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Ridiculous- portion shame

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:47 am
by Comma
I just started this in earnest- day three. Before, i gained weight on everything from paleo to McDougall. I love the mental liberation from constantly obsessing about foods already, but I'm also eating ridiculously unhealthy foods (think cream of mushroom, cheese and slow cooker direction), and I eat outrageous portions. Mile high plates that i can't let anybody see. Ever. :oops:

But this goes away, right?? This is just the start and i will be shamed somehow, automatically, into small portions of healthy food, right!?! Because I'm not cool with this, but simply starve if i eat less, or even more fruits/veggies.

This is strange. I had no idea, but I must have been snacking a lot? Or maybe hunger was the reason i could never diet properly...but the massive calories on my plates are freaking me out a tad.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:32 am
by lpearlmom
No worries! Your plates should be piled high in the beginning. That is the best way to get the habits in place which is what you need to do first and foremost. Mine were huge too and I ate a lot of heavy foods. Overtime, they will naturally get smaller/lighter. You'll be able to do this when youre ready and not before. It's a process so just be patient and good things will come.

Good luck!


Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:41 am
by oolala53
Okay, I gently say that you have a lot of diet head going on here. This is about a lifestyle that you have to adjust to, not a diet you're going on. To be worrying on day three is diet head.

You won't be shamed into eating less. It will be more of a body awareness thing. It isn't always completely automatic. At some point, you might just try a little less or leave something on your plate or have a situation in which you can't have as much or you go longer and get hungry and realize: oh, food tastes better when I'm hungry and I feel better when I don't eat as much. And this becomes more and more desirable. But sometimes you have to put a little oomph in it.

But that is a few MONTHS down the line. Hard as it is, try to relax and enjoy your food- three times a day. Then get on with the rest of your life in between and try not to watch the pot boil. :)

Re: Ridiculous- portion shame

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:43 am
by ironchef
I'm with oolala, it's day 3. Take a deep breath and try to relax. It will be ok. These are just "the ghosts of diets past". Eventually you will trust that you won't starve between meals and will slowly adjust to a sensible (but satisfying) meal that will take you happily to your next mealtime.
Comma wrote:I'm also eating ridiculously unhealthy foods (think cream of mushroom, cheese and slow cooker direction)
I'm someone who thinks there is nothing wrong with cheese. Or cream of mushroom soup. Or cooking some nice pulled pork in my slow cooker. When you say "ridiculously unhealthy" I thought you were going to say you'd been living on sausage rolls and French fries.

In 3 years on No S, I have not gotten to the point where all my meals are "small portions of healthy foods". Lots of them are, but plenty of them aren't.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:18 pm
by oolala53
Also, and this might be getting too deep into things. but entertaining feelings of shame for long is PART of the overeating cycle. They actually make the cycle stronger. They are like the overeating. That's why in habit theory, it is said to give very little dramatic energy to failure. Calm, rational thought about what to do next time? Yes. Berating oneself with shaming terms? No. We say here, mark it [as a failure] and move on. Plan your delicious non-diet meals and live your life in between. PLUNGE into the rest of your life.

And enjoy every bite.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 7:26 pm
by Comma
Thank you for the reassurance! I promptly ate a huge dinner, but for the first time i didn't feel like snacking all evening, and i wasn't starved in the morning, either. And then, get this, for lunch i wanted salad and fruit rather than my meaty slowcooker dish! Ha!

I will do what you say and try and first get rid of my huge diet head. I do not want it anymore, thanks but no thanks. What a mess. So i eat whatever i feel like.

Ps i have been doing fuhrman/McDougal for so long, eating anything processed or meat feels actually dangerous to me. Which, my brain tells me, is hysteria.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:48 pm
by Comma
Oh dear though. Just sorted out all my thin clothes. :cry: simply have never been this big.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 11:24 pm
by ironchef
Wow, so I just looked up McDougal - that is one HUGE list of "do not eat" foods. Now your "ridiculously unhealthy" comment makes total sense. I'm an ex-calorie counter / macronutrient counter / 6 mini-mealer, so I had different issues to work through. I hope you find as much peace on No S as I have.

Well done you on the dinner AND the lunch :)

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:31 am
by oolala53
Comma, not sure how you'll feel about this, but I had very good luck finding quite cute clothes (ones I got compliments on) while heavier at thrift stores. That way I got clothes that were comfortable/fit and didn't feel I was wasting my money because of course i wasn't going to be that big that long. I didn't necessarily get rid of smaller things, though. I put them up in the closet and made a promise to check them again in six months. I would then cull, though I was pretty generous with myself. I sometimes kept smaller target clothes hanging in the closet for years; it didn't work as incentive back then. It's not very effective now!

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:43 am
by Comma
Yes, i got some things for work today, but i did save my older ones to hopefully fit in again sometime.

I actually did something very similar to no s on my own years ago, but i also very much watched portion size. I lost so steady, and only remember how effortless it was. I couldn't repeat it be ause i get too hungry and now, with kids and job i dont have so much energy to keep myself at it- but maybe easing into it like this will do the trick!

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 12:45 am
by oolala53
I kept some smaller clothes and did eventually fit back in. They weren't the real incentive, but it was a delightful payoff!

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:41 am
by Comma
Thank you for the generous support and responses!

It's already getting easier not to eat at night, which i know has added plenty of layers to my belly...i am exciet about this! And i really love my shovelglove. Doing only 14 min keeps me eager to come back for me. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:41 am
by Comma
I enjoyed the weekend! Had more treats than was strictly decent, but didn't worry about it. Today stellar behavior, no problems cutting my breakfast and lunch in half from before! Also some attitude adjustment, where i feel in control of when i will have food. Yipii! Didn't want breakfast but told myself that i was telling the body when to eat, not the body me. Hehe. Really helped after dinner to ignore the cravings, as i feel in control and hunger is gone.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:16 pm
by oolala53
Great experiences to put "in the bank."

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:52 am
by xara
Keep strictly to the No-S rules and you will be amazed to watch your appetite change. Three times in the past week-and-a-half I ordered a hamburger in a restaurant which I fully intended to eat, then found myself cutting it in half and packing up half to take home because I realized that half was all I needed to eat. Yes I had coleslaw each time also, and twice some potatoes too, but I was still so surprised to not want to eat the entire burger as I would have in the past. I have just completed my fourth week of No-S. Amazing! Stick with it and let it work its magic!