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no s continued

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:38 pm
by mommashell
:) Hi everyone. In case you aren't keeping up with the off topic forum, I will post a question that is off topic but that I am curious about then I will tell what has been going on in my life lately. What is the difference between a blog and a message board like this? I would really like to know, because to me they seem the same. Ok, so what's new with me? Well, I went to Texas to give my grandfather a big sendoff. He passed away peacefully at his home on Thursday June 29th. My mom and my aunt were there. And we burried him on Monday with military honors. He was an awesome example of courage to all of us. He was a soldier in WWII and fought in some of the very famous battles like the battle of the bulge and was in the 101st air born. So anyway, as for the diet, well I kind of just said to heck with that for that one week. But yesterday I just made up my mind that grieving time was over, and there was no excuse to eat up everything in sight. So I jumped right back on the no s plan and I even exercised yesterday. Yesterday I weighed in at 230 but I did weigh later than usual. Today I weighed in at 228. I am hoping that if I exercise on the days that I do no s I will increase my weight loss. With my knee I have to be careful though. This means that sometimes I can't exercise when I want to because it just hurts too much. So the chart which I'm keeping so far in my head looks like this. N days 2 Exercise 20 water 0 (kept forgetting to drink it) Weight 228
I suppose I'll organize this better eventually, but those are the things I'm keeping track of.
The things I've noticed when I went on my week long eating benge is that I got really full sometimes and that was uncomfortable, and that I am learning what enough means. Not full and not hungry either. Well I guess that is enough posting for the time-being. I hope everyone is having a great week!!

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:19 pm
by gratefuldeb67
Hi Shell!
Sorry about your Grandpa again..
As far as the difference between this and a blog. Well I guess that this is more focused and directly related to one main theme, diet and exercise, and it's more interactive than a blog, because it generally leads to a back and forth discussion...
With a blog, I think it's basically more of a generalistic life diary with more of a narrative feel rather than a discussion..

That's my take.

Peace and Love,
8) Deb

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:48 pm
by doulachic
So sorry to hear about your grandpa, i have also lost someone close to me just recently. good job in jumping back on plan.

Re: no s continued

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:29 pm
by mommashell
Hi everyone. Thanks to deb for the answer on blogs. I just was confused because many blogs are about news and such. So anyway, I lost three pounds this morning. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. The scales are finally budging. I had a coke yesterday, but it was the result of poor planning and to tell the truth it was kind of too sweet after the first couple sips but I kept drinking it anyway because I was thirsty. And they didn't have water. I guess there are no glasses there. Anyway, we went to the car place and bought a car that guzzles less gass and traded in our truck. The payments are a little higher but we're saving on gass. I've noticed a few things. First off I don't wake up as often at night. Second I recoup from s days faster now. Instead of gaining three or four pounds I gain one and lose three. So far anyway. I have feasted on peaches for a week or so but they have always been on my plate and never between meals. Well anyway speaking of food, I'm hungry and I'm going to rescue my poor bagel which has gotten cold because I wanted to do this while I waited, but also wrote a letter and this is the second time writing this post because it didn't want to go through the first time. ANd hi to doula chick. Doulas rock. I had one for each of my daughters births. The first was a C section and the second was not. Much to the frustration of the doctor who insisted that I should have a Csecond with the second one. I had broken my leg while pregnant and he thought that made me high risk and was refusing to give me a trial of labor so I switched hospitals in the middle of labor, faxed all my records over to baptist and proceeded to have my labor. I was eight when I left, nine when I got there, slowed down for a while and then was able to procede. It was fantastic to just laugh in the face of all those doctors. Well not the one who delivered me. Well come to think of it I kind of laughed at him too when he offered me pain meds after it was all over with. ANyway, doulas rock!!!!
mommashell wrote::) Hi everyone. In case you aren't keeping up with the off topic forum, I will post a question that is off topic but that I am curious about then I will tell what has been going on in my life lately. What is the difference between a blog and a message board like this? I would really like to know, because to me they seem the same. Ok, so what's new with me? Well, I went to Texas to give my grandfather a big sendoff. He passed away peacefully at his home on Thursday June 29th. My mom and my aunt were there. And we burried him on Monday with military honors. He was an awesome example of courage to all of us. He was a soldier in WWII and fought in some of the very famous battles like the battle of the bulge and was in the 101st air born. So anyway, as for the diet, well I kind of just said to heck with that for that one week. But yesterday I just made up my mind that grieving time was over, and there was no excuse to eat up everything in sight. So I jumped right back on the no s plan and I even exercised yesterday. Yesterday I weighed in at 230 but I did weigh later than usual. Today I weighed in at 228. I am hoping that if I exercise on the days that I do no s I will increase my weight loss. With my knee I have to be careful though. This means that sometimes I can't exercise when I want to because it just hurts too much. So the chart which I'm keeping so far in my head looks like this. N days 2 Exercise 20 water 0 (kept forgetting to drink it) Weight 228
I suppose I'll organize this better eventually, but those are the things I'm keeping track of.
The things I've noticed when I went on my week long eating benge is that I got really full sometimes and that was uncomfortable, and that I am learning what enough means. Not full and not hungry either. Well I guess that is enough posting for the time-being. I hope everyone is having a great week!!

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:05 pm
by doulachic
good for you for insisting on the birth you wanted! Doctors are good, don't get me wrong, but a lot of times they go with their "medical" thinking rather than what is going to be good for the laboring mom overall....I know they have to think of the safety of both mom and baby, but sometimes they go overboard on just what they think in unsafe. Wow, don't think i would have had the courage to switch hospitals in the middle of my labors! Kudos to you! And good job on having a vaginal birth after having a c-section the first time around...our hospital here won't let you have a regular birth after a c-section...liability issues, probably.

I do love my job!

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:18 pm
by Mia21972
WOW! You switched hospitals in the middle of labor! I was in the room with my sister when she delivered my niece, I was then, and am still, in awe of the power of women. I'm not a mom, but I play one at school to over 300! My kids arrive at 14 or 15 and I see them leave 4 years later. :-( Every single one takes a little piece of my heart with them.

and update for the day

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 12:17 am
by mommashell
Mia21972 wrote:WOW! You switched hospitals in the middle of labor! I was in the room with my sister when she delivered my niece, I was then, and am still, in awe of the power of women. I'm not a mom, but I play one at school to over 300! My kids arrive at 14 or 15 and I see them leave 4 years later. :-( Every single one takes a little piece of my heart with them.
Welll, still holding steady at 226. I'm learning that there is a difference between tasting and having a lot of something. Having one coconut cream kiss just to get the curiousity out of my system is different than having one and then giving myself liscence to have a bunch. They are actually really good and I'm proud of myself for eating only one last night. I've been feeling sickly today, but that hasn't made want to S when I should be n'ing. Me and Lissa are apparently passing a cold back and forth. I had it she had it and at the same time she's having it, gave it back to me. I will probably taste a lkittle bite of Wally's peach cobler that he's making. But I will only have a bite. Not a whole bowl. So there's my update for the day. To Trish, about the hospitals. Well, it was kind of my doulas' idea. Basically they said that uams had faxed them and said they absolutely would not go along with my birth plan . Their fax was really fuzzy, but that was the gist. Then they called to find out what doctor was on call and the chick who was on call is famous for C sections and they told me that if I went to UAMS as planned, I was basically asking for an uphill battle. Because the head doctor had also decided to not grant me a trial of labor, Joney, was not even allowed to be there, unless I was having a C section. She would have lost her job. She ended up leaving anyway. But I had delivered at baptist before and we purposely waited till I was eight centameters before we left. The way I figured it, if I came in and said I was having a baby, they couldn't say well we can't treat you. They have to treat me. So Kim and Mary and whoever else. Well, wait, Kim faxed the records from UAMS, Mary followed me to the hospital. It was really funny because I remember being in the parking lot and having a contraction and knowing that the whole parking lot could hear me because I was at eight and so they weren't a picknick. And Mary runs up to me and starts going oooooooooh. So I would know how to direct my sound so it wasn't so scarry to the other people. She was an angel. And I also remember that I was thinking and asking several times, I can't go backward right? I know I asked two or three times, because I really needed to know that I could not go from eight centameters to say six. Anyway, I had several doulas with me. And the doctor came in and I basically said, you can say what you want but I'm not having a C section. And he was like... OK. And he started to explain things and I started to have a contraction at that time and i just put up my hand and went sh-sh-sh. My doula said that he kind of rolled his eyes in an "Ok, whatever" gesture. And when I was done I said, Ok, continue. And so he got to say his piece about if things got too risky or whatever, but that over all he thought there was no reason at this point to not have a trial of labor. So then he just hung out in the lounge until I was ready for him. I wish I could have a home birth. But then again, many home births end up in the hospital anyway. Of course, at this point I don't even know if Wal,ly and I are going to have any mopre kids. We're not doing anything to stand in the way of that but we aren't really trying for babies either. I don't do BC. Partly because I'm Catholic and partly because I had a miscarriage after getting off birth control. After that I just decided never again. I just had a thought. How-about any more discussion on this subject, you guys just pm me. Ok? That way we don't clutter up the list. Plus some of the guys may be uncomfortable with this discussion. So Trisha just pm me, ok? It's also easier to read private messages. Well maybe not I guess it doesn't go to my email but somewhere else on the board. Anyway, sorry for the ramble. You guys are the greatest.