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A strategy if you really must snack

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:59 am
by bonnieUK
Hi all,

Just thought I'd share something that's been working for me over the last several months.

I'm currently 38 weeks pregnant (2 weeks to go!), the one S that has been difficult for me during pregnancy has been the no snack rule.

My most snack prone times are mornings, I think purely because I often feel too groggy/nauseous to eat a full meal but seem to get hungry and lacking in energy at hourly intervals.

So I've been trying to have a "virtual breakfast plate" in mind which I eat throughout the morning as I can manage it. So for example, a typical "breakfast in installments" for me is:

7.30 - make a green smoothie (one of my fave things right now). Drink half, leave other half for later. I checked via an online calculator and smoothies I make are typically 350 calories and fill 2 cups.

8.30 - tea and 1-2 slices of toast with butter (I buy Nimble bread for the tiny slices which aren't too filling).

10.00 - drink other half of green smoothie.

12.00 - Handful of almonds and a few dates.

Once I've had lunch I seem ok for the rest of the day and no longer have the "perma snack" urge!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:11 pm
by MerryKat
Congratulations on the imminent arrival of your little treasure!!

Sounds to me like you have achieved a good mod to No S which keeps you compliant and accountable!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 6:11 pm
by Thalia
Congratulations! And I think pregnancy-related nausea, hunger, and so forth should definitely fall under the same "take care of yourself" provision that sick days do. Anything that keeps you feeling good and nourished us what you need to do.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:31 am
by ironchef
Wow, how exciting Bonnie! First trimester for me was all bets off, just eat what I can keep down when I can keep it down. Now I'm back to normal No S, as I'm one of the lucky ones who feels better in the 2nd tri.

Now I will pass on to you the best piece of advice I got before having my first child: If something seems really hard and you don't know how you'll get through it, don't worry, it will change. If something is totally awesome and everything is bliss, enjoy it, it will change!