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Lost the plot so much that even GPS won't help me!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:04 pm
by Mustloseweight
Oh golly gosh.

I am so bad at sticking to anything at the moment. Trying to think what had me on track before that I am not doing now and the answer is muesli for breakfast or a massive bowl of plain porridge. Cheese sandwich for lunch and any dinner.

On a positive and exciting note though, I ordered an American DVD from someone we have never heard of here in the UK, Leslie Sansone? Anyway I read loads of people raving that her "walk at home" dvd was brilliant for the terribly overweight and unfit type (like me!). People said these walking workouts done at home were the starting point to building a daily exercise habit. Was a nightmare finding a dvd from the U.S. that will play here as I don't have a clue about Regions etc., but got it sorted and waiting for the postman to deliver.

Anyway, must get back on track. Feel like I am such an eating disaster right now.

Anne :D

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:05 pm
by oolala53
I gently suggest that you try to let go of thinking of yourself as an eating disaster, unless you can truly think of it in an amusing, lighthearted way. The research is clear: rational compassion is more effective. :)

Leslie Sansone is a lot of fun! Don't be intimidated if you can't keep up or do all the moves. They are relatively simple, but I have rhythm challenged friends who say almost anything but walking back and forth can be hard. You just have to keep moving! Do the DVD over and over, walking in place or back and forth, if you have to. An amazing number of people go from just that to some impressive exercise in a year. Never underestimate the power of small beginnings!

Perhaps consider a bit bigger breakfasts and lunches, along with a regular dinner for awhile? Then taper down.

Slim cultures do tend to have only one main meal of the day- the other two can be quite small- but you don't have to start that way. Just keep reminding yourself in between that you ate awhile ago and you will again. You can do it!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 10:42 pm
by Mustloseweight
Oolala, you are such a star of this site. You always say exactly what I need to hear! Thanks for this :)

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:19 am
by feedthehunger
Sometimes instead of thinking what I can't do, I try to think of what I can do. So, for example, can you commit to No S between breakfast and lunch? I had a friend who was very successful beginning that way. After a month, she went No S until dinner and eventually was able to do the whole thing.

If you cannot do a whole DVD, just commit to 10 minutes a day.

Oolala is right that those small beginnings can lead to big success.

I hope to be living proof of that myself one day!


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 1:10 pm
by r.jean
Before No S and before losing any weight, I started to focus on getting more exercise about 10 years ago. Leslie Sansone was part of that beginning. I knew several of her DVDs by heart. Her workouts were great, and I used her DVDs for years. I also starting walking 5K races before I gradually increased to running and longer distances.

I now run 15-20 miles a week and do weights at the gym 3-4 times a week and seek out other ways to be active.

That said, if you do nothing else other than start small and slowly increase your time with Leslie, you will see a great improvement. (I started with her one mile/15 minute workout). It took me years of Leslie and other walking before I progressed to where I am now.

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:32 pm
by Strawberry Roan
Must agree that Leslie Sansone DVDs are fun to do and a real workout.

And that oolala is an invaluable asset to this board.

Stay the course, mustloseweight. You can't go wrong when you do right.