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Done with dieting and obsessing!!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:11 pm
by Saramelie
I am starting the No S today. I lost weight eating quite like this before (no S all the time) and experienced the freedom of the concept. No more calories counting, no weighing in a room full of people, not writing down every bite, not obsessing over what is right/wrong to eat, no money spent on special foods... I'm in!
Since I'm french and we only have one day starting with S in french (samedi =Saturday), this and Special days will be my S days.
I have about 80-90 pounds to lose to be at an healthy weight and I'm convinced that I can get (and stay!) there with No S. Also stop obsessing about food (I binge/overeat) and feel "normal" again around it. Let the show begin!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:40 pm
by MaggieMae
Welcome! No S is wonderful. It was liberating to delete allthe calorie counting apps from my phone! :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:41 pm
by MaggieMae
Welcome! No S is wonderful. It was liberating to delete allthe calorie counting apps from my phone! :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:04 pm
by oolala53

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:18 pm
by Saramelie

Done With Dieting and Obsessing!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:21 pm
by losingforgood
Welcome! Doesn't it feel great to be able to focus on LIFE? And to put food and exercise in their proper place? That's what I get from NO S! Being able to go to a friend's house and get fed a surprise meal and not worry about what's in it. Being able to eat out and not feel like I have to always choose the RIGHT food items. That's awesome!

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:31 pm
by Merry
Welcome! Enjoy the freedom of NoS and support here :-)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:04 am
by cedar
Welcome Saramelie, I'm curious when you say you lost weight eating like no s before..was that in France? I found when we were there (and also with family in Switzerland) that eating between meals was just non existent and found it so easy to just eat 3 meals per day..I came home a little slimmer even though the meals were very heavy (especially Switzerland) in the middle of winter. I did notice the breakfasts were quite small and a yogurt or bit of bread and jam..i do like and need a decent breakfast personally. But I'm always interested in how other countries with such strong history and culture eat. Hope no s is going well for you x

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:06 am
by anra
hello and welcome to this "tribe" (as oolala likes to call it). :D

and ... ...what cedar asked! i'm curious as well.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:32 pm
by Red
HI Saramelie - I'm a 'newbie' too... Just started March 2nd.

I am kinda giddy with this, and anticipated the minor weight gain during the first month or so... so I put away my scale. Recommend you do so too, and just look for clothes getting more loose.

This is the first plan where I have completely relaxed, and am letting go of any worries about food.

ON my previous diet, I had to count calories, fat AND carbs... and adjust food intake based on those values. Some people on the diet also counted micro nutrients...which is insane. Straying off the diet with something as simple as a cookie, caused a lot of repercussions, including instant weight gain, sometimes 2-3 lbs in a single day - and it would take over a week to get it off again. This is crazy-making... and to say I was frustrated is an understatement.

The No S so far has been easy, I will try not to wind myself up in expectation of instant loss...but that's helped so much by S days, and the mini-successes of N days.

About 15 feet from where I'm sitting is one of my favorite things in all the world, a small pastry made of brioche and figs. I have no cravings for it, but I will have a small piece of it on my S day, and I'm treasuring the anticipation of that experience.

This is beyond awesome. I know you will do fine!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:10 pm
by anra
red, i'm nosy (and a bit horrified ....) - what was that program that you were on?

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:43 pm
by FarmerHal
Welcome! NoS is very liberating from all the other diet rules!


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:16 pm
by oolala53
Ants, horrified that you're nosy or horrified that someone dieted?😉