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brain "training" for willpower et al

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:19 pm
by oolala53
I stumbled on a free video series on the brain, habits, healing, etc. I missed the first two weeks but signed up anyway. (I also took only the free version, and will miss the end of every video, as I already have another online commitment the same days. I'm also lucky enough right now to have free time in the afternoon.)

Here's a blurb from this week's webinar. One of the presenters is Kelly McGonigal of The Willpower Instinct fame, though on one of the pages, it shows her picture but the caption says Rick Hanson!

Why Promising Rewards Can Be Disastrous for Willpower
Why Willpower Isn't a Virtue
Where Willpower Lives in the Brain
Why the Brain Doesn't Always Act in Our Best Interest
How to Reframe Willpower for Your Clients
A Powerful 5-Minute Willpower Workout
How Meditation Strengthens Willpower
Is Exercise a "Miracle Willpower Cure"?
What We Learned from Kids Eating Marshmallows

Here is a link to the whole series ... ost4.16.15