My planned S day treat did not live up to my expectation!

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My planned S day treat did not live up to my expectation!

Post by gettheweightoff » Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:39 pm

So I was planning to eat a chocolate protein bar for my treat as I alwasy thought it tasted like a chocolate bar, but after thinking about it for days and looking forward to it you know what... it just did not live up to my expectations. Not only that but I had already realized that cocoa makes me crave more and makes me feel binge like so I made sure I ate a healthy lunch to ward off any cravings but the point is it just tasted eh.

It's funny because I talked about my planned treat on another post and someone asked me if I really considered this a treat to which I replied most definitely. Ok, they were right to ask me that because it was kinda ick.

Next S day I will plan for something really worth it.

Is this the point of NO S, that you soon realize that certain foods are just not worth it any more?

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Post by Sienna » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:06 pm

One thing I've noticed about NoS is that it's encouraged me to focus on quality over quantity.

I don't eat cheap chocolate anymore (think Hershey's kisses, Reese's peanut butter cups, and basically anything found on the impulse shelf of the supermarket checkout line). It's just not worth it.

If I'm going to have chocolate (which I love) I'm going to make it really Worth it. A small quality of something good. And as a bonus, because it is more expensive, I'm less likely to binge - because I want to savor and make it last. So even if I buy more than one piece at a time, it's not hard to limit myself.
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Post by NoelFigart » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:09 pm

Not exactly. The point of No-S is to allow for treats at confined intervals (if you want them).

But yes, yes, yes, plan for a GOOD treat. A REAL chocolate bar, or a scoop of gourmet ice cream, or a homemade brownie, or a cinnamon roll, or whatever is just DELICIOUS to you.
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Post by gettheweightoff » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:23 pm

OMG I love what you ladies suggested, makes so much sense and makes the s for splurge more decadent, more special!

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Post by gettheweightoff » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:24 pm

OMG I love what you ladies suggested, makes so much sense and makes the s for splurge more decadent, more special!

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Post by wosnes » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:47 pm

I asked. Many of us have found that treats really need to be treats. I either bake something and plan for it to be a treat or go to a good bakery (usually not the one at the grocery) and pick a treat. But the bottom line is -- really treat worthy.

I've never heard of chocolate causing cravings. I wonder if it's all chocolate -- or lower quality chocolate. While I like chocolate, it's not often one of the things I want for a treat.

But then there's cookies. I love cookies. Store bought cookies usually leave me wanting more. Homemade cookies or those from a quality bakery don't have the same effect.
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Post by Blithe Morning » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:26 pm

I use protein bars with a piece of fruit as a breakfast when I am
  • going to be traveling and know breakfast won't be available to me and
  • when I am in the field (literally) for work. These trips are overnight and self contained; we have to be light and mobile.
The other 350 or so days a year, I don't eat them.

I believe the food industry takes food that has a legitimate and specific purpose, e.g. protein bars, artificial sweetners, Ensure drinks, and tries to get the rest of us to consume them as part of our regular diets by touting mumbojumbo health benefits. Never mind that we can get the same health benefit from existing food that tastes better and - gasp - is cheaper.

And in the case of a chocolate protein bar, hey, you can have your treat... AND IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!

Which is sorta antithetical to the whole No S philosophy. Treats are treats. They aren't meant to be healthy because you don't have them all the time.

I'm glad I can whip out my Oatmeal Raisin Cliff bar when I have to be on the road by 5:30AM, but it's not a treat for me.

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