own NOS newbies graveyard shift outreach and support number!
(just kidding! Hee)
Glad it's working for you...
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Post by MerryKat » Mon Sep 12, 2005 12:37 pm


Yip I get up at 5.30am and I am one of those people who wants and needs food as soon as they get up, so by 6am I am dressed with hair and make up done and ready to eat!

Before No S I literally ate from when I got up till I went to bed again! I love food and grazing was permanent eating for me - heaven for the mouth but definitely bad for the body.

Thanks for all the lovely posts and encouragement.
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
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Post by reinhard » Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:56 am

Welcome, ReneeSuzanne.

4 meals is certainly possible, but you'll have to be a bit more careful about portion sizes. As navin says, it's just a trade off.

Looking forward to hearing more from you,


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Post by Tonsha » Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:13 am

I don't know why I haven't already commented in this thread...

I generally eat breakfast just before 6:30 am (I have to leave home at 6:30 to catch the bus). Breakfast is usually a bowl of cereal followed by a slice of toast.

Lunch is around 11:30 am. That's five hours later, which can be a struggle. (I used to eat every four hours). Lunch is always sandwiches, 3 fruit & a yoghurt pot.

Somewhere between 3:00 pm and 4:30 pm I get an attack of the 'muchies'. If it is really bad, I stave this off by having a hot drink from the machine at work (Hot choc or Chicken Soup). Yesterday I made myself a cup of Caro Extra - the machine drinks are full of sugar or salt.

I generally get home at around 6:00 pm and prepare/eat lunch straight away. five and a half hours since lunch.

I'm pretty much ok then until bed time (11:00 pm). I'll maybe have a Caro at around 9:30 - 10:00 pm.

I don't get masses of variety for breakfast or lunch. I could eat one type of cereal for the rest of my life if need be. :)

Dinners provide most of my variants. With my wife being vegetarian, we tend to have a lot of pasta.

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Post by cvmom » Tue Sep 13, 2005 12:59 pm

Hey Dave:

Can you throw an egg into your morning mix? I have found that having that extra protein sustains me and I'm not so hungry in the afternoon.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:35 pm

Hey Cereal Dave!

Yeah, not to be like an anticarb lady, lol, but this sounds like it's too carb only, based... Probably would disappear completely by a couple of hours, so I'm not surprised you are getting afternoon "munchies"... (are you sure you're not sneaking into the mens room and smoking a doobie??? :P )
Wow, eating at 6:00! Yeesh...
I doubt I'd want to cook too much then myself, or even be awake! LOL....
I'd get the "munchies" at 3 also... Why not have a very small cheese and fruit or small peanut butter sandwich around then, not just the Caro (whatever that is?!!! LOL...)
And as far as being a vegetarian, pasta is great, but how about throwing in some beans and soy??? There are really nice veggie versions of sausage and stuff you can get creative with...
Have a nice one...
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Four meals a day

Post by Kevin » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:53 pm

Hi ReneeSuzanne...

I'm a type I diabetic, so I allow myself a fourth meal a day in the late afternoon when, despite the very best planning, my Bg gets low.

Really, what I do is borrow one item - usually an apple - from lunch. So I'm still eating three virtual plates of food a day - no more than before, and maybe less because I tend to not be as voracious at dinner.

Many days, if my Bg isn't low, I bypass the late afternoon meal.

I do believe that one is better off eating three squares. Were it not for my condition, that's what I'd be doing everyday. Yes, sometimes you get hungry. I think you learn that hungry isn't a catastrophe: it's just anticipation of your next meal.
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Post by peetie » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:31 pm

Okay, I'm coming out of the closet. I thought that 3 squares a day was the gospel on NOS, but since I see we are allowed to tweak things for our personal situations, I do the 3 meals, but just before I go to bed, I have a slice of bread with hummos, or a small bowl of cereal.....something small, but I find I need the feeling of something in my stomach to sleep, otherwise that "hollow" feeling keeps me up.

Maybe mom put me to bed in my crib with a bottle. Oh, so easy to blame mom for things! And I know I am probably just conditioned, and could over time break this habit, but it doesn't seem to be hurting my weight any, and it feels good to me, so think I'll just continue. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


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Post by ClickBeetle » Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:05 pm

I'm with ya, Peetie, one thing that will keep me awake for sure is hunger. I have allowed the occasional cup of hot chocolate if I get hungry at bedtime -- it helps me relax and get to sleep, it makes up a dairy serving (of which I'm often short at the end of the day), and I make it only semisweet and use a sugar/Splenda blend. It's pretty healthy, and I'm still losing weight.
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