Need help, I'm new on this....

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Need help, I'm new on this....

Post by I_can » Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:42 am

Hi, I'm new on this site. A friend told me about the No S Diet, and it sound intresting to me. All my life I have struggle with my weight, I even have a gastric bypass. it went well lost around 35 kg. and I was doing well until I move to a new country, the diference on the foods and style of life make me gain 15 kg. I have try all here where i now leave and no good results so far.

So my friend told me about this program and well here I'm... I'm very stress of gaining all the weight back, i don't want that, all my life it have been around diets (I'm 33 now) so I need help ASAP!

Can anyone help me? please? need to know results? foods I can eat, like an idea of what's better, i just know I can not gain all the weight back, i need to do something and is so hard... starting to get depress... help?

thank you!

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Post by mjn » Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:39 am

Welcome! First things first and I think that if you read the NoS book, you can buy it online at, that will help you tremendously. This is a very supportive place to get help. The book can help alot to answer your questions. The basic plan is just what it says and that is No snacks, no sweets, no seconds, except on S days. If you can get into the habit of doing that with 3 meals aday and 1 plate at each meal, that is where to start. The habit is the main thing. Fill your plate up and get enough to eat from one meal to the next. The first few weeks, are where you are building the habit. This site has a HabitCal tracker and you might use it. Good luck, it is a great way to live.

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Re: Need help, I'm new on this....

Post by winnie96 » Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:48 pm

I_can wrote:... need to know results? foods I can eat, like an idea of what's better ...
I think MJN has written a great summary of what No-S is about. I agree that you should definitely get the book, and also spend some time just browsing these threads to get an idea of how people handle No-S.

But be careful not to approach No-S like a "diet" ... there is no list of permitted foods, the rules are very simple and straightforward, just as MJN mentioned. Of course, it is wise to eat nutritious healthy food, but in my case, my first order of business was to establish the habit of having 3 meals a day, each on one plate, no snacks, no sweets, and no seconds. Once I had gotten used to that concept, I then started focusing more on what I was eating. Weight loss can be quite slow, but I think that there is a much better chance that it will stay lost because you really do change your whole approach to eating.

I would also say that you may not want to tackle a lot of things at once, but adding exercise has been helpful to me. You can start with just taking a short walk, just to establish the habit. But if you are struggling with the No-S part, then concentrate on that and figure out exercise, etc. later.

Be sure and check in here a lot when you need help. Everyone is very supportive. And the HabitCal is great! (BTW I love your username "I_can" -- you bet you can!)

Best wishes, Winnie

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Post by maslowjenkins » Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:54 pm

You can also read everything that is in the book by clicking on the NO S DIET tab at the top of the page (look up!) under the "Everyday Systems" heading. It's all there, all your questions.

As mentioned, this is not a diet. It's a way of eating and all foods are permitted IN MODERATION and at the appropriate time. Weight loss is quick for some and very, very slow for others. The goal is to lose weight IN MODERATION. It's all about moderation, m'dear.

The most important thing that no s will do for you is fix your relationship with food. It's really liberating and beautiful!

Commit to it 100% for 21 days and your waistline may not change but your attitude will. And your waistline will eventually decrease.

good luck and welcome!

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Post by I_can » Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:10 pm

Thank you all for your comments, I will buy the book for sure!

Your comments make me feel more secure on what I'm doing, and about chosing the NSD.

Thank you for your help! :D

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Post by reinhard » Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:50 pm

Welcome, I_can!

As others here have pointed out, don't worry about lists of specific foods. The reason the word "no" is in the title of the diet is not because I like being all negative and a downer, but because there is so little that is actually forbidden. A "yes" diet describing the same thing would go on forever.

Though I think the book can be very helpful, don't feel you have to delay your efforts till you get your hands on a copy. You can find everything you need now for free on the homepage.

Finally, try to relax. This is going to be a slow process. But it can be a very pleasant process. In fact the key to making No-s work is to enjoy it. If your patient but firm with yourself up from I'm convinced you will.

Best wishes establishing your new, enjoyable habit of eating moderation,


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Post by I_can » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:51 pm

Thank you, I'm not in a hurry, I just wanna be sure i'm doing the right thing, i prefer to do small steps, but sure of getting results, if you know what I mean? I will try my best, i know is not an easy thing, specially when you have to many years overwritting oin our brain chip, eat, eat, eat... but as I believe, I can do it! if you can I can... than you

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