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Anyone else worry about this?

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:12 pm
by alice2002
I've been doing No S since the beginning of the year. I had a solid 7 week stretch where I didn't mess up at all in early spring (prior to that, I had a couple weeks all green..but not in a row). I've since gotten off track, (I had a miscarriage, and let my eating relax while I dealt with that) and it's probably been at least 6-8 weeks before doing even 2 green days in a row. I hadn't given up, but almost daily I would mess up by lunch or dinner time. Sometimes with small things, and other days I really messed up each meal.

I had worried about this happening back when I was doing well. I worried that once I mess up it would be difficult to get back on track..which has proven true. I'm currently on my 3rd green day in a row (yay), and finally feel like my head is fully back into it.

Has anyone else dealt with this? I don't expect to get to a place where I'm absolutely perfect forever, but I don't want to have in the back of my mind the fear that if I mess up, it will take me weeks and weeks to get things under control again. Would love to hear some encouragment! Thanks!

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:36 am
by oolala53
I've been at this four years. I had a perfect first three months. Then a lot of wobbling for months. Then got back on. Was mostly compliant up until the last several months, meaning I had little fails along the way without being completely derailed for weeks and weeks. It's been wobbly again, but I'm mostly keeping off the loss of 20% of my weight.

However, it may take some doing to commit to the idea that stressful events are not a good reason deviate from No S. I"ve done it through tough times and fallen off during tough times. The tough time may be a catalyst, but soon it's just the habit taking over again. Sticking to No S is definitely better support for stressful times than not using it. Cling to that concept! Slim people are not less stressed than others. They just do other things besides eat to handle it. Those other things may not be any better! Just different. You can learn to do different things, too.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 4:04 am
by ironchef
hey alice, I'm really sorry you've been through such a hard time.

I've been doing this for 2 years. I had a long stretch off the wagon (3 months ish) over 2013/14 Christmas and New Year, mostly due to a bunch of positive stressors (go figure!). And then I got back on board. Then I fell off again in April and got it back together within weeks, rather than months. My theory is that as time on habit increases, the time I spend floundering before getting back in the saddle will go down.

3 months off the wagon felt like a long time when I was in the middle of it, but I remind myself that I expect to eat this way for the rest of my life (hopefully 40 or even 50 more years), which helps me put things into perspective.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:35 am
by eschano
Hi Alice,

So sorry that you're having such a tough time. All the best wishes!

I've had weeks and weeks on end where most of them were red. I never framed it in my mind as a failure or falling off the wagon. I just focused on the next meal and on making it through the period in between and every little success counted! So if you make it through a period you would have pre-NoS permasnacked than that's an improvement!

I only said I'm back on the wagon once I was green again, haha, then I would frame it like that. But in the meantime, it's not "success" or "failure", it's meal to meal and little periods at a time.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:15 pm
by finallyfull
Definitely happens to me -- I've been on and fallen "off" for years but always get back on. I try to focus less on "failing" than on trying different things the next time.

The key for me is either finding out why I want to eat between meals (am I bored? Avoiding unpleasant chores? Need a good cry? My list is endless) and I go about doing whatever else I might do.

I gave myself a break from worrying for a couple months after my dad died, but I think I still mostly ate three meals. I gained a few pounds. Then, when I was ready, began paying more attention to getting on habit.

It takes time, but it's very good use of my time. Much better use of my time than mindless eating. Every learning step of the way has been good.

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:28 pm
by Dhack
I've had a very tough time myself lately, too. :( This week I've been getting into learning about the mind/body connection. I think worrying about failing leads to failing. It definitely does so on my part. I'm trying to love myself unconditionally, regardless of the way my clothes fit, and forgive myself for red days.

Moving forward, I hope the good feelings I have about myself can lead to good treatment of myself. I don't want to talk myself into failing anymore... "See look at you, all these red days, tsk,tsk. Just give it up and eat everything in sight!" That sounds crazy and typing it out feels VERY uncomfortable to me but it's really true.

One more thing, and I'm not judging because I have done it countless times, why do we stuff our bodies when we are feeling bad?? When our body (and emotions) would deal better with quality food, and less of it? Like I said, I have a habit of doing this. I want to quit that one, too! :D

Hope things get better and easier for you!

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 7:23 pm
by Mustloseweight
I am going through a period of non-compliance right now. However, I have decided to go easier on myself. Added far superior shampoo and conditioner than I would normally buy, hair serum and new hairspray plus a posh shower gel/foam to this weeks shopping to start enjoying the small and simple pleasure of a luxurious shower each morning rather than a basic washing experience, so I start the day right and get enjoyment from non food sources. Plus it helps me feel better about my body during the weightless journey whilst still bigger.

I am struggling though and know exactly what you mean. The only good thing about this struggle right now is that I am not exploring alternative diets because I know they would be a waste of time!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:55 am
by MamieTamar
Thank you ever so much everyone for these so encouraging "red periods" (rather than days) testimonies. I thought I was the only one around unable to stick to even three measly rules for even a short period of time, but now I see that the road to success is nothing but a succession of less and less failures...

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:40 am
by Skelton
I've wobbled a lot since starting No S. I don't think the wobbling is over yet.
I just keep getting back on the horse. I'd love to be 100% compliant but I don't think that I ever will be. The sanity of eating the No S way is what keeps me coming back. It's simple, not necessarily easy.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:12 pm
by oolala53
Mamie, that is exactly it! The gaps between the failures get longer, and the failures themselves become less severe. That's weaning yourself off extra food and it's the most we can hope for. You can't wish your way to being satisfied with less food, although different motivations at different times can affect that. Keep working on increasing how much you value moderation, on how fed up you are with overeating, and on decreasing how bothersome you see eating less to be while you do as well as you can sticking to the meal structure. Change the times you eat, if you can and you think that will help. And practice ignoring the voices and urges that tell you to eat when it's not mealtime. You won't do any real damage waiting to eat! And you don't have to rush eating, no matter how hungry you are. Take your time and enjoy your food. You waited for it. You deserve to enjoy every bite on your plate.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:39 pm
by Marianna
There is a great metaphor that I recently read in a novel: "The only way to learn a particular pool shot is to make all the wrong shots first." I really feel as if this applies to me perfectly!

My mistakes, errors, failures, etc. have all taught me such valuable lessons if I pay attention, and I do. Of course, I will always have failures--it is really dangerous to let perfection be the enemy of the good, but I let my failures inform my habits. It is all a practice

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:48 pm
by noni
The "red" periods of wobbling get shorter as you become wiser at knowing yourself. My first wobbling period lasted two years. This time is was last Thanksgiving through last month. See? Shorter and shorter :?