Was wondering...

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Was wondering...

Post by lilguysmama » Thu May 06, 2010 1:11 pm

I was wondering if anyone knows if pop ice is considered a sweet. Isnt it just juice frozen?


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Post by kccc » Thu May 06, 2010 1:16 pm

Technically, it can be just frozen juice (though some are really sugar-water frozen). But I WOULD count it as a sweet.

In a similar vein, I used to get these yogurt tubes for my son, and freeze them (real yogurt, frozen, as opposed to "frozen yogurt", which is usually a dessert with yogurt in it). Unfrozen, they were fine as part of a meal... but I counted them as a sweet if they were frozen.

I know it sounds irrational, but the point is to build HABIT. So if it FEELS like a sweet to me, I count it as such, whatever the makeup. It's too easy to fall into a slippery-slope of saying "well, THIS doesn't count because... and that doesn't because..." and I'm trying to avoid that.

However, what you perceive as a "sweet" may vary from what I do. This is my judgement call... and you'll have to make your own. :)

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Post by JoanE » Thu May 06, 2010 6:25 pm

I guess KCCC's answer is an example of putting a wall around the law.

I'm just jumping in here without having read all the extended discussions on my third day in.

Some folks would consider fruit juice a sweet, since it's not a whole food - you are just getting the fruit sugar without most of the fiber, skin, etc. But fruit contains so many wonderful nutrients - juice is just one way to get them. So is the no-sweet rule meant to mean no dessert, i.e. no piece of fruit at the end of a meal?
Most yogurt is loaded with sugar, or high-fructose corn syrup, so I don't allow it for myself, yet I drink orange juice. A frozen 100% juice pop at the end of a meal on a hot summer day would be okay in my book. Maybe instead of the glass of wine. But no seconds!

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Post by Clarica » Sat May 08, 2010 4:13 pm

let one melt to room temperature and then taste it, if you want to be sure.

it's good to let your mouth tell you if something is a sweet, but cold can fool your taste buds. Like warm soda tastes so gross (to me at least).

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Post by Doran » Sat May 08, 2010 5:06 pm

If it has added sugar, I'd consider it a sweet. Check the label.

I'd also take into consideration what place the pop ice held in my "meal." It comes down to personal choice and what you determine to be the habits you need to form. Personally, I need to avoid anything that resembles dessert after a meal. If it's not part of my meal, it's either seconds or a snack. I can't quite see adding a frozen pop to my meal, but your mileage may vary.

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