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Two Ways to Go to Costco

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 9:16 pm
by xara
Go on an S-day and eat food samples as desired.

Go on an N-day. Say to the food demonstrators with a big smile, "Thanks, but I don't eat between meals." Bet they don't hear *that* very often!

I did it the second way today, and it felt really great to not be eating just because it was free and offered and in my path. I actually went feeling fairly hungry, but waiting until I got home to eat was doable, and the rotisserie chicken was delicious. :D

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:40 am
by vmsurbat
You are doing a GREAT job of exercising those willpower muscles and building good Nday habits. Awesome! 8)

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:13 pm
by minimizer
Costco, I love that place!
Kudos to you! I bet you're right that they rarely, if ever, hear that phrase :)

Actually, I usually pass up the samples even on S days reasons are that I'm a picky eater and most of them don't even appeal to me. I'm a bit of a germaphobe, too, so it's easy to not partake esp. during 'cold & flu season'. I admit that I occasionally try something if it's irresistible, but only on S days of course :)

I sometimes enjoy a big slice of Costco pizza from their snack bar--that's what I had for lunch yesterday and it fills up the plate. Satisfying and sustaining until dinner!

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:50 pm
by xara
Minimizer and Vicki, thank you both for your encouragement.

Minimizer, I'm a germaphobe also, but tend to suspend that in the face of free food samples. Not a bad idea to indulge my hesitations in that in that situation, I suppose!

Vicki, I'm building great new habits, and have been so encouraged to do so by this forum. Love it! A day or two before going to Costco I read all seven of your yearly updates, and found great hope and encouragement therein.

It is wonderful to feel that we are all in this together!

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:06 am
by ironchef
Xara, it is so nice to read your "atta girl" moments. You are doing so well!
xara wrote:It is wonderful to feel that we are all in this together!
This is why I love the forum so much. If you live (as I do) in a pretty skewed food culture where overindulgence is the norm, it can feel a bit lonely to be the only one not snacking, turning down free food, not eating morning tea at work, etc. Coming here reminds me that I do have a "tribe", even if we don't live in the same geographical space.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:01 am
by vmsurbat
ironchef wrote:
xara wrote:It is wonderful to feel that we are all in this together!
This is why I love the forum so much. If you live (as I do) in a pretty skewed food culture where overindulgence is the norm, it can feel a bit lonely to be the only one not snacking, turning down free food, not eating morning tea at work, etc. Coming here reminds me that I do have a "tribe", even if we don't live in the same geographical space.
Absolutely! And to think we span the globe.... Amazing!

Let's keep on, keeping on!