daily todo's

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daily todo's

Post by abelincoln » Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:27 pm

On reinhards forum it mentions that 7 items for a day on your chain of command card is a sweet spot for number of items in a day. I don't put everything on my cards so maybe I don't have as much to go off of but I do put the important things and I usually have a couple important things per day now you could argue that I am not doing well according to reinhard's rules but I find that if I get something done everyday then that's better than not getting things done every day. Sort of a slow and steady wins the race philosophy.

I know this could be considered lazy but I like to put hyper focus on getting what I set out to do done rather than set out to do a lot of things and not get it done especially when there are difficult things

Does anyone feel the same way I think I just have anxiety about the difficulty of the chores that I face

Then again I see people who have got it together and do things all day long everyday

Any recommendations or words of wisdom or motivations?

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Post by aspencer27 » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:51 pm

That sounds pretty consistent with a lot of advice I generally see. I know there is one system (not sure which one) where you identify your MITs (most important tasks), which is usually 2 to 3 at most. And you focus on getting those things done.

I know for things that I really don't want to get done, like de-cluttering, it is definitely better for me to give myself permission to do something, anything, no matter how small, than doing nothing at all. I also find that if I miss a day, I still just make myself do one small thing the next day instead of trying to make up for the prior day. I am using habitcal for tracking - I can't make up for a fail, it's already marked. Sometimes I will get on a roll and do more than I was planning on, other times, doing that one small thing takes everything I've got, and it's a success if I do that small thing. We've got a decluttering thread going in the "Everyday Systems General Discussion" section where you can see how I'm doing on it.

The other common advice I see is to eat the frog first, which basically means do your least favorite task first, then the rest of the day will be easier.

For me, looking at small next tasks is usually easier when I really don't want to do a project. The big projects can be overwhelming, so if I just do what needs to get done next, then I get more done than if I were to get paralyzed by focusing on the overall project.

I doubt you're lazy, I think most people get stuck if they don't know what that small next step is, and I think you're tactic of focusing on your few important tasks works well. I bet you're actually accomplishing much more than those few tasks, too. Good luck figuring it out, and let me know what you come up with that works for you - it's always great to hear what works and what doesn't for everyone.

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Post by abelincoln » Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:05 pm

well i don't know about the lazy part, but i know that i get done more after having done reinhards systems than i did before and i think the main reason for that is i actually commit to my todos. i used to have a todo list where it was a list nothing more. anyway great advice. i never heard of the MIT thing but it fits.

i have been trying a few things where i do more work in the morning than i used to and i have a routine which helps me. then later on i get more things out of the way. i like to have everything done before it gets too late. i would say that any given day at one point or another i will be a sloth for no particular reason. anyway thanks for your great advice you are right sometimes i get more done sometimes i get less done.

is it a coincidence that i posted this on a Monday....? not sure.

I'm heading over to the everyday systems threads. didn't for some reason know that there were other discussions. i use mainly mobile. I guess there's more to see on the computer... or i just need to look deeper on my mobile.

thanks again

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Post by clarinetgal » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:28 am

No, I think that system sounds great! I tend to be a naturally disorganized person, so I try to have a few goals to complete each day, so that I feel accomplished. I also understand about wanting to get things done earlier in the day. I'm a SAHM, and when my boys go to bed, I want to devote as much time as I can in the evening to relaxing.

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Post by abelincoln » Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:58 am

Thanks clarinetgal.. i am sort of a SAHD working from home.. its not easy raising little ones as it seems.

i have to find a good balance. : )
Last edited by abelincoln on Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eschano » Tue Sep 16, 2014 10:06 am

Oh, I think it has nothing to do with laziness and I know lots of people who stick to 3 tasks a day and they can be small or big.

Personally, I am more disorganised and don't currently use those systems. I just put stuff in my calendar and try to get it done, old school.
eschano - Vanilla rocks!

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Post by noni » Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:12 pm

My school age child had a printout telling the students that when they were loaded down with homework, they should do the middle-of-the-road type of tasks first, then tackle the harder tasks next, then the easiest last.

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