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Is it cheating?

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:08 pm
I'm new, (as previously mentioned) and I was wondering if you all would consider it cheating to eat some S on a Friday night? Like would it be okay if I did that and then maybe didn't eat any S on Sunday night? It really equates to the same thing if you thing about it. You just start the weekend a little early and end it a little early. I'm thinking about a fruit smoothie with Greek yogurt and whipped cream :lol: . Also, the weekends are looking like they might be a struggle to use moderation. My teacher gave everyone prizes in class this afternoon and it was candy. Everyone else was eating theirs (you know, high school boys!) and it really took everything in me not to just dive right into the Skittles with them. So basically my main question is, Is it reasonable to snack Friday night and then skip it Sunday night?

As always,
Na Razie! :P

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:49 am
by MaggieMae
I just looked up old threads about this, myself! It seems some people start their weekend at dinner on Friday and just end earlier on Sunday or at dinner on Sunday. I have been contemplating this, but am afraid that it will throw me off course. It seems some people have had success doing it, while others say that it could open the floodgates to a binge. I'm curious to see what others have to say. Here's a link to the thread I was reading: ... end+friday

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:25 am
by ironchef
You could start with dinner Friday night, then end after lunch on Sunday if you prefer, it's not No S as written, but hey if it works for you. The thing to watch out for is whether you'll feel deprived on Sunday if others have seconds, dessert or snacks after dinner. It's easy to say on Friday "oh, I won't have x on Sunday", much harder to actually say no on Sunday.

In the culture of overconsumption most of us live in it is inevitable that following No S will mean that sometimes you will be the only one who isn't "diving right in" to sweets or snacks. Well done on resisting :-)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:34 am
Thanks for the thoughts! As I'm still in the experiment phase, I think I'm going to give this a try:

Friday: Everything normal expect for after dinner. Will allow myself a snack or dessert if I feel the need or am out somewhere.

Saturday: S day! Eat what I want :lol:

Sunday: No S day. It seems to me this will be much more doable for me, personally. As I've said a few times, I don't like to feel like a weirdo and I like to be able to eat socially. Sunday seems the most logical day to make a no S day. I go to church at 10:00A.M. and wake up quite a bit later than usual, so I shouldn't have any trouble avoiding a morning snack. Once we get home we go for a walk and then it's noon...lunch time! Sunday afternoon is pretty low key, usually reading or homework and Sunday night I am usually reading/doing homework/journaling/recharging for the week. Not watching telly with the fam!

So yeah, just ironing all this out right now! Still working on the weekend thing. If this current plan doesn't work I'll revise it as needed. I had the smoothie. It was delicious. I didn't regret it, and it's nice feeling fuller at night for once!

Na Razie!

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:45 am
by Merry
I think you have to know yourself. If I had 2 partial S days and one full one, I would probably overdo it at least sometimes on the partial S days--meaning it wouldn't be much different than 3 full S days for me, even if I stuck to time cut-offs.

I opted to move my S days instead. I do Fridays and Sundays. Saturday is an N day for me.

Maybe you would like Fridays and Saturdays?

Think about it and do what works for you. It's one of those things where you might not know until you try it.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:58 pm
So, to let you know, my plan worked, quite well, actually, and I was pleasantly surprised. Friday night, was great and really enjoyable. Also it wasn't very hard to keep the rest of Friday S free. Saturday was awesome and I enjoyed everything a lot. Come Sunday though, I didn't feel the need to binge and was just fine going back to the no S way of life :P So yeah, I think I'm going to try it again this coming weekend!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:58 am
by Merry
JJJPK wrote:So, to let you know, my plan worked, quite well, actually, and I was pleasantly surprised. Friday night, was great and really enjoyable. Also it wasn't very hard to keep the rest of Friday S free. Saturday was awesome and I enjoyed everything a lot. Come Sunday though, I didn't feel the need to binge and was just fine going back to the no S way of life :P So yeah, I think I'm going to try it again this coming weekend!
Awesome :-)

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:12 pm
by Jen1974
Yay! I'm so glad it worked for you (: I do the same thing & it's never been a problem for me. Sunday night is more of a weeknight in my world where Friday & Saturday nights are my weekend nights.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:47 am
by oolala53
Okay for future reference, this is going to sound like it's splitting hairs, but a few extra hours can do a lot of damage.

Theoretically, S days go from Saturday morning to Sunday night, which is about 36 hours, not 48, as many seem to assume. If you start your S days on Friday night, consider breakfast or brunch on Sunday to be the last time to have seconds or sweets. The rest of the day should be snack free, too. But it sounds like that is happening, for now anyway.

Keep having fun!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:58 am
by Merry
oolala53 wrote:Okay for future reference, this is going to sound like it's splitting hairs, but a few extra hours can do a lot of damage.

Theoretically, S days go from Saturday morning to Sunday night, which is about 36 hours, not 48, as many seem to assume. If you start your S days on Friday night, consider breakfast or brunch on Sunday to be the last time to have seconds or sweets. The rest of the day should be snack free, too. But it sounds like that is happening, for now anyway.

Keep having fun!
So, I'm curious how you came to that determination (versus, for example, deciding that S days encompass 6 meals)? Did something in your journey over your years of following NoS lead you to define it that way versus differently?

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:48 pm
by oolala53
In the beginning, staying up until midnight on Friday to eat a 20 oz. bar of chocolate and still eating more stuff on Sunday night. That is one thing I'm sorry I let myself do.

Hearing people here so frequently sorry they ate because they could all day Saturday into Sunday night. That's even being canonical!

Because people will bend things to suit the old habit's "desire" to perpetuate itself, not realizing that's it's just the neural pattern trying to assert itself.

If S days are 48 hours, why couldn't someone start at 5 a.m. on Saturday and then eat a sweet at 5 a.m. Monday morning?

Even if it's six meals, it means it ends midday on Sunday, not Sunday night. (But maybe that's what the original mod was. Don't have time to look back!)

Or really, if someone starts on Friday, no matter what time, it's an S day, so the S days should end on Saturday night.

And because I'm just difficult. :shock: :)