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My Favorite Kind of S-Day

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:30 pm
by NoelFigart
I want to talk a little about what good S-days can look like.

Today is my favorite kind. It's cool outside and a little cloudy, but it's not wet or messy.

Got up this morning and made a bowl of steel cut oats. I don't do this on weekdays because it takes too long, so even though they're probably really healthy, they have a treat feel to me.

Puttered around the house and talked to some family on the phone while my husband did some errands. Then we went for a walk. The intent was to walk for an hour. We're incredibly lucky and live in a great place for walking. The only bad part is the 60 degree incline to walk the last tenth of a mile to our house.

So, we walked out to the local rail trail (I SAID we were lucky) and then on a whim decided to loop back through our little New England town to a local diner we've never eaten at. It was noon and breakfast had been around seven. We were hungry. Lunch was a BLT and some fries. As we walked back home, we dropped by a little cupcake shop on the way and bought two. The pink box with the cupcakes is waiting on our counter for our dessert tonight. (Not sure exactly what dinner will be, but I expect it'll be chicken with a veggie and some rice)

So, mealing habits in place, which is really important to me. Got some movement (enjoying the nice weather while I can) and got some nice treats. I know a BLT is really fine for an N-day, but that kind of meal and fries is something I prefer to reserve for the occasional treat. And cupcakes! NOM.

Is Thanksgiving going to look like this? Good heavens no! It's a traditional feast day, and yes, indeedy-do, I'mma gonna feast. But this is a good, everyday, S-day.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:42 am
by MaggieMae
Sounds like a great s day! I'm one month in, so my S days are still pretty crazy. :)
I am hopeful that they will calm down in due time.

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:48 am
by NoelFigart
They will.

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:30 am
by Merry
My first S day today:

Breakfast--fruit smoothie

noon--picked up a peppermint mocha from McDonald's and headed to a friend's house (so glad they brought these back after not having them last year! I looked forward to it all week!)

lunch at my friend's--a piece of turkey/cheese/jalapeno casserole, applesauce, and a few spoonfuls of soup, along with great conversation with her and our teens.

snack--a few handfuls of peanut butter m&m's but less than I would typically indulge in when she has them--they were good but I wasn't as hungry.

dinner--two pieces of frozen pizza (pepperoni, sausage, green pepper, onion, black olives).

evening--a cafe vienna, and a hot tea

That's a pretty typical Friday for me pre-NoS, so, not all that healthy but I really looked forward to today all week!