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Aaaah, so glad to see a chair for me...

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:16 pm
by Giada
I used to be Hoeka here, then Hoeka2 and now I'm Giada (Identity crisis, much?)

I decided that I should start using habitcal again (too many good intentions were being swept under the carpet, but the carpet was not swept much :oops:). That was when I decided to see what the scale had to say to me. It was in a particularly nasty mood. So, here I am (and glad to see so many familiar names - and a lot of new ones, too!)

The plan of action? Good old plain vanilla*, SG and UR. Village rangering is actually more appropriate - I live in a tiny place, surrounded by mountains. *Currently, there's a "living-off-the-soil" mod in place - what I pick in my garden and eat there is not a fail. So: picking and eating an apricot when doing my early-morning garden walk-around is fine, but picking an apricot and eating it later in the day (outside of meal times) is a fail. Can't wait for the figs (if I get there before the birds do)!

Meals? Breakfast and lunch are still biscuit-cutter meals - somehow, the day-in, day-out routine works for me. It's blueberry season here, and since I have an unlimited supply of them for now, breakfast is a smoothie with blueberries, banana and Greek yoghurt, often with a boiled egg. At the moment, lunch is a vegetable pasta salad, with chick peas, courgettes, baby red cabbage, onion, tomato - whatever catches my fancy, really - with a lemony tahini dressing. That set menu will probably change next week, but I try to keep it as vegetarian as possible, but I'm not too hard-core about it. Dinner is more of a problem - the wonderful person who has offered to cook me dinner, is very much a meat, rice and potatoes man. So, I try to cram my 5 a day (or however many we're supposed to eat) into my two at-home meals, and any veggies that land up on my dinner plate is a bonus.

It's nice to be back - this time I'm going to give it my all.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:22 pm
by NoelFigart
Welcome back.

I agree that using the HabitCal is strongly motivating. It's so CLEAR and obvious, and it really kicks you in the pants about behavior.

This is mine so far this month. That red bar is really bothering me, and I am finding myself eager for it to drop off from my sight next month.


Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:20 am
by Giada
And a belated welcome back to you too!

In terms of red, I never know whether I prefer a solid bar or scattered squares...

If the rest of your month stays solid green, or mostly green, the reds are relatively insignificant.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:31 pm
I'm a HabitCal fan too - it really motivates me. I track No S and running

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:33 pm
by oolala53
Welcome home, no matter what you call yourself! What a brave time of year to jump back in.

I think in traditional societies, their meal choices are also rather repetitive, at least for two of the meals.

Hope the dinner thing works out. Just like with No S, who knows what meals will be six months from now?