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My Confession: Why I'm Adding Mod's to S days

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:07 pm
by Elizabeth50
I thought I'd do a "confession" post about these past two S days. Firstly, since I had a fail on Friday, I decided to make Saturday an N day. Then yesterday I realized that I shouldn't punish myself for fail days because I'm just getting started. Also knowing that in the future I will have fail days, I need to just pick up and move forward from there. So from now on, I will treat S days as S days.

This morning I listened to a podcast by Reinhard about S days, and I'm so glad I did. While I realize that S days are meant for total freedom, after hearing his podcast I've decided that I'm going to add a modification to my S days, allowing only two S's per S day. The reason being is that I way overdid it yesterday, which leads me to my confession. I ended up having three, yes three sweets and two leftovers yesterday. A total of 5 S's in one day! :oops: I've learned over the years (through trying Intuitive Eating) that I simply cannot trust myself when left to my own devices. I need structure and so this is why I decided to add the mod. I'm very happy about this decision and can't wait until next weekend to give it a go!

Just wanted to share publicly so I am held accountable, and I think after every weekend (S days) or Special days I'm going to make a post here to update. It will be a great way to keep myself in check.

I hope everyone else had a great weekend and would love to hear your updates, too!

*Side note: I've also decided on certain hours of the day for Breakfast, Lunch and Supper. I will eat at those select times (whether hungry or not) to train my body to want food during those times.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:07 pm
by oolala53
No "confession" needed! Just thoughtful reflection. Well done!

For the first year, I ate many times more S's than that on weekends. Doesn't mean you have to; just means overages happen and may be part of the process. I honestly couldn't stand the idea of cutting back, but for anyone who is ready- and by that I mean it is only a minor struggle to do so-, it makes perfect sense.

I'm also glad you saw that trading a weekday S for a weekend one can come off like punishment for some sin. That can use a lot of mental energy that actually slows down the healing.

I tend to think of S days as S days whether I have an S or not. That way I don't bargain with them. Then it has more to do with whether an S would really add to my sense of pleasure or vitality and only sometimes just plain freedom. Often, they don't. Very little loss involved. Doesn't mean I don't sometimes "err" and eat in a way that's not especially delightful. But it usually balances out.

It took awhile, but the time will pass anyway!

You are right on track.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:57 pm
by Elizabeth50
Oolala, Thank you for your input. I appreciate your perspective on S days and S's in general. I hopefully will learn not to sweat it when I go overboard on the S's, but will try to keep them in check through the mods, as much as possible. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:29 am
by Merry
I hope it works out for you! I'm more like Oolala was in the beginning--not ready to mod my S days yet. I usually have one kinda crazy one and one not too bad one it seems. Of course, with Valentine's Day Sunday I had way too much chocolate yesterday!

I'm hoping that my S days even out more eventually. There are plenty of times where I realize that I really don't feel great when I eat too much junk on S days, and that I tend to feel better on N days. I just haven't quite gotten to the point of wanting to change S days that much (they motivate me through a lot of N days, LOL!)

Overall though, I think the process is working--I eat less on S days now than I used to, and I definitely eat less on N days than I used to--and the routine for N days is starting to feel "normal." I tried intuitive eating years ago but never did get on top of things (and all the analyzing was overwhelming to me, so I didn't keep up.) I'm hoping that N days kind of "leak over" into S days more over time (as I think they've started to with not wanting to overeat or have that stuffed feeling, or not wanting as much sugar as I used to.)

Anyway, I'll be anxious to hear how your S day mods turn out, if you like them, if you decide to keep them long-term or to relax them at some point. Thanks for sharing!

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:21 pm
by Elizabeth50
Merry, Thank you for your post. I love hearing how things are starting to balance themselves out on your S days. I'm especially glad to hear that you're starting to eat less on N days because feel like I'm way overdoing the meals, though I am using a smaller dinner plate. Still, I'm filling it quite full. I am going to practice putting a bite or two less on my plate for lunch today. I just had breakfast and there was sparsely a clear spot on the plate. lol I need to learn to not fear hunger! ;-)

I completely agree with you about feeling icky after eating junk food. I most certainly felt that way from the sweets the other day. That feeling alone should be enough of a deterrent to avoid splurging.

Agree on Intuitive Eating. All the wondering, "Am I really hungry? Have I had enough to eat?" is enough to drive one insane! All the thinking about it was as tedious as counting calories. I am so glad to have decided on coming back to No S. It's a good place to be! :)

Thank you for sharing your experience! :)

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:11 am
by Merry
Elizabeth50 wrote: I completely agree with you about feeling icky after eating junk food. I most certainly felt that way from the sweets the other day. That feeling alone should be enough of a deterrent to avoid splurging.
LOL, I think (hope!) it eventually will, though I confess, it's Tuesday, I'm over the "remember it felt icky?" moment and am thinking...more great treats are coming because Friday is my son's birthday!

Can I stick to cake and ice cream, and not dig into the remaining chocolates from Valentine's day? LOL!

I DID make candy from Christmas last slightly over a month though, so it's not completely hopeless!

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:27 am
by Elizabeth50
LOL on treats coming on Friday! Enjoy! :D

I have to say that I had a fail day yesterday because while waiting in line at the grocery store, the milk chocolate/sea salt chocolate bars were on sale and staring me in the face. I'd like to say it was a moment of weakness, but no..It was a downright decision to buy that chocolate and I had it opened and a piece of it melting in my mouth before we even made it out of the parking lot.

I've decided that I'm going to HAVE to remember that S days are coming, and picture how enjoyable those treats will be if I only wait. Now, if I can only convince my taste buds.. :roll:

I really am going to make an effort to think things through before jumping the gun again!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:00 am
by SugarFreebie
I haven't deliberately planned to have one Sweet and one Snack on my S days but that's how it's worked out. I've been a little under the weather for the past few days so blessedly little appetite as long as I have my good big breakfast sometime late morning (we're night owls--habit from 10 yrs of working night shift). That one plateful or the equivalent has proven to be plenty so Seconds not an issue. Actually looking forward to some productive N days this week!