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Question for 3-0-7 girl

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:59 pm
by Sinnie
I posted this publicly in case anyone else could benefit from the answer.

3-0-7 girl, I am not sure whether you ever check in here anymore, but I LOVED your mod and followed it myself for awhile, and I am sure other people have as well. That is, 3 meals a day, every day, and little bites of dessert with meals.

I am loosely trying to follow this again, but had some nagging issues and wondered what someone who religiously follows this pattern might say about it.

How do you handle it when you are at a dinner party or such, and dessert is served well past dinner? Would you skip it or have your bites at that point? Or what if you skipped dessert at dinner, but went out for coffee later with a friend - would you have anything dessert-wise?

These questions may seem petty but the small psychological nuances can set me up for a binge. Vanilla No S does not and has never worked for me. Strict elimination for 5 days makes me want to binge badly. But I am wondering how you, or anyone else who does this, might handle such situations.

Thanks in advance to any and all replies!

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:11 pm
by Marianna
I do the same--I have bites of sweets with both my lunch and dinner--but here is my mod: I make delicious sugar free sweets in single servings and they serve to mark an end to my eating for that meal. On my (single) S day, which goes from Thursday night til Friday at noon, I might have a sugar sweetened dessert or muffin, but that is it for sugar for me. I also find that the sugar free sweets I make don't trigger cravings for me, which is bonus.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:40 pm
by Elizabeth 7
How funny-- I just came up with the following "inspired by no s" plan, which may or may not address these issues for you.

My plan is the following: 3 "s's" per week. "S's" for me, which address my particular weaknesses, are defied as the following: snacks, sweets, and fast food. (I don't have a problem with seconds.)

"Sweets" is defined as the following: "dessert" that is OVER 50-100 calories.

That means "little bites of dessert" are ok-- a fun-size candy bar, or a few skittles, or half of a can of real Coke, or a single Lindt truffle, etc. after meals are OK. But NOT a piece of pie, a cupcake, a whole candy bar, a large cookie, a huge brownie... other than, say a bite or two. These bigger treats have to count as one of the three S's per week.

This way, I have some structure with flexibility, and I don't go off the rails every time I have a dessert (ie, Gosh, I only get dessert three times a week, I need to eat an entire, giant slice of cheesecake!! I don't even really LIKE cheesecake!).

This way i can satisfy my craving at meals while still practicing restraint.

No S as it is is too litigious for my personality where eating is concerned (ie. sets me up for an inevitable binge and, eek, failure! Not failure!) so I think that this version will work better for my personality.

Verdict's out on the results, though... maybe in a few weeks :)

Good luck with finding the mod that works best for you!

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:38 pm
by Sinnie
I just love hearing all these great ideas and it's really interesting to me to see different people's ways of making No S their own, and working for them. So cool!
Marianna - would you mind sharing some of those delicious sugar free sweets? :D
Elizabeth - I like your plan a lot - structure with flexibility. Sounds great. Let us know how it goes over the next little while.

Thanks so much for sharing.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:52 am
by Lyra
I've been following No-S on and off for a year (success when on and gaining when off, geesh!). One mod that helps me get through the successful periods is that after lunch I can have one square of 85% chocolate and after dinner, if I have a sweet tooth, I one or two pieces of dried fruit. For me, these little indulgences signal the end of the meal. And I find, also, that it helps me not obsess about being on a "diet."