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Not doing all 3 S's at once?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:54 pm
by alice2002
I've been working on No S since January, and besides one 7 week stint I've not had many good weeks. I've decided to focus on 2 of the S's at this point. No snacking and no seconds. I allow myself a sweet at the end of the day. Since I've been doing this for this many months without a lot of success, I figure I have nothing to lose by giving this a try.

My thought is after I really get those two S's down, I want to add back in the 3rd S.

Has anyone else been successful with something like this? I know this isn't the best way to do it, but I feel I need to try something new!
Would appreciate some encouragement!

Re: Not doing all 3 S's at once?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:46 pm
by Amy C.
alice2002 wrote:I've been working on No S since January, and besides one 7 week stint I've not had many good weeks. I've decided to focus on 2 of the S's at this point. No snacking and no seconds. I allow myself a sweet at the end of the day. Since I've been doing this for this many months without a lot of success, I figure I have nothing to lose by giving this a try.

My thought is after I really get those two S's down, I want to add back in the 3rd S.

Has anyone else been successful with something like this? I know this isn't the best way to do it, but I feel I need to try something new!
Would appreciate some encouragement!
That sounds like a plan to me! You need some sort of trick to convince yourself to eat less. Starting with no seconds and no snacks is OK in my book. You gave the vanilla plan a try, and found it didn't quite work for you.

I say go for it!

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:29 pm
by aspencer27
There is a topic on NoS mods, and I think this one seems like a pretty common modification. You have to figure out what works for you - everyone is going to be different. Some people do great with having a small sweet each day.

For me, focusing on getting through the breaks between meals (I only have to worry about one break at a time) to build up my successes and not being hard on myself when I do slip up and fail has really helped. I'm definitely not perfect by any means, and I may fail more often than if I was being really strict on myself, but I feel so much better overall, and I am happier with my body image.

I'm looking forward to hearing about how this works for you, but I'm sure you'll do great! Good luck!

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:47 pm
by oolala53
Somewhere it was proposed that people even consider deleting one S at a time and work up to three.

If you can live with a small sweet each day, go for it.

I worked my way off drinking coffee all morning by eliminating it one day the first week, two days the second, etc. Now I have it on N days only at breakfast and/or at the end of the other meals.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:50 pm
by Amy C.
oolala53 wrote:I worked my way off drinking coffee . . .
Oh, you are brave. I don't even want to stop drinking coffee! I love it. 3 cups a day of caffeinated coffee and two of decaf. This is how I get my calcium.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:20 am
by oolala53
Oh, I didn't stop drinking it. Just between meals. I drink it with the works and I was using it as a crutch.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 3:08 am
by Amy C.
oolala53 wrote:Oh, I didn't stop drinking it. Just between meals. I drink it with the works and I was using it as a crutch.
Wow, do you drink only water in-between meals? Coffee really helps to calm the hunger I have, but tea does the trick as well. I like a little hunger, but not for hours and hours.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:20 am
by eschano
Hiya, this guy started with one S at a time (Reinhard links to it on his No S Diet website):

I hope that helps!

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:24 am
by oolala53
Amy, I used coffee-mocha, really- between meals for over 4 years on No S. I was drinking it with milk and sweetener even when I wasn't hungry. I've lost a fair amount of my hunger, and unfortunately, a lot of pleasure I used to get so much satisfaction from. I'm trying to get that back.

But I don't mean to hijack the thread. It's related because I couldn't face giving it up cold turkey. It took several weeks to faze out.

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:24 am
by alice2002
Thanks for the responses! I tried it last week, but it was a total fail! lol

I think in the back of my mind I totally felt like I was "cheating", and then it just all derailed from there. I'm going back to almost vanilla. :) I start my weekend on Friday night since it's date night with my husband.

But I'm going to work on getting better meals...more variety and planning it better. Making sandwiches I love, and getting good chips. Not worrying AT ALL about the health of my meals. That will come later.

I decided to let myself have a more sweet type breakfast on Wednesday (half way through the week) like muffins or something like that. Hoping that will be enough to get me back on track!

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:04 am
by oolala53
I didn't want to say, but I've seen very few-yes, a few, but ONLY a few- make eating a small amount of sweet daily work. Once that neural circuit has been laid down, it's very hard to reverse with frequent exposure. Not impossible; just much harder to do with little justification for the tactic.