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Like riding a bike...

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:21 am
by cedar
I'm quite amazed at how easily my body and mind has adjusted back to 3 meals a day without snacks..I'm back after veering off course a few too many times over many years..I'm not sure how long I've consistently been "days on habit" in the past..I think about 3 months at a time at least, but it's quite comforting to have no s feel so natural. I am aware I'm perhaps in the honey moon period..but I'm enjoying having my body work with me rather than protest with discomfort. I'm eating to fullness at each meal and have been upping the fats just while I establish habit-as that's my main have this be for life (2nd goal = fit comfortably back into my pants again!)..but I am still hungry by the time my meal is due so that's good because eating is great when you're hungry for it!
Anyway..has anyone else experienced this coming back to no s? I think I may have read it in other posts but thought I'd bring it up again. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:41 am
by noni
Yes! There is so much more satisfaction in eating at meals only, rather then that awful snacking habit, which diminishes keener taste buds and natural hunger.

Every time I eat far away from No S I could kick myself because, not only for of the eventual weight gain, but the disruption of good habit-forming.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:34 pm
by oolala53
I don't have the experience of having wandered afar (just a lot of failures at times, but I was always trying) but what I will say that after all these years I have finally gotten it that the feeling I get from eating lightly/moderately is one I cannot get any other way! Even now, little thoughts will come up about going ahead and having a bite of this or that, just some little thing around work or in the fridge, but the opposing thought is coming fast these days: if I eat that, I'll lose this nice light feeling now or in an hour or so. In the past, I sometimes thought that but was a little resentful that that's what it took. But right now, I'm accepting it, and it feels darn good.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:45 pm
by Kittson
My restart after calorie counting went better than I thought. It was tough for a couple weeks but after committing to try a 21 day challenge with myself it became easy again. Now I'm one month into all green days and it isn't an issue anymore.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:12 am
by cedar
That's awesome kittson..1 month of greens well done!
I attended a training course today for work and they put on morning and muffins..i looovve muffins (orange and poppyseed my favourite) and I had that internal chatter going on.."go on just have one, it's important to have a fail you can demonstrate to yourself that you can "mark it and move on", you'll learn from it" haha..the mind is funny isn't it..but I remembered my little green squares building up and how I could enjoy a muffin in 2 days time if I want to..GUILT FREE! and I'm happy to say I poured myself a coffee and got away from the muffin tray and now I can add another green square to my habitcal ..even though the day isn't over yet I'm confident. Yay!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:44 am
by SpiritSong
cedar wrote:That's awesome kittson..1 month of greens well done!
I attended a training course today for work and they put on morning and muffins..i looovve muffins (orange and poppyseed my favourite) and I had that internal chatter going on.."go on just have one, it's important to have a fail you can demonstrate to yourself that you can "mark it and move on", you'll learn from it" haha..the mind is funny isn't it..but I remembered my little green squares building up and how I could enjoy a muffin in 2 days time if I want to..GUILT FREE! and I'm happy to say I poured myself a coffee and got away from the muffin tray and now I can add another green square to my habitcal ..even though the day isn't over yet I'm confident. Yay!
That devil on your shoulder can sure be tricky! Congrats on the green win!!

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:36 pm
by oolala53
One thing I want to start is a little box of "wins" written on index cards, something Judith Beck recommends. It's akin to habitcal, but less simple. She says to periodically take the box out an reread of little successes.

I think your month of green might qualify.

I guess if you had it on habitcal, you could look at it, too, but you might have to see some reds later, and that will taint the process.

Or not!

In any case, kudos.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:36 am
by ironchef
I've never really stopped, more just had periods where I'm wishy washy (sometimes deliberately) and some failures. But whenever I "get strict" it's always easier each time. All this practice of habits does build up over time, even WITH inconsistency. I find that very comforting.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:54 am
by cedar
Yes I always resisted "strictness" and discipline..I was very much into intuitive eating and allowing all foods whenever whatever etc...but I'm really enjoying the clear boundaries of no s rules..for someone who is prone to thinking and analysing things wayyyyy too much ( my poor husband!!) it's such a relief to NOT have to think about and decide on things all the time. It's an N I can't have the cake at morning tea it's an N day..i want to eat but it's not meal time..easy.
I'm probably repeating myself but I work in aged care so most of my clients eat 3 meals per day (most have a small sweet with dinner) and NEVER between meals..they mostly have set meal times too.. I was doing a respite shift 10am-2.30pm that involved fixing lunch and eating with the client and she asked me when I arrived 'what time do you eat lunch'..I thought wow..that's so telling..not we'll see how things go and if you're hungry we'll muddle along but clear set times for eating.
Oolala I like the idea of recording little wins..I find Judith Beck very helpful with the mindset side of things for sure.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:19 am
by Merry
cedar wrote: it's such a relief to NOT have to think about and decide on things all the time. It's an N I can't have the cake at morning tea it's an N day..i want to eat but it's not meal time..easy.