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The Nutty Professor

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:49 am
by Over43
I hope Disney will forgive me.

I have been taking college units to renew a certificate. The class two weeks ago was on diet and education. "Cutting Edge" info.

The "doctor" presenting the information is a ciro/naturopath. Which in and of itself is just fine, but, you cannot teach bad science to a group of teachers, well because some teachers will run with it.

I will stick mostly with diet:

No one sould drink dairy
No sugar
Eat fish
Do not eat beef do not eat chicken, she did not mention pork
Eat brown rice
Do not eat fruit, fruit has sugar
Cutting dairy and sugar relieves autism.
Dairy causes putrification in the body.
Gluten causes neuro inflammation, along with dairy ( That boy's brain is on fire.)

Then I began read No S again.

Half the world supplements their diets with white rice. In fact Asian food traditions revolve around white rice, they are thin people.

Calories do count
You are responsible for your weight
Three plates of food a day does appear to be optimal, and there does not seem to be a need for superfoods.

I could go on, but after sixteen hours I felt like I had a barrow full of manure dumped on me. And also, remember, you need to number two, three times a day, and those poops should be logs.

I may add more when I think about it.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:15 pm
by lpearlmom
Omygoodmess that is crazy! It's so interesting to me how people are just so naturally suspicious of mainstream medicine and while it's not perfect they do at least attempt to have hard facts to back up their claims.

I really think it needs to be the other way around. We need to be very careful with what we believe from alternative medicine because while some of it may make sense due to its basis on ancient practices, other parts of it are just complete gibberish based on nothing at all.

Anyway good for you for staying grounded even if some of your colleagues did not.



Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:53 pm
by tobiasmom
It's exhausting, isn't it?? I mean, I've been on this hamster wheel of eat this, don't eat that for YEARS! And it has gotten me NOWHERE!! Thanks for the great reminder! Sanity is what I am looking for....

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:50 pm
by Over43
I have remembered a few more things. My original post was pretty good considering I had dropped an Ambien CR.

1:63 students is autistic. I am not a "severe" teacher, but in my district 1:63 students are not autistic. there might be more autistic students over all, but what fails to be mentioned is the DSM (V now?) categories change, and so do the qualifications. A kid, who picked and ate his snot 40 years ago, might be qualified today.

But fear not, take an autistic child off of dairy and gluten and the autism will reverse. (I already wrote that in the first post.)

May I add that even the Autistic Association will not claim that. Instead, their studies show, no one is quite sure what causes autistic spectrum problems. (Sorry Jenny McCarthy)