Happy New Year!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Happy New Year!

Post by winnie96 » Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:11 am

I know it's a little early, and being only a 4-month No-S-er, I feel a little bold in starting a 12/31 thread, but I just got back from a 17-day family visit/Christmas celebration where I didn't gain one ounce, so I'm kinda pumped.

How did that happen? Several things:

1. Shovelglove: I do it every morning ... I know, I know, you're supposed to take weekends off, but I have made it a habit that happens first thing when I get up, and doing that not only makes me feel great physically, it sets me up for following through on food behaviors throughout the day that also make me feel great. (On Sundays, however, I do 1/2 my usual routine and call it "SundayGlove").

2. No Snacking: I am not a snacker anymore, and when non-meal food came up on N-Days, I simply didn't do it. I also made sure to figure out breakfast, lunch, and dinner food quantities that were satisfying and led me into not snacking anyway. (And a similar experience to KCCC's on the "Merry Christmas" thread ... pure sugar fudge? I never thought I'd say this, but yeah .. it's just not interesting).

3. Logging onto HabitCal each day -- I took my yellow days, but really didn't want to accumulate a lot of reds, and it was very motivating to be able to post greens, for the most part.

4. Reading this bulletin board: here I am in the midst of Extreme Family Eating (EFE), but I am not alone! Checked in several times each day, and drew strength and comfort from the holiday postings thereon. (Is this not the most supportive board you've ever participated in? Amazing nice, helpful people on board!)

So, I just wanted to sneak in an early Happy New Year thread to thank all you wonderful people for helping me keep motivated. And Reinhard, of course, you know how we all totally appreciate what you are doing here. And I did give 4 books as holiday presents, not to proselytize, as everyone has to deal with their own demons, but I presented it as "just so you realize where I'm coming from". (And, I must admit, I was surprised at how easy it is to navigate the holiday parties sub rosa , and how quickly Aunt Yadda got it when I'd say "oh, I don't want to have seconds, so I'll take a little more than you've given me now ", with an unspoken "so I don't have to come back and have another trough-full).

I'd also like to comment that when I travel, I usually treat myself to a bunch of women's magazines for the airplane trips that I don't normally get to read. Financials this year dictated only a few, and I was aghast at the few I did get! There's a big advertising/sales thing going on that helps perpetuate that Diet Mentality that so doesn't work. So in addition to reining in my eating, giving me a path to follow that works and makes sense, allowing me to come to terms with a life-long hassle with food ... No-S is also allowing me to save money by not buying one more magazine that promises life in the thin lane based on some restrictive, unlivable diet! How cool is that!

Love to you all and many many thanks for the support. (Be sure to catch the 2 new Clara videos on the Depression Era Cooking thread).


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Blithe Morning
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Post by Blithe Morning » Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:36 pm

Winnie, what an inspirational post!

One of the reasons I like No S is that I feel it fits in very well with my life philosophy of "enough" be it stuff or food or whatever. There comes a point when I've reached a state where I am satisfied and to go beyond that does not yield much enjoyment. Women's magazines seem designed to push the boundary of where that enough is through their constant harping about clothes or recipes or getting organized or weight loss or what have you. Whatever the topic, it seems women's magazines create a feeling that we, the reader, just aren't quite getting it right.

Other media do this too, even the internet. But for whatever reason, I find magazines to be especially strident. Maybe because they need big advertising revenues to keep them going?
Last edited by Blithe Morning on Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Happy New Year

Post by BrightAngel » Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:16 pm

I also wish everyone an early Happy New Year. Image
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
See: DietHobby. com

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