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Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 1:23 pm
by Raisingahandful
I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for biggest struggle is if I don't eat anything between lunch and dinner I am so hungry I gorge on dinner and into the evening. I feel like I'm eating enough for lunch and am full. I don't know if I just stick with it long enough I'll get over it. I feel like I am an all or nothing person so if I allow a snack I then allow another and another. I'm trying to come up with my own rule to help but I don't maybe only produce if I'm hungry or produce and a small protein to help make me full?? But the other part of me wants to just stick to the original plan! I did really well on no s last year and then fell off the wagon and I'm right back where I started 😔 I did no sugary drinks foods or desserts all last month with friends as a challenge so I feel now would be a good time to start back on no s as my sweet tooth isn't out of control. Any advice/ideas?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:42 pm
by osoniye
The thing that helps me most with that problem is eating supper fairly early. Much earlier than most people. If I go to bed sort of hungry I don't wake up that much hungrier for breakfast. But if I have to wait to eat until late in the evening, I really suffer from feeling too hungry before I get to it, and have more of a tendency to over-eat.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:04 pm
by elegantportions
If you did well on NoS before and are being full at lunch, then probably just waiting to get over the adjustment struggles will work fine. But more proactive things that help me are
(1) being sure to drink plenty of water
(2) drinking a glass of whole milk sometimes when I am TRULY hungry (protein is definitely my pick-me-up)
(3) eating dinner SLOWLY enough to recognize when I have had enough without gorging
(4) keeping busy after dinner to distract myself from the siren call for more food

Good for you for returning to NoS. You can do this!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:42 pm
by milliem
Yep it's a struggle for me too! I do think (hope) that it's something that will get easier with time as the body gets used to not being fed at every whim... I am just getting restarted with NoS but I'm definitely having to rethink my portion sizes to ensure I don't get too hungry between meals. Also I know that I have a tendency towards 'F it' thinking, so if I do snack I can be in danger of just continuing to snack all day!!

Things that have helped so far are drinking water, cups of tea after meals and chewing sugarfree gum after meals. Also a bit of stern self talk!

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:36 pm
by Raisingahandful
Thank you! Great ideas.

I can't really eat much earlier as I have kids and feeding them too earlier will equal a night of them asking for snacks! But tea and milk are great ideas. I know I don't drink enough water so that will help! And slowing down at dinner for sure.

I'm thinking maybe I'll allow a snack between lunch and dinner IF it's a produce maybe with a little protein. If an apple or carrots don't sound good then I must not be as hungry as I thought. Maybe adding a few nuts or a string cheese with it would help it be filling. I know in the past I allowed myself homemade hot cocoa with only 1-2 teaspoons of sugar. It sometimes hit the spot. I forgot about that until the mention of milk...

Thank you all. I'm so frustrated as I lost a good 5-6 pounds doing no s in a rather quick amount of time. Then I just went back to my old ways 😡 Now I'm back where I started and wishing to lose the same 5 pounds!

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:24 am
by oolala53
I used decaf mochas between meals as needed for years. My loss was slow but I mostly wanted to just learn moderation. I feel I have.

Alternately, consider having the hot beverage sometime after dinner, maybe after the dishes are done, etc. That could be the night ritual for awhile, instead of eating. They are just mostly rituals anyway.

But I think by forcing yourself to slow down when you eat that you may find that you actually get full faster when you're very hungry. Doesn't mean you can't have a regular dinner, but it might help you challenge the mostly mental notion that just because you're really hungry, you have to eat a lot. You don't. Old tapes! Besides, I bet you have a bit of reserves your body can draw on. Vow to give your body a chance to get at them. Is it hard to eat slowly when you're very hungry? Yes, but you can do hard things, especially ones with such great payoffs.

Re: Struggling

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:36 pm
by NoelFigart
Raisingahandful wrote:I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for biggest struggle is if I don't eat anything between lunch and dinner I am so hungry I gorge on dinner and into the evening. I feel like I'm eating enough for lunch and am full. I don't know if I just stick with it long enough I'll get over it. I feel like I am an all or nothing person so if I allow a snack I then allow another and another. I'm trying to come up with my own rule to help but I don't maybe only produce if I'm hungry or produce and a small protein to help make me full?? But the other part of me wants to just stick to the original plan! I did really well on no s last year and then fell off the wagon and I'm right back where I started 😔 I did no sugary drinks foods or desserts all last month with friends as a challenge so I feel now would be a good time to start back on no s as my sweet tooth isn't out of control. Any advice/ideas?
Eat a big enough dinner. One of the things I find on No-S is that my meals ARE (and need to be) larger than they would if I did not snack. I've measured in the past (Like with portions and scales -- just for a reality check), though, and do notice that I eat considerably less overall than if I did snack, so it comes out as a good thing. But if I don't eat enough dinner, I am miserable until the next morning and my swim is usually pretty bad. (I swim before breakfast)

For me, a berry-flavored hot tea in the evenings as I'm reading or whatever I do to wind down before bed works very well. (Raspberry Zinger is a favorite right now) It's warm and sweet and comforting and has become a nice habit I look forward to.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:10 am
by r.jean
It sounds like everyone is different in how they handle hunger. Like you, I tend to eat too much at the next meal if I get too hungry. Like others I use a beverage to get through if I need to, mostly milk or tomato juice. However, I stay away from snacks that you chew. I think somewhere in his book or other comments, Reinhard talked about the difference between allowing a beverage and eating a small snack. The milk might have more calories or the same calories as a snack, but it is the act of chewing food between meals that needs to be eliminated. ...And one I personally need to stay away from...

You will figure out your way and may try several ideas before you get there! Stick with it. :mrgreen:

PS: I eat supper a little later because I cannot stand to go to bed hungry!