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Surprise! I'm not an animal!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:30 pm
by Penelope
Hi, I don't usually post here, but I've been plugging away at NoS habits for a little while now and things are starting to click and settle in.

I wanted to point out that for years, I've been told (by all those "experts" out there) that if I let myself get too hungry I'll be irrational and unable to make good choices or control myself when confronted with food again. And I think I acted this way, because that's what I had absorbed and believed about myself. If I got hungry, I over ate a lot of junk, because that's what I was told I would do. The state of experiencing physical hunger would, of course, suddenly morph me into a ravenous animal no longer able to think rationally or make a "healthy" choice.

No wonder I feared hunger! God forbid my body signals should ever take me to that horrible state where my rational mind shut down and my animal body took over.

Three meals a day is exposing how laughable that mind set is! I get good and hungry, and guess what? I'm still making good, perfectly reasonable food choices at every meal! I don't attack the fridge like a werewolf at full moon, or raze the pantry cupboards like a food vacuum when meal time rolls around and I'm hungry. In fact, I think I'm making better choices because I AM hungry.

Where did this myth about losing control of myself if I don't eat every few hours come from? Why I did I ever let myself, or anyone else make me believe that I didn't have the ability to choose for myself when, or how much I should eat?

Just thought I'd share this. NoS principles are helping me trust myself again - both my natural appetite and my rational mind. It's been very empowering to realize that I have absolute complete choice over when and what I eat, no matter what anyone else has to say on the matter.

Re: Surprise! I'm not an animal!

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:56 am
by chomp0
Penelope wrote: In fact, I think I'm making better choices because I AM hungry.

Same here. Whenever I used to feel peckish I'd just grab something unhealthy to munch on. Now I'll often feel very hungry before dinner time but I don't even think about snacking, only a nice hot meal will satisfy me.

It is crazy how some people see hunger as such a terrible thing. Like I'll admit I'm a bit hungry and they'll immediately think I'm starving myself and try and get me to snack on fruit or something. No thanks, I'm not going to die if I go a few hours without food. Seriously. :roll:

Anyway, I'm glad things are going well for you and you havn't transformed into a ravenous beast...
Yet. It could still happen. :twisted:

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:24 am
by r.jean
Good points! I do have a problem with overeating if I let myself get too hungry, but with No S, I have adjusted to appreciating normal hunger. Food tastes so much better if I am at least a little hungry.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 12:52 am
by Blithe Morning
That you'll overeat if you get too hungry comes from dieting. You come to a meal hungry and you don't eat enough because you are dieting. You can only do that so long until you snap.

However, if you come to a meal hungry and eat enough to nourish you physically and emotionally, you "forget" the hunger.