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New start

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:43 pm
by TheCatInTheBag
Hi everyone
I'm back on it. 1 of no s complete.
In 2013 I lost 3 stone....I am.ashamed to say I fell.of the wagon undid all my good work and regained the lot plus more.
So annoyed with myself. I need to loose 4 stone I look big and flabby.
I'm. Going to use this chat forum as a motivator. I didn't want to weigh myself and just go on clothes sizes but do you think weighing would give me more clarity and motivation?

Thank x

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:07 am
by Merry
Welcome back! I left and came back (with similar results sadly). can do this!

I say you know yourself best and know what motivates you. I did decide to weigh--watching clothing sizes change would be too slow-moving for me to find it motivating. I like to weigh daily, and am very familiar with how my weight can fluctuate (I don't freak if I gain 2 lbs. overnight--okay, maybe I have a split-second freak, and then I remember that's normal for me, LOL!). But some people find weighing to be de-motivating, and really just want to focus on the NoS habits.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:20 am
If you're going down the No S route, then you need to commit to it.
And if you commit to it, then, no, you don't need to weigh yourself - you need to establish the No S habit on N days.

If you haven't already - then I would think that re-reading the book, and listening to the podcasts will support you enormously.

Go for it!


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:13 pm
by Jen1974
I like to weight myself daily too although it can be hard when you see the ups & downs that are natural & have nothing to do with if what you are doing is working or not. When I was having a particulary hard time with the scale & not seeing any drop for a few weeks early on, I downloaded the app Happy Scale. I've been entering in everyday on that & once you get enough data it lets you know a moving average. So when you have a day that's higher you can look at the moving average & know that you are still moving in the right direction. So for example yesterday I jumped up 2 lbs but the moving average showed that when you looked at this entire week compared to last week that my weight is still moving down. There's also a graph so you can look at your month & see your weight dropping by the line going down.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:00 pm
Happy Scale sounds good. I personally weigh every day to give myself that same overall view of how things are going. But, like you, I am cool about the ups and downs that happen whilst on an overall downward trend.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:24 am
by oolala53
I think if you can't divorce yourself from feeling bad about the scale dropping WITHOUT its actually making you get back in line, don't weigh. I personally have rarely been motivated to eat less just because my weight was up. It was more how uncomfortable I felt from eating too much and feeling imprisoned by food. But in the beginning, I weighed daily and averaged once a week. Now I do that for a week at a time at the turn of the seasons and really concentrate on my other reasons for wanting to eat moderately. But it was fun to find at my last weighing that I was down. It might not still be down in June, though. Habit is king.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:59 pm
by SpiritSong
I just re-started myself, and I did a weigh in on Day One. I don't intend to weigh again until my clothes feel loose.

I am not one of the people who is going to gain on No S (because I wasn't on a restrictive diet beforehand), so I'm not going to worry about my weight. It will disappear when it's ready to. (I mean, I have a weight loss goal, but weighing myself isn't going to help with that.)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:56 pm
by Red
Hi Hi TheCatInTheBag!!

I'm a complete newbie to NoS - only doing it for about 6 weeks now. I'm SOLD, and love every minute of it. I'm so proud of myself too - passing up on sweets (by the bulk around me unfortunately) - regularly. I can do this, I'm sure you can too!!!

I'm on a monthly weigh -in schedule - only because I don't want to fall prey to the "OMG" mindset - when I've eaten something salty and put on a couple of pounds of water. It's just a suggestion.


You can do this!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:29 am
by cedar
I personally have been weighing myself daily, as if to 'desensitise' myself from any fear I feel from the number, but it's just something I have come up with for myself personally..seeing how the number fluctuates kind of reinforces how meaningless it really kind of removes the power of the scale somehow for me. I'm not really liking the number it's displaying at the moment but I already knew what was happening as my clothes are tight and I haven't been following the (brilliant) No S guidelines.. so no surprise.
Oolala I just have to say I really enjoy and always appreciate your input..and a belated congratulations on your continued success with No S (I only just read your latest updated testimonial). It's very inspiring so thanks. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 5:39 am
by oolala53
Cedar, you are too kind.