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Weigh-in Frequency?

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:29 am
by operababe
I know Weight Watchers is weekly, some people say it should be daily (which I think would drive me bonkers). And then there's the school of thought that says don't watch the scale, judge your weight loss when you go down in clothing sizes. Or I've thought about a monthly weigh-in, right after my TOM is over. Sorry to the guys out there, but for us gals we can put on a few lbs just before our periods. :o

Is there a recommended frequency for weigh-ins with the No S Diet?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:31 am
by gratefuldeb67
I personally think that once a month is great...
Just find what works for you...
I don't think daily would be very encouraging at all...

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 2:40 am
by operababe
Thanks Deb, I'll start with once per month, around day 5 of my cycle, and see how that goes. It should be interesting, because I know the most dangerous time for me to go overboard with snacking is that horrible PMS time just a few days before my period. (Sorry again, guys! :!: )

I think if I know I'm stepping on that scale in the near future, I may not be so willing to let loose like I have in the past.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 4:15 am
by gratefuldeb67
Good luck...
Just experiment and see what works for you..
If that really deters you from going wild, then good..
On the other hand, I would think that you might want to weigh yourself a good week after your cycle's over, so you can get more of an accurate read..
My weight can fluctuate 3 lbs or sometimes a bit more before and during my period.

Bottom line.. Just try your best and maybe only weigh when you feel you have either 1. Had a really good run of successful days/weeks, or 2. when you feel you may be slipping just to "keep it real", and then get back on track..
Other than that, I say don't focus on it that often...

Have a nice rest of the weekend :)
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:03 am
by navin
I agree with what Deb says, to experiment and find what's best for you, and not to try and weight in every day.

I typically weigh in about once a week, and make sure and do it on the same day and time (Friday, before dinner).

For you - it really depends on what motivates you. Would you get frustrated if you stepped on the scale and saw that you gained? If that's true, then weigh less often, like once a month or less. Since No-S works slowly over time, you're more likely to see losses over longer periods of time while shorter periods may not show a loss or may fluctuate.

On the other hand, once a week may be good to keep yourself on track - it's easier to figure out "oh, this week I had doughnuts for breakfast, and snacked on that leftover Chinese last night, and look, I gained because of it". So it really depends on what motivates you.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:56 pm
by operababe
Thanks Navin, it's good to know that there's no definite "must" when it comes to weigh-in frequency. If I'm still not losing, or gaining with the monthly weigh-ins, then I agree with you, the weekly check will help keep me in check too!


Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:28 am
by mstevens
I do it all the time - I know the little variations are meaningless because things are so all over the place :D

Been stuck on about 93kg for ages, starting to annoy me.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:15 am
by pangelsue
I weigh in every day and jot down in a note book. On Saturday morning *just before S days*, I divide by 7. It's good for me to see what made me go up and down (like salt) and it gives me an overview of my progress. Like if I was down on Wednesday but up on Friday, my average is still down. For me that works but as everyone said here, it should be what works best for you. Good luck.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:25 am
by Daisy
I've decided that I am going to weigh in every 21 days, although I might probably sneak a quick look on the scales once a week, just to make sure that they are going in the right direction.