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pancakes and waffles

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 11:32 am
by ZippaDee
Do you consider these breakfast foods as sweets? I am talkin' when eaten with syrup. I have always saved these for S Days. Just curious what others do. Thanks!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 12:41 pm
by NoS-er

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 12:59 pm
by Imogen Morley
S in my book. They make me ravenously hungry a couple of hours later, so I'd rather save them for the weekend, when I can have a snack or seconds as needed.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 8:47 pm
by vmsurbat
We had pancakes and muffins even on N-days because they were already part of our family's weekly breakfast routine when I started up my NoS habits.

However, I do make them from scratch, not very sweet, and we used a minimal amount of real maple syrup on the pancakes (we live overseas and have to lovingly pack the good stuff and dole it out over months!). Also, I like to serve them with eggs and/or fruit--not *just* pancakes or muffins...

Now that all my kids are out of the house, I rarely make pancakes (too much work for just two of us) but I do make muffins once a week--those are easy to share! :wink:

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 10:29 pm
by r.jean
I do not consider pancakes an S, but I do not use syrup. Muffins depend on the type. A plain bran muffin is ok but a cinnamon streusel muffin from the bakery, definitely not.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 1:32 am
by ZippaDee
Thanks! Can't imagine eating pancakes without syrup. I think I will save these for S Days. :)


Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 2:44 pm
by tobiasmom
I eat my pancakes topped with peanut butter. So I do sometimes have then on an N day if the kids ask for them. But I do wait for S days to make them with sweet toppings.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 1:58 am
by Over43
I do not get to OCD about what I eat. But, about 5 years ago, during the summer, I would get up and make the kids pancakes. I would eat some. I put on about 15 pounds. I stay away from the pancake now.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 4:16 am
by osoniye
Over43 wrote:I put on about 15 pounds. I stay away from the pancake now.
O43, you really made me smile. Sounds very, very wise.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:44 am
by Lyra
I make N Day pancakes with whole wheat flour, ground oatmeal, ground almonds, eggs, milk and chunks of banana. No sugar or syrup needed. They stick to my ribs for hours!