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Help and support needed!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:56 pm
by schnopkins
Hello no S-ers. I have started and stopped this for over 3 years and am no thinner. I read the posts and read about people eating celery, and fruit, and running 3 miles and I get discouraged. The reason I picked the No S was because it was three plates a day, and of course the No S part. But I fear that it won't work unless you really change your diet and run miles a day.

Has anyone had success just sticking to three plates a day, not worrying at first about what is on your plate and following the No S's?

Please share with me if weight loss is possible, or do you need to eat salads all the time and work out an hour a day?

Much love to all and thanks!

Re: Help and support needed!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:10 pm
by osoniye
schnopkins wrote:Has anyone had success just sticking to three plates a day, not worrying at first about what is on your plate and following the No S's?... or do you need to eat salads all the time and work out an hour a day?
:lol: Well, if you put it like that...
It really isn't binary. I try to eat "healthy" a lot of the time and I go for an evening walk when it is convenient. I lose weight slowly when I am true to NoS.
I'd advise trying it out (consistently!) with no extra restrictions and see how your body responds and how you feel after a couple of months.
Welcome here!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:41 pm
by Jen1974
I think I hate salads after too many in the past so I refuse to eat salads (: I'm better off eating things that taste good in smaller portions vs. a salad that leaves me feeling deprived!! I think you'll be more successful if you eat foods you love but just make sure the amount on your plate isn't too much of what you love (: Then don't have seconds, but if you want more have it again at the next meal or the next day. That how I'm doing it & it seems to be working for me.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:53 pm
by Over43
I have lost anywhere from 10 to 20+ pounds on various No S adventures. I usually have a salad on my plate since salad is my main medium for vegetables and fruit.

I do not worry to much about what is on my plate. I even eat Hamburger Helper if it is convenient for that evening.

I exercise three days a week, usually. I hate running so I ride an exercycle up to 40 minutes a workout and usually watch something on Netflix.

That is how it works for me. I do move up and down weight wise which is usually determined by my motivation.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 5:58 pm
by oolala53
I started over six years ago, but weight loss wasn't my focus, even though I was in the low obese range. I was a compulsive overeater, especially of sweets. I knew a diet wouldn't cure me of that.

Even from the beginning, my meals were rather "healthy," though, having found out that I didn't actually want to eat only lasagna and brownies all the time. I was never much of a burger and fries person, but I have those occasionally. My weekends were wild for a LONG time. I lost about ten pounds in the first couple of months and plateaued. Then more weight loss in fits and starts, but I pretty much lost weight every year. I have only started exercising regularly, and that not very much, in the last few months! But I did randomly go to dance classes. I got to a normal BMI range three years ago. I know that might sound slow, if you're young, but try losing and gaining for 30 years. Being in a hurry NEVER worked out long term. Just recently, still without a lot of exercise, I made some new changes and lost some more even though that's not why I made them! Down about 45 lbs. total. I'm convinced that for most people, AIMING at weight loss will complicate things. Aim at moderation, true hunger, and true satiety. It will take time to figure those out.

I'm not proud of not exercising, though. Get into 14 minutes on N days as soon as you can! Add walking as time goes on.

You don't have to exercise a LOT to lose weight, but you do have to eat less, possibly less than you'd like to. But I think No S is one of the easiest ways to that to get easier, too.

I do also love salad, though for a meal, I always have dense foods, too.

Unless you need to change your habits for a health condition, I agree with osoniye. Try it out and try to be more relaxed about it for awhile. Don't run to the scale all the time to see if it's "working." That kind of desperation without a health imperative is counterproductive. And don't assume that what is on your plate now will be the same as what you want in six months or a year.

Really, what's your option?

Help and support needed

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:37 pm
by schnopkins
Many thanks to all of you! I think I just needed to hear from you and get a pep talk!!!

Re: Help and support needed!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:53 pm
by Holocene
schnopkins wrote:Hello no S-ers. I have started and stopped this for over 3 years and am no thinner. I read the posts and read about people eating celery, and fruit, and running 3 miles and I get discouraged. The reason I picked the No S was because it was three plates a day, and of course the No S part. But I fear that it won't work unless you really change your diet and run miles a day.

Has anyone had success just sticking to three plates a day, not worrying at first about what is on your plate and following the No S's?

Please share with me if weight loss is possible, or do you need to eat salads all the time and work out an hour a day?

Much love to all and thanks!
I've seen the best weight loss of my adult life using NoS. I follow the rules but I don't concern myself with what's healthy or unhealthy... Only what fills me up and allows me to get to the next meal without wanting to eat my own leg and that usualy entails what people would call real food. Think peasant food ... Potatoes and root veg... BREAD (yes it's not evil), meat, veggies, eggs, cheese, beans, rice, pasta etc.

I saw excellent weight loss without exercise... Yes it's better with exercise but not exercising isn't going to stop you making progress. I only do it because I enjoy it and use it as a stress reliever and in fact have gained weight (muscle) since I've started doing kettlebells, but my waist is smaller.

Exercise if you want, don't if you don't, just go for a little walk for heart health. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

Re: Help and support needed!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:04 am
by Merry
schnopkins wrote: Please share with me if weight loss is possible, or do you need to eat salads all the time and work out an hour a day?

Definitely not! I eat salads when I want to, but not as a weight-loss strategy (and I don't go light on dressing either).

I've been No-essing since the end of November and am down 12 or so pounds. Not fast, astounding weight-loss, but definitely very doable, and I think it will be maintainable over the long-haul.

Exercise for me is mainly walking, and I haven't been consistent at all this winter. Hoping to get more in a daily habit this spring.