Diet Modification

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Diet Modification

Post by becca » Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:28 am

Well I've been on this diet for two weeks. And well I've been really great about the no snacking, no sweets etc. Here's my issue.

Lately, I think I've been eating to much at dinner. For example yesterday I had a foot long sandwhich from Subway. Last week I was fine with 6 inch. Today I also think I could have had less at dinner.

Here's my issue. I think I'm okay with small portions at breakfeast and lunch because I know that I will have another meal soon. But after dinnner it's kind of like FINAL.

So here's what I'm wondering. What if I said that after dinner if I'm truly hungary, I'm allowed one meal of only fruit/vegatables. (And/or I can just eat fruit or vegatables.)

I'm thinking that psychologically if I KNOW I can eat something later if I'm starving, that I'll be willing to go for the correct serving sizes.

I'm scared to make this change because I've been doing soo well, but I'm thinking it may be a smart modification for me and the way my brain works.

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Post by Kathleen » Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:51 am

Two weeks isn't very long on this diet. How about waiting another two or three weeks to see if your dinner size decreases? I literally had multi-stacked plates at dinner for a few weeks, and my son would just stare and tease me. No longer... I eventually got used to no snacks, and now I love the freedom of not having to evaluate if I am starving or not. To me, the beauty of this diet is that I am not evaluating hunger levels.

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Post by winnie96 » Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:09 am


I'm no expert by any means, and there's nothing to say that what works for me will work for you, but here's my two cents: for me, the neatest thing about the No-S way of eating is that if you stick to the rules, it puts you in the position of having to figure out the correct amount of food and composition of meals to get you through the next meal (or through the night in the case of dinner).

I struggled the first few weeks with thinking that maybe I needed to tweak the 3-meals concept by adding a 4th, but eventually figured out that what I needed to tweak was (1) the kinds of things I was eating for supper (added a little more protein), (2) the amount I ate for supper (not buckets, but a bit more that I was eating when I was "on a diet"), and (3) the time I ate supper (not 5 pm, not 9 pm -- someplace in between).

I do think that maybe some people can benefit from applying the No-S concept to more than 3 meals a day, but I would certainly try 3 meals for at least a month or so with the understanding that you really have to figure out what works for you in terms of menu, portions, and timing.

I, too, thought that maybe I should be having a "little something" after dinner ... sticking with it, though, I found I really didn't need it, and it makes life so much easier to just stick to the 3 meals/No-S.

JMO -- good luck, give it a few more weeks and really try to tweak within the no-S guidelines would be my advice.

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:57 pm


Kathleen and Winnie gave great responses I ditto. An additional option is finding SOMETHING other than food after dinner to "look forward to" I don't know what that might be for you, but some little evening ritual that leaves you feeling treated and emotionally satisfied, doesn't have to be a big deal, can be something very simple and easy that is meaningful to you,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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