Trying again...

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Trying again...

Post by Debnightowl » Mon May 04, 2009 4:36 pm

Hi! I tried No S about a year ago and lasted a few weeks before I fell off the wagon and for whatever reason didn't get back on. Right after Christmas last year I went on Weight Watchers and I've lost 30 pounds since then, about half of my goal. BUT I'm starting to get that feeling that I'm just sick of counting points. Obsessing over every crumb of food you put in your mouth totally takes over your life until it's almost all you think about. Who can live like that indefinitely? That and living on 100-calorie packs and diet meals (WW doesn't advocate this but it's how I keep my points down). I realize that if it isn't something I can do forever it WONT work. So, I'm going to make today my first N Day and try to dump the bad habits I have gotten in the last few months (the points obsession and always thinking I need something in my stomach) and keep the good ones (portion control and exercising) and hopefully I'll be able to slowly get down to my goal and pick up habits I can live with the rest of my life. Anyway, sorry so long, but there's my story! I am sure I will be back daily for inspiration! :D

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Post by mimi » Mon May 04, 2009 6:07 pm

Welcome back Deb! I, too, share similar experiences with you! I tried No S two years ago and did VERY well with it for a long time until some family circumstances got in the way of things and then things started to unravel. I tried joining WW last Oct. and lost some weight, but arrived at the very same place where you are now...obsessive and tired of thinking about every little morsel I put into my mouth and feeling like such a "freak" while doing it. After beating myself up for awhile for being a "diet dropout", I had a long talk with myself and rediscovered the No S plan. I decided to come back to what I know works. I'm so glad you did too!
Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
Restarted once again: July 14, 2011
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Mon May 04, 2009 6:17 pm

Welcome (back) to you both. I have only been here a week o so, found this site through CalorieCountPlus (another website I frequent). Had a good review from their nutritionist so I checked it out.

Wow, it as made a difference (not in my weight yet but in my mindset.) I was SO glad that it was Monday and I could get back in control. Of course, I could have stayed the course over the weekend but wanted to see what the Ndays, Sday concept felt like so I would be prepared for picnics, etc. this summer.

Even tho I didn't really overeat on the weekend, it was way more than I needed to eat. Need to eat, what a concept!

So today I am back on track and it feels great. The best part is I haven't even opened the snack cabinet once - even caught myself trying to nibble on some croutons while I was making my chef salad or lunch and stopped. I thought - Hey, they belong on the plate. There they went.

It is great. Hope my enthrusiasm holds, I felt so much better when I went to bed slightly hungry than overly stuffed.


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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon May 04, 2009 10:14 pm

Yeah, I investigated this a bit the other day, seems like a pain to count points all the time ... it's all good if some people are able to do it and be successful though. I just eat normally, I don't count calories, use a kitchen scale to weigh my rice portion or nuthin' ... I just have more control on what I eat and I avoid bad food as much as I can, I have chocolate chip cookies in the pantry that have been in there for 6 months and the package is still not half empty ... I have one or two once in a while but it's quite rare ... I prefer nutritious and filling food anyway, seems to be working out so far.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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Post by arlene55372 » Tue May 05, 2009 1:57 pm

I was sooo tired of journalling or counting points and when I found the No S Diet book, I was thrilled to find something that didn't take rationalizing to do. I've been on No S since last Friday and I am feeling so liberated, I may even throw away my journal books!! I just couldn't keep up with the constant writing down everything I put into my mouth. Of course, if I had just stuck with 3 meals a day, maybe the journalling wouldn't have been such a chore, who knows?

I'm with you, this is much simpler.

5'1" tall, 273 lbs. starting weight.
Goal: 135 lbs.
Date started No S Diet: May 1, 2009

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Post by ~reneew » Tue May 05, 2009 4:36 pm

No S does make you feel liberated! I spent years and years counting everything: calories (every single bite eaten counts), fat grams (I got too good at eating loads with no fat grams), fiber, selections, points etc. I had a real stressful bout of doing Spark people and tracking EVERYTHING and going up and down in weight. I lost over 50 pounds twice and gained it all back plus a lot! While doing no s I'm learning good habits, beating the bad habits and it gets easier the longer I do it! :roll:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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