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Embracing convenience foods

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:05 pm
by Lesley
Growing up, I was raised on a diet of fast food and frozen food. And almost no vegetables. It was pretty bad. I vowed that when I got older, I would not buy that unhealthy stuff any more.

That sounds great, but I've been so busy lately with work and college. I ended up not making a meal many days and going to restaurants or fast food.

I can't believe it took this long to dawn on me that it's okay to rely on microwave meals / frozen foods sometimes. If the alternative is going to fast food, what's the downside? You're still getting a much more filling meal and saving tons of money.

One thing I've been loving are the vegetable steam bags (especially the ones with cheese sauce). I can just take them and pop them in the microwave at work. Ready rice is another good one. Sure, it's insanely expensive if you compare it ounce by ounce to uncooked rice but it's much cheaper than going to Chipotle. Plus, you can season it how you want.

Not sure if this is a real revelation to anyone else but it's helped me a lot. I was getting off track with No S because I would eat fast food midway through the day and then be starving and need another meal.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:28 am
by lpearlmom
Yes it's definitely okay/good to use frozen/canned food as part of your weekly food intake! Frozen vegetables/fruits are often just as healthy or more healthy than some fresh because they freeze them at the height of ripeness when they offer the most nutrition. The reason gourmet chef types don't prefer them is because they texture can be off but for everyday use who cares? it's absolutely fine for those days we're running ragged. Much better than grabbing mcds for sure!

so yes I definitely agree!


Re: Embracing convenience foods

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:28 am
by osoniye
Lesley wrote:I would eat fast food midway through the day and then be starving and need another meal.
Hi Lesley, and Welcome!
I am one of those people who also find that a fast food meal is not satisfying, even when the calories for the 1 fast food meal would be close to what I need for the whole day. In my opinion, frozen (and some convenience) foods are a great way to save time if you have the money, and some of them are actually even cheaper than the fresh counterpart, for some things (especially out of season).
I guess we all have to come to terms with things we thought were or weren't a good idea based on what we were fed or taught as a child. Good for you for weeding out the helpful and unhelpful parts of the vow not to buy fast or frozen foods.

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:55 pm
by oolala53
I still eat fast food (Mexican, pizza, less Chinese buffets as time has gone on) to this day, and usually opt for it over supermarket convenience foods, with the exception of frozen veggies and commercial sauces, for no good reason. However, these days I usually eat half to a third of the given meal and supplement with freggies. I've done this since day one. I just can't stand the idea that I HAVE to prepare all my own food, though I do make most of it. And I don't get hungry again. I may sometimes get fake hunger, but I know the difference. It does take a bit more effort to eat slowly and savor so that I don't overdo it, but is worth it to me. And I still enjoy them.

And I don't own nor never have owned a microwave.

But, yes, make it easy on yourself! Remember optimized oatmeal!

When I hear people say they don't have time to diet, I often think, "Sounds like you might be making it too hard. Put food on a plate and eat it! Adjust from there."

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:58 pm
by Blithe Morning
Absolutely! All restaurant food has way too much sodium for me. There are a lot of great convenience options that are good, easy and fast.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:40 am
by candiceena
I am struggling w/ this too but learning to embrace more and more.

I must remember to not let perfect be the enemy of good.

I have stocked my freezer w/ frozen fish that is already seasoned/prepared & just needs to be cooked, as well as frozen veggies! That has to be healthier than a Whopper, no? :)

Let's embrace this together! I picked up a copy of BHG Diabetic Meals in Minutes, it has a TON of great "processed" foods or "convenience" foods meal ideas. Also - check out The 400 Calorie Fix book. If you want some little ideas. I have both and like them a lot. They help me to make meals out of food I can actually buy.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 4:25 am
by oolala53
I keep fresh and frozen veggies, freeze the grains I cook, use commercial sauces, buy cooked chickens, etc. Also just bought frozen fish. Many of my dinners take 15 minutes or less to put together. That may be part of the reason I've been able to wait until dinner.

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:36 pm
by leafy_greens
I think that the mindset that convenience foods are bad fits into the "virtuousness" that Reinhard advises us to avoid. We are constantly told by diet gurus to "eat clean" and "eat nothing that comes in a package." I have read that frozen vegetables are no worse than fresh ones (not sure if that is true - but they definitely can't be worse than eating no vegetables at all.) When I look at the alternative - I'm going to get too overwhelmed cooking everything from scratch, eat too late and snack because I'm hungry - the convenience foods don't seem so bad after all. It's part of breaking free from the idea that "certain foods are bad." In No S the only bad food is dessert M-F. Convenient savory foods are ok at any meal.