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2 questions

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:11 pm
by jessand2boys
Hey everyone! I'm new here. I ran across the site Monday night, read the main page and then slapped my forehead, said "Of course!!!" and started Tuesday morning. :D

I need to lose about 60 pounds. I am in decent shape despite that and started strength training a few weeks ago. I then hurt my knee on vacation and had to take a break but my plan is olympic weightlifting training 2x a week and crossfit 1x a week. May not work out that way every week because of work and kids but I'm in love with barbells and heavy lifting so there you go. Both crossfit and weightlifting are intense but scaled to meet you where you are.

At any rate - I do the weightlifting at about 8 am and eat breakfast at 6:30, that seems to work well. I eat lunch after Crossfit but do better if I have a little protein like greek yogurt before class. I also understand you should have protein after heavy lifting so that would put me at needing something about 9:30 on weightlifting days.

How do others handle things like this? Vanilla No-S appeals to me because it just makes sense, I don't want to start introducing exceptions to confuse myself right away. But at the same time I want to make sure I fuel my ability to lift as I build strength.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:54 pm
by tacodiscos
Hi and welcome! I do 30 min cardio w 30 mins lifting and found no snacks to work out just fine. My husband was frightened when he started no s with me about this, and yet he does the workout also and had been fine. You could try it, see how you do, then decide. For me, if I eat enough at meals, I don't need anything. But then again I know that wouldn't work for everyone. I've seen some athletes who lift and workout fasted, too.

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:26 pm
by jessand2boys
Thank you, tacodiscos!

I'm not as worried about the post-8 am workout snack as I am the pre-noon workout... I tried it both ways when I started CF and found that I had less weird fatigue related funks with a snack before class. I've been trying to avoid snacks for awhile now so that was my first instinct but then I had these awful roller coaster feeling mood swings after workout and added pre-workout protein.

I think I'll aim for going without at first and play it by ear. I am still lifting the bar or light plates, not my bodyweight or anything crazy. My guess is that a little greek yogurt or a hard boiled egg would not be unreasonable if I find that working out fasted makes me feel yucky though.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:55 am
by oolala53
Consider reading some of Brad Pilon's work. My understanding is that he lifts heavy while fasting. You should see how his physique has changed over the years from lifting and two 24-hour fasts a week. I'm not advocating his plan over No S. He and some of his training buddies, who also market their own plans, claim the pre- and post workout eating is unnecessary. Just a point of view, but an experienced one- his, I mean.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:57 pm
by jessand2boys
Thank you Oolala, I will check into his writing. I worked out this morning and had a good breakfast about an hour before. I feel fine so far although I think I'll REALLY enjoy my lunch when it's time! :D

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:17 pm
by oolala53
Actually, here are some pics. I think 2012 was the peak so far. But this is all without a lot of the eating protocols often called for. BTW, I think this kind of physique is totally unnecessary. The only reason I occasionally look at his stuff is exactly because he sounds like he is pretty chill about it in the sense that he doesn't follow some strict diet and he trains only as much as he needs, which doesn't sound like hours and hours a week. Yeah, a lot of his life still revolves around it because he writes and trains others, I think, but he sounds pretty grounded. ... r3bOcwU%3D

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:24 pm
by jessand2boys
Very impressive!

I am going to definitely read more about what he says.