Hunger Progress Report

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Hunger Progress Report

Post by john » Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:45 am

For the past two weeks,I made suggested changes to help with hunger between meals. I begin my day with just coffee and juice, postponing breakfast until 9 AM at work. This breakfast has been my usual cereal/walnut mix with Soymilk but with the addition of meat and cheese in a sandwich wrap. This gets me to lunch after my walk at 12:30 PM. To my usual lunch of TV dinner(or thick soup + almonds),yogurt and applesauce I have added a banana, simple spinach salad with dressing and sandwich. I eliminated the Fiber One bar. I believe I will back off on that sandwich because of time and becoming overly stuffed. Perhaps you would suggest I eliminate something else instead of the sandwich? Instant coffee at 4 PM definitely helps with that predictable hunger attack.

The good news is that my hunger is much more manageable. The bad news is that I have gained at least 5 lbs based upon nonaveraged
weigh-ins. Before making these changes my weight was 178 thanks to the NoS diet. My weight this AM was 183. I hope it does not continue to rise until I am back at my original weight in the 190's. Is my old "bod" playing tricks on me and returning me to a previous setpoint?

Thanks again for your suggestions and support.

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Post by wosnes » Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:29 pm

In terms of feeling overly stuffed after lunch, I'd either have half a sandwich or just a slice or two of bread instead of a whole sandwich.

In terms of the weight gain, you might look at eliminating the breakfast sandwich wrap. While you might feel a little hungrier before your lunch, it would eliminate calories. You could add another piece of fruit or a hard-boiled egg or both to your breakfast.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by apomerantz » Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:48 pm

John! So nice of you to report back on what you have tried. I'm pretty sure I remember your original post (don't like to eat eggs, right?!)

Good for you for making changes to get the hunger under control. I wouldn't worry too much about 5 lbs because at your size that could really be water retention on a given day. Or your digestive system might be operating slower because (a) no Fiber One bars and (b) banana is kind of binding as is cheese. My bet is on that (slower digestion) . . .if you can up your water consumption a bit I think that would help - - not sure how much you are drinking now . . .

So, I'm thinking stay with this a little longer just as you have been and see if the weight settles down. Maybe weigh daily just for awhile and average out the weights to see if you are really gaining, or if this is just some water retention.

If you are really sure you are gaining weight, then I'd just start moving toward as close to "vanilla no S" as you can without getting STARVED.

Start working on making sure you are within a plate size and adjusting volumes accordingly. I think the best options for elimination are the pre-breakfast juice . . .it's caloric, and I'm thinking that coffee can get you to 9 am pretty easily.

At lunch, I'd vote for keeping the sandwich and ditching the tv dinner (soup is great though). The tv dinners taste very nice, but the volume you get for the calories isn't so hot. Soup is better/more filling and so is the sandwich. I think the sandwich fillings are key to feeling satiated so I wouldn't move to just bread. Spinach salad is awesome. However, the most important thing is to love what you eat so if you really love the hot lunch, then I'd stick with it and just move toward half a sandwich (maybe same amount of filling, but one piece of bread folded over).

There's nothing here that says to me that you are eating a whole lotta calories. Nothing. So I don't see why you'd be gaining weight. I think in the long haul you are going to do great! I really can't imagine you aren't running a calorie deficit so in the long haul you are going to lose weight.

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Hunger Progress Report-reply

Post by john » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:24 am

Great feedback. Actually I do like to eat eggs, unfortunately it's fruit that I don't favor. I never considered the effect of both banana's and cheese, so the digestive slowdown just might explain the extra pounds. I guess it was just my attempt to include one of the few fruits I will eat. Ditto with the fruit juice but I will just drink a smaller glass to start my day.

I will reduce or eliminate the cheese. Also, I think you are correct about soup being more filling than the TV dinners so will move in that direction also.

What the heck is "vanilla no S" ???

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Post by apomerantz » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:26 am

lol, John - - I'm sorry. "Vanilla No S" means following the No S plan exactly as Reinhard has spelled it out in the book without modification.

I can't say I coined the term! I've seen it used a lot on these boards.

BEST WISHES, John. I'm confident things will move in the right direction for you soon :).

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Post by wosnes » Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:15 am

I always thought bananas were binding, too, but it turns out that bananas are actually a pretty good source of soluble fiber: ... sition.asp
That's probably not the most impartial source, but it was the most easily understood of those I read.

John, did you say you have IBS? Soluble fiber is great for that, because it helps relieve both constipation and diarrhea.

Dairy and meat are devoid of fiber, though.

I'm with apomerantz on the benefits of soup -- also salad.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Feb 02, 2009 1:55 pm

Hi John, Just something that might help.
TV dinners and canned soups are often extremely high in sodium..
That alone could be affecting you gaining weight, from water retention.
Good luck.
8) Debs
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