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Share your non-number goals here!

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:00 pm
by Mia21972
I’m watching the clock until 1:30- which is when I’m letting myself eat lunch today. (I just ate breakfast at 10:00, I have to spread it out.) I thought this would be a fun thread to get going. What are your non-number goals? I have a number in mind I’d like to see on the scale, but if I can accomplish 5 out of the 7 below, I don’t think I’ll care what the number on the scale is! ~Mia

1. I don’t want to need a seatbelt extender on an airplane.
2. I want to shop in “regular” stores.
3. I don’t want my knees and ankles to hurt anymore.
4. I want to look at photographs of myself and feel as happy as I was when the picture was taken.
5. I want to play on the floor with my niece and not be hindered by my weight.
6. I want to be able to tie my sneakers in the middle, not on the side because my belly got in the way and I couldn’t reach.
7. I want to be HOTT! I want to walk into a room and be noticed because I look so good, not because I am so fat.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:17 pm
by operababe
I like this thread! It's so much more than just a number on the scale.

1. To know that I can wear anything I want to, no need to hide my body.
2. If I do an interview/audition and I'm not chosen, to know that it was for another reason than just being "too fat".
3. To have men give me those admiring glances again, rather than quickly averting their eyes.
4. To take my two Jack Russells to the park and run with them, instead of just watching them run. (For now, I'm walking, not running!)
5. To be able to go out shopping with my daughter, who is gorgeous and slim, and we could try on the same outfits!
6. To not have my son ask in a concerned voice "Mom, are you sure about eating that?"
7. To feel confident that when I meet new people they don't have to hide their surprise at how large I am.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:39 pm
by Francois Tremblay
Eh, some men like fat women. I really don't mind weight that much.

My personal goal is to look better and be in a better shape. I don't really have things that make me resent being fat, except from seeing myself in the mirror. I'd settle for "husky".

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:04 pm
by gratefuldeb67
To know I have tried my best, and to never give up :)
Also, to gain wisdom about myself in the process!

Good luck guys!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:34 pm
by mstevens
To look down and not see the belly sticking out.

To eat better food.


Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:06 am
by Hunter Gatherer
I want to have a hard time playing Celebrity Lips!

(For those who did not read Outland or Bloom County (whichever comic it was in....) Celebrity Lips is the game where you grab your belly with both hands, creating a crease, and try to figure out which celebrity's lips you are re-creating)

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:03 am
by gratefuldeb67
Mine are like Mick Jagger :)

Hi Hunter! :wink:
That was funny!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:10 am
by ThomsonsPier
I would like my stomach to look normally as it does when I pull it in.

I would also like to learn to fly a plane, earn/own one million pounds and do something worthwhile for humanity, but these are somewhat beyond the scope of this diet.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:39 am
by Francois Tremblay
ThomsonsPier wrote:I would also like to learn to fly a plane, earn/own one million pounds and do something worthwhile for humanity, but these are somewhat beyond the scope of this diet.
I smell new Everyday systems on the horizon... maybe called "Penny Saver". :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:28 pm
by Daisy
To know that I have done the best that I can to help keep myself healthy for my daughter, so I am around for a long time for her.

Would also like to get into a pair of UK size 10 jeans!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:37 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Daisy! Great goal woman!

Incidentally, I decided that I also am aching to wear a bikini again soon!
That is definitely something I liked in the past :)

As well, I'd love to be able to do many more of the Yoga Asanas which involve twisting and crunching without having to literally "push" away my stomach to get into a deeper pose...
Generally, I know that having less fat on me will increase my energy overall, and that's a HUGE goal for me!!!
I'm pretty tired of feeling sluggish..

Have a great day all!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 3:18 pm
by Steve
My non-numerical goals:

1) Get back to the point where the ring on my index finger keeps sliding off.

2) Fit into those jeans buried in my closet that never really fit to begin with.

3) Make people go "whoa!" when they see my "before" picture

4) Not suffer the pains associated with long walks (back pain from the extra weight, and chafing from thighs rubbing together).

5) Look better than I did in high school.

6) Look good shirtless next summer! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:51 pm
by Mia21972
these are fantastic! thanks for playing along. ~Mia :P

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:04 pm
by This path is my life
My non-numerical goals (I started keeping a list recently and these are some of my entries, some can fit into more than one category)


Continue my daily walks
Start hiking
Become a spinning instructor
Continue something similar to a shovel-glove routine
Make yoga part of my well-being routine
Be a "sprightly old woman" (Have a minimum of physical limitations in my old age and stay mentally alert and happy)
Learn how to garden and grow some of my own foods (like tomatoes, berries, potatoes etc)
Get into martial arts
Improve my salsa dancing

Earn my PhD in Clinical Psychology
Obtain my certification as a sex therapist
Continue No-S for the rest of my life (also in the physical category)
Improve my language skills and possibly learn a new one
Continue reading, reading, reading for the rest of my life (especially from "life-time reading list")
Become a part-time professor?
Take some classes for fun at a local university
Continue volunteering/working with children
Learn to cook more/better healthy meals
Continue to build and maintain a healthy relationship with food
Keep cultivating and nurturing those positive relationships that matter most in my life
Be the best partner I can be/ maintain a healthy relationship with my partner
Become an HIV/AIDS counselor
Maintain correspondence with the people that I care about for as long as possible no matter where we are in the world
Develop a new hobby (maybe learn more about wine)
Take more pictures of my life and organize them
Make sure that the people that I love know this by showing/telling them as a nice reminder every so often
Do something nice for myself at least once a week (candles and a glass of wine with dinner, a bath, a trip to the bookstore etc.)
Be the best parent I can be

Begin meditating daily
See more of the world (I love to travel!)
Take some Judaism classes
Become involved at the nearest temple wherever I end up
Don't be wasteful or consume more than I need
Think about my "high points and hopies" of the day more often
Journal more often
Maintain my positive attitude

That's all I can think of for now, I'll add more if I can think of some, though this list is already quite extensive. Some of these goals will be realized sooner than others, some are ongoing and have no definite date of accomplishment, and some are much more fuzzy than others, but I honestly believe that No-S will directly or indirectly help me accomplish all of these. And for that I am grateful.

Have a beautiful day.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:09 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Wow Jenn!
Great aspirations!!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 2:23 pm
by Mia21972
That's awesome, Jen! I'm sticking with my original 7, because once I accomplish 5 of them, I "pass." It's the teacher in me, I like to have something to measure. I'm already feeling successful each day I am sticking with No-S, but I really want that grade at the end. (Nevermind that I am giving it to myself) Hey, here's a short term success: I shovelgloved at 11 PM last nigh because I swore to myself that I would do it at least 3 times this week and the week is almost over! ~Mia

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:26 pm
by This path is my life
Thanks Deb and Mia!!

And let me add that this list is my "life-time" goals list. I'm a big fan of looking at the big picture for inspiration, though I am all for the short-term goals too, such as it's 5:23pm here and I haven't eaten any of the delicious homemade indian food sitting in the kitchen. :D Sometimes I really feel that not only do I need a one day at a time mentality, but I also need a one minute at a time one. Today it's hard, hopefully tomorrow it will be easier, that's just what I have to keep saying to myself until it is.

Great job on the night-time shovelgloving btw Mia, way to accomplish that!

Have a beautiful day.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:20 pm
by navin
Here are a few of mine:

1. Improve my overall health, not die of a heart attack at 50, not get diabetes, maintain a high quality of life when I get old(er).
2. Be fit enough so I don't have to suck in my stomach any time an attractive woman walks by.
3. Be able to ice skate faster. (I *hate* getting beat when I'm playing defense!)

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:25 pm
by krs
This question finally brought me out of my lurking mode.
My goals:
Size 10--woops, that's numerical isn't it? Crap! I'll start over.
The end of the following bodyfat manifestations:
(a) the batwings--you know, when your underarm keeps waving goodbye long after your hand has stopped.
(b) the backfat--no horizontal lines on my back, only muscle definition.
(c) the orange-peel cellulite thighs--I'd like to wear shorts next summer.
Also, to see muscle definition--not like the scary orange "fitness" ladies, just the occasional muscle cut on the upper arm, or the crease in the middle of the abs, or the crease running down the side of the thigh.
Now for clothing:
a bikini
low-cut jeans with no accompanying muffin top
a midriff shirt (at least to work out in)
Finally, my ultimate goal is to reach my goal doing No-S (I've been at it since May [along with brutal cardio], and have dropped a dress size), and go into weight-loss 'remission'--maintain ideal weight/health through No-S and reasonable exercise for the rest of my days.
Oh, and a hot boyfriend to appreciate it all.
Not asking for much, am I?

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 1:07 am
by gratefuldeb67
Oh, and a hot boyfriend to appreciate it all.
Not asking for much, am I?
Boy wouldn't we all be lucky if there was an everyday system for that!!!

Good goals!!!
Welcome and good luck with them all!!!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

ps.. your orange ladies comment was hilarious! I guess the tanning salons spray orange stuff on them! :P

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:58 am
by VanillaGorilla
Good thread here. I can dig this... 8)

To be a little stronger than I was yesterday
To look a little better than I did yesterday
To feel a little bit better than I did yesterday
To hopefully inspire someone and most especially my daughter every day.

I actually took some pics tonight and I have to say I am pretty dang happy with my progress lately. I tend to stick mostly to meat and veggies most of the time and save my indulgences for the weekends, so I can relate to the concept of No S pretty easily.
I got into a rut of eating crummy foods for a month or two when life got a bit derailed. While I never fell too, too far out of shape, it was a fall from what I had achieved up to that point. Over the past couple weeks it's coming together again and to see it in picture form just reminds me that it isn't really rocket science....Eat sensibly, work out hard and frequently and everything falls into place.

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:36 pm
by Mia21972
Welcome out of the lurker closet, krs! :-) These are great goals, thanks aain for sharing. I think I can lay claim to half a goal. As long as I walk regularly and I drink plenty of water the pain in my knees is no more! <knocks on wood> My ankles are still protesting, but my sister's firm represents advil, so with the help of free pain reliever, I'm pushing through. ;-) Have a fabulous Sunday, all~ emphasis on the "S"! ~Mia

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:51 am
by harpista
-Improved night breathing.
-Improved blood sugar and hormone consistency.
-NO DOUBLE CHIN, even positional.
-No rolls on my stomach (I accomplished this at age 16, but we'll see if my skin cooperates a second time at 25ish).
-I actually WANT smaller breasts. I have a hard time finding bras!
-Less/no back pain, from being less front-heavy in the stomach and chest.
-Good ergonomics/the ability to sit properly at my musical instrument (harp).
-Confidence when naked or seductive ;)
-No more being "squished" in airplane seats, even if I can still do up the belt.
-No more only just fitting into seatbelts in cars.
-The ability to use the middle seat on the subway bench without incurring the other two people's eternal wrath and scorn.
-No more "hip height saddle bags."
-The ability to wear sleeveless tops without being self-conscious.
-The ability to buy high boots and a whole slew of specific clothing lust objects I've always wanted.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:29 am
by MerryKat
Non-number related goals.

1) I want to fit into my pre-pregnancy wardrob.
2) I want to wear well fitting jeans and be able to sit down with out the waistband cutting me in half.
3) Be comfortable in my swimming costume.
4) Improve my sugar / insulin issues.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:01 pm
by Jammin' Jan
Conquer gluttony. Grow stronger in my Catholic faith. Spend lots of time with husband and (gown) kids. Maintain my weight. Be fit. Avoid arthritis as I age. Work in a soup kitchen. Teach literacy to adults. See everything there is to see in Washington, DC over the next two years.

Loved reading everyone's posts!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:34 pm
by Mia21972
awesome! Thanks, all, for playing along with me. :-) I did not use the seatbelt extender while I was on holiday the last 2 1/2 weeks and my knees are not bothering me. The others? I'm still working on it but I think I can lay claim to 1 1/2 of my goals ~Mia

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:16 am
by ThomsonsPier
I just thought of another in which sensible eating plays a part:

To live to be a cantankerous old man and be independent until the end.

So there (harumph).

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:22 pm
by Lizbeth
Even though I've already reached my healthy weight, I found it's been just as much work to keep it off, maybe more because my motivation is not the same as when I could see the numbers dropping. So, I definitely have some non-number goals.

1) To stick with No S until it truly becomes a habit.

2) To not buy another "diet" book again. I can never stick with the maintenance phases.

3) To stop putting charts on my fridge of what I can eat.

4) To stop weighing myself (since I know if I've gained a few pounds before I even step on the scale, it's really not necessary)

5) To exerise because it's good for my body, and not for anything to do with weightloss.

6) To dodge the genetic heart disease and diabetes bullet.

I guess to sum it up, I don't want to waste all of my free moments thinking about my weight. I want my habits to support my healthy weight so that I can turn my focus to other things.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:09 pm
by cab54
Get rid of the 'jowly' look that's happening around my chin-to-neck area.

Get into a size (OK---I didn't state a # !!) bigger pants than when I dated my husband. That was 33 years ago, so that might be asking a lot. :lol:

Get the weight off my sore left hip. In other words, less pain.

Be MUCH less of ME when I see my son again, who's moving to Seattle for Grad school in a couple of weeks. If all goes well, that would be Christmastime. He is very health conscious and athletic, so he would be happy I was healthier. Not that he says anything, he's a sweetie.....

I'd like to set a good example for my OTHER son, who struggles with his weight and already has high blood pressure at 20. He is joining the Rugby club when he gets back to college though, so....he may take care of it himself. Also a sweetie.

I already am feeling less of a 'call' from sweets, sometimes the idea of sweets makes me feel like hurling. I like that I don't want sugar all the time anymore.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:24 am
by snail
here are a few of mine:
feel comfortable wearing sleeveless shirts
move easier
have more energy
have less knee problems
get rid of double chin
have my dimples be more noticeable

Thank you Reinhard!! (hugs)

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:37 pm
by gettnbusy
Top Ten List of Things I want to Accomplish by using the No S Diet (Thanks so much Reinhard!)

10. I want to see my feet when I look down
9. I want my boobs to stick out farther than my belly
8. I want to be able to ride the rides at the county fair again
7. I want to be able to play and roughhouse with my 2 sons and not be winded or have to stop after 2 minutes
6. I want to go out and roller skate & roller blade again without worrying that I will fall on my big fat ass and look awful trying to get up.
5. I want to look at myself in the mirror and not see my belly hanging
4. I want to be able to bend over to tie my shoes without gasping for breath because I have to try to get over my belly
3. I want to see my hips again
2. I want to be as beautiful a person on the outside as I am on the inside
1. I want to be HOT and skinny and piss of my ex

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:26 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Why wait???
Start pissing him off now! LOL... :mrgreen:

Good goals and good luck!!!
After a year of NoS, I was able to acchieve the second goal you mentioned! LOL..

Keep playing with your kids! That's the best!!!
And now that you mention it, changing your eating habits here will help you with another worthy goal...
Being a role model to them and their future, as well as taking steps to be there for them as a healthy and vibrant (versus depressed or sick) mom!

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Non-number goal

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:07 am
by hikermom
Right now I think my major goal is to develop the self-discipline I lack regarding my eating habits.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:10 pm
by Mia21972
I hear you loud and clear, Hikermom! If I had a dollar for every excuse I've made over the years about WHY I don't stick to a "diet" and WHY I "can't lose weight" and WHY I don't eat right, I could hire a personal trainer, a private chef and a cop to keep me in check! ~Mia

I want to....

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:19 pm
by joasia
I want to:
1) feel human again
2) run
3) go to the beach and swim
4) dance
5) enjoy shopping for clothes
6) want to be touched
7) have the courage to change jobs
8) see old friends
9) go to events, class reunions, weddings, new year's dances
10) get off my blood pressure medication
11) feel worth it
12) get rid of obsession and live a normal life around food
13) do a cartwheel
14) jog with my dog
15) stop fearing I may die in my sleep
16) stop avoiding the doctor's office
17) wrap a standard towel around myself
18) stop feeling like I am wasting my youth and life
19) have the ability to have kids
20) have my old sex life back
21) not be embarressed to live
22) feel cold and need a sweater
23) not have to fight with husband over AC setting
24) think about other things other than food
25) ski
26) ice skate
27) laugh with a joy
28) feel like a woman again
29) wear make-up
30) wear pantyhose, heels, skirts
31) wear shorts
32) not have rashes in bad places
33) wear summer clothes in the summer
34) feel I deserve better
35) not live in constant fear of diabetes, stroke, and heart attack
36) I really want to live again

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:13 pm
by Mia21972
wow, Joanna, I can feel the pain coming through the screen. I hear you on everyone of those- truly I do. All I can do is offer a kind and sympathetic ear. Please let us know when you begin to check some of those off. I'm so excited that I can claim 1 1/2 of mine- I hope you begin to feel the same excitement very soon! ~Mia

I want to

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:55 pm
by srbliss
Have grandchildren!

Since my only son is only 8 months old and I'm 41 this involves:

Keeping my weight down
Keeping my blood pressure down
Learning to get my back strong
Not having a drinking problem (again)
All of the above problems run in both sides of my family.
Keep my knees alive - I have already had 4 ACL reconstructions.

I also want to finally
Get to the top of Mt. Whittney. I hope my son will do it with me. :D
Ride a Century on my bike. (is a name for a number OK?)
Tuck my shirt in

I want to get my wife on NOS. She has a huge snacking and sugar issue.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:56 pm
by Murphysraven
My goals..

-Be honest with myself with what I am and am NOT doing to further my progress.. stop making excuses
-Stay with nos, stop trying to "excell" my weight loss with other programs.
-Shovelglove every weekday
-Drink less diet soda, more water.
-Stop eating in front of the computer
-Lose the upper belly flab that hangs over my jeans (it's what bugs me the most)
-Walk every day for at least 30 min
-Cut down, and eventually quit smoking

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:14 pm
by gettnbusy
Wanted to bring this topic up to the top again and ask if anyone has achieved any of their goals in the last month or so?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:46 pm
by navin
OK - here's what I posted a while back:
Here are a few of mine:

1. Improve my overall health, not die of a heart attack at 50, not get diabetes, maintain a high quality of life when I get old(er).
2. Be fit enough so I don't have to suck in my stomach any time an attractive woman walks by.
3. Be able to ice skate faster. (I *hate* getting beat when I'm playing defense!)
Let's see. For #1 I won't know for sure until I'm 50 I suppose. So it's kind of an ongoing thing. But hmm, the next time I do get my cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. checked, maybe I should post 'em.

For #2, haven't quite achieved that yet. But a similar goal is being met - my confidence is up enough so that when I meet said women, I no longer think I'm disgustingly fat and would never have a chance.

Improving on #3 as well. I usually don't get beat becuase I'm too slow any more, it's more becuase I'm playing bad defense... something No-S can't help me with. :roll:

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:32 pm
by silverfish
I find these difficult to list. I was never happy with my body (the heaviest of three girls, and also not the prettiest), and the few times I attended a physical school I was teased (but always had friends who stood up for me and hit the teasers over the head with their textbooks). But I wasn't desperately unhappy, generally. Just shy and self-conscious. I didn't diet, being quite certain the only reasonable way to be healthy was to move and eat reasonably (just didn't manage to do that). And I was healthy - I lived on a property, I rode, I swam, I walked and mustered and milked. I ate very good food, almost all home-made (even bread and soap were homemade) and very rich (my mother is American).

Even at boarding school, looking back on photos, I wasn't very fat - just shy and self-conscious, but generally happy.

Over 7 years at a residential college, I put on 20kilos. But I was having a wonderful life, and it was too much effort to feel bad about myself when I knew it was all my choices that had made me what I am. By the time I left college I was fatter and more self-confident than I had been before. Then I found No-S and lost 20+kg.

Now, I'm puzzled to work out what my non-numbers goals are, because I was (20kg ago) content, and I am still content. So the nice things are:

1. Enjoying food much more than I did (I ate a lot of it, but it wasn't as much fun).
2. Being able to swap clothes with friends.
3. A need for new clothes and an increase in income coinciding!
4. Not being told, "Well, you're not the fashionable one of the family" :)
5. Being able to shop for clothes in the same stores as my sisters (instead of standing around being bored)
6. Losing half a shoe size! So I'm now a 12 instead of 12/13. Still very expensive to buy shoes.
7. Not suffering (as much) in summer.

And goals?

1. Not to stop liking the taste of good food.
2. To be able to buy clothes at Mombasa and Tree of Life! Extremely fun clothes, insanely non-standard sizing.
3. To be able to find (and wear) undergarments with narrow shoulder-straps (tmi?).
4. Not too have angular shoulders - too many people need to cry on them.

It is very convenient being a smaller size (and this suits me as an inherently... energy-conserving person), but it still angers me how little there is available for people of larger size.

(Not quite so much fun: Being colder in winter, being uncomfortable sitting on hard chairs).

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:33 pm
by Toro
I've got just one.

I want to get to the point where I'm not obsessed about my weight and what I eat.

That's why I think No S might be perfect for me.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:02 pm
by hexagon

(1) To find a good career that makes me happy

(2) To continue to stave off depression with proper exercise and eating habits

(3) To not have food be an enemy (already after a few weeks doing No-S it isn't anymore--and I hope it will stay that way)

(4) To not have to suck in my gut all of the time

(5) To see a cute, fitted outfit and be able to wear it (Even though I wear clothes in the "normal" range of sizes, I find it dreadfully difficult to find things that look good)

(6) To not be so self-conscious about my body

(7) To help my S.O. resolve his issues with food (he has a bigger weight problem than I do, with high cholesterol, but somehow can't resist sweet baked goods, especially when he is under stress)

(8) To go back to a high school reunion and wow my former classmates with some stylish tight clothing

(9) To have guys actually look at me again

(10) To bench over 100 lbs. (I've gotten up to 95 lbs., so it shouldn't be so difficult)

(11) To do hardcore cross-country skiing like a pro (I do it, but I still suck)

(12) To actually ride a bicycle easily without fear, so that I can incorporate even more physical activity in my daily life. (Until recently I hadn't ridden one since I was 11, and I never did it that much as a kid so I never got to be really good...I got on one recently and while I could ride it, I was wobbling all over the place and afraid to go on the road.)

(13) To age gracefully and not experience as many of the physical problems that my parents have (in part, due to a lifestyle without much physical activity)

(14) Ultimately, to be happy with myself!