Post Your Proud Moments-I Stayed on Habit and Resisted!

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Post by VintageGeek » Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:24 pm
8-bit is still awesome.

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Post by vmsurbat » Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:27 pm

My every day temptations aren't so dramatic as dealing with chocolate chip cookies and HD ice cream :) BUT, in the interest of being honest (especially helpful for the newbies), my biggest temptations (and therefore, successes) come with everyday meal prep. We live overseas, eat out maybe 3 times a year, get take out perhaps once a month or less. That means I am doing a LOT of cooking, every day.

I've never been a chip-candy snacker, but (after starting NoS) I realized that I tasted and nibbled all through meal prep, and all those little bites of good food added inches to my waist.

I've been successfully NoSing for 8 months and am very satisfied with my progress. But *every single day* I have to resist the temptation (aka habit) of eating the end of the carrot that was too long, the heel of bread that doesn't toast well, or as in today's lunchtime prep, popping a yummy radish in my mouth while preparing the rest for a relish tray.

I laughed to myself when reading the "how many food decisions" do you make a day thread. I think I make tons as I am always having to stop myself from the bad habit of eating that last bite of salad, or whatever.

However, the big difference since beginning NoS is that I have the RIGHT answer to the decision of "Do I eat this last bit of green beans or not?" as I load up the dishwasher. (Ans: NO!) whereas before the decision to the same question was "Of Course! Green beans are HEALTHY for you" or "Sure! It is just a few calories!"

So, there it is: a humble temptation with a humble victory, day after day after day= success.

Vicki in MNE
7! Yrs. with Vanilla NoS, down 55+lb, happily maintaining and still loving it!

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