The Power of Sustainable Habit

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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The Power of Sustainable Habit

Post by vmsurbat » Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:54 pm

I just had to share how powerful sustainable habits can be. I've been NoSing for 2 1/2 years now--down forty pounds.

We live and minister overseas. We just spent 3 months stateside on furlough (ie. working vacation), visiting with family (3 weeks), friends (2 months), celebrating holidays (3), birthdays (4), and our anniversary. We visited with friends 2 or 3 times a week, usually over a meal (including desserts). I have to admit that before we went I was concerned about gaining weight. More than once the clothes I bought at the beginning of a furlough didn't fit by the end.

So, here's how it went: I enjoyed every occasion, treated myself to chips and salsa nearly every day we were there (coming from Southern California, chips and salsa are amongst my favorite foods and not readily available where we live!), and most importantly, kept to habits of moderation: No seconds, no snacks, and only the occasional sweet (usually a 1/2 serving when we were visiting others regardless of the day of the week). Those daily chips and salsa always went on my plate as part of a meal--after all these months of NoS, snacking just wouldn't be right--it ruins one's appetite!

And, the good news is that I did not gain a single pound! Not one. :D . Previous furloughs (all prior to NoS) left me a good 10 pounds heavier because of the multitude of "special" days. Now, with two years of NoS behind me, I was rarely tempted to not follow NoS principles because eating more than one plate of good food makes me feel yucky and overfull. I found it *easy* to ask for 1/2 servings of dessert--just enough to taste and appreciate the goodies (and the work that went into them on our behalf)--because any more than that would have been "too much"--too much food and too much sweetness.

And interestingly enough, now that we are back, several people have asked me if I've lost weight. I haven't (nor inches either, but I'm thrilled to have maintained under what might be considered trying circumstances). My guess is that since I saw my neighbors and friends here day in and day out while losing those 40 pounds on NoS over the course of many months, they never noticed the gradual loss. And now, having been gone for 3 months, they were able to see me with new eyes and see the changes NoS wrought for me over time right under their noses.

My point: NoS habits are POWERFUL. They DO become second nature. They work FOR YOU in all kinds of circumstances. Food is no longer my enemy, but something to be thankfully enjoyed and shared wherever I find myself.
Vicki in MNE
7! Yrs. with Vanilla NoS, down 55+lb, happily maintaining and still loving it!

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Post by kccc » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:14 pm

Wow, Vickie, what a great testamonial! Thanks for sharing.

You are so right about the incredible power of habit once it's harnessed in your favor. Also about the changed relationship with food. One of the reasons I love No-S so much is that I feel that even though I EAT less, I ENJOY food so much more!

Whidbey Woman
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Post by Whidbey Woman » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:13 am

Thank you so much for sharing your success story! I just started No-S on January 1st and I'm still dealing with the fear factor - this just seems too good to be true! Just today I was wishing someone with a year or two under her (or his!) belt (pun intended!) would post a perspective that included actual weight lost.

I've followed the plan with only a minor slip-up on one or two occassions for the past 5+ weeks and haven't lost any weight. In fact, I've decided to stop weighing myself because it's been so discouraging. I know, however, that if I'm not losing weight, there must not be a deficit between calories in and calories burned. Right now, though, I'm just trying to get the good (No-S) habits down and all the bad diet self-talk out of my head.

On another note, I am a pastor's wife and understand the joys and challenges of a life of recieving the gifts of food and hospitality from chruch members on a regular basis. One of the best things about No-S is that I can go to church pot lucks (one coming up Sunday night), have a cookie at coffee time after services on Sunday, or delight in a meal prepared by a member and not feel like I'm "cheating" or that I must figure out exactlay how many calories I've eaten, etc.

Again, thanks for the encouragement of your words, and blessings on you in your ministry!

mom of 6
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Post by mom of 6 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:41 pm

I am a pastor's wife as well. I have been on the no-s diet since September and I have lost 20 pounds. It really does work. At first I just focused on the habit and drinking water. Keep up the good work on your habits.

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