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unrelated to eating- about Kindle

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:22 pm
by oolala53
I know there is a forum for random topics, but I don't think it has as much action, so I"m asking here.

Basic question is whether or not you are glad you have Kindle unlimited, or something like it. You can skip all the details about myself, if you like.

I'm a pretty frugal person and (having read Small is Beautiful years ago, still antsy about how capital-intensive our lifestyle is with the "necessary" yearly cost of using electronics, among other things) use the public library for as much as I can to read, (I have several books out now and several more on hold) and I don't usually prefer reading books on devices. However, I'm trying to declutter and am struck with how even giving away hard copy books can just end up moving the clutter around. I've ordered a few digital titles from from Amazon (usually for 2.99 or less), but just recently wondered if Kindle might be worth the $120 a year, EVERY year (see how I think about such costs). I've spent less than $200 on books for personal use since 2007, besides the odd one found at a thrift store or yard sale. And I'm very judicious about them these days, too.

Don't know why I'm telling you all this when what I want to know is, if you do use Kindle or something else I don't know about, do you feel it's a godsend? Or does it end up complicating things with too much choice because you can just drop a book and move on to another? Or just being another way to be dependent on shelling out dough every month?

Thanks in advance for letting me know your opinion and perhaps a little about your attitude in general about these things.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:04 pm
by Dale
I have had a Kindle for over a year now, and love it! I did have a good look at the Kindle Unlimited subscription and decided against it. The books that I wanted to read usually weren't on Kindle Unlimited, and an awful lot of stuff I wouldn't want to read, was!

I don't know if it's the same everywhere, but Amazon seems to have various sales, daily deals, montly deals and so on with books usually about 99p. I don't read as much as I used to it and decided I would much rather buy a couple of sale books a month, than have the subsription. So far the sub hasn't tempted me.

I did find out that I have just as much a tendency to hoard books on the Kindle as in hard copy, and that's something I have to keep under control, but at least they aren't taking up space in my home! I am too easily tempted by daily sale books, so now I try to avoid looking to see what's on sale. (On the other hand, I've bought a few really good books that I wouldn't have considered, because they were on sale and looked interesting). Up until recently, I probably spent as much on sale books as the cost of the sub (and I spent more on non-sale books for work, etc. - but none of those would have been available via the sub). Hardly any of the books that have tempted me have been "Unlimited" books. Now I am spending less, but I do have an extensive library of books I haven't read yet, that will be still there if I choose not to pay out any more money.

I do love being able to take the Kindle out with me, without having to decide what book to bring (I tended to read several books at once even in my pre-Kindle days).

(I'm not sure if the Unlimited version is different in different countries. If it really mean you could read any Kindle book, then it would be worth it).

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:24 am
by Merry
I don't prefer reading a book on kindle, but every once in awhile I get one. I much prefer to read actual books. I wonder if something like paperback swap would have the books you are interested in (you get points for sending paperbacks on to others and can use those points to purchase what you want.)

For me, a kindle book is usually a low priority book (I really just want to skim it). So, I've not done the service.

I like the kindle fire for other things though.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:27 pm
by oolala53
Thanks for responding! It was good to find out that the subscription doesn't necessarily include getting to read anything I wanted.

I'm still not sure what I"m going to do. I was asking because I actually bought the hard copy of a book, had it get delivered a couple of weeks ago or so, and can't find it! I can find about a hundred other books, of course. I really have culled my collection and thought I kept books in just a couple of places to avoid this problem, but it has not turned up. Curses! I was considering buying the dang electronic version. I SO seldom buy books anymore that I can't believe I will have two copies of it. I did this with one other book title last year, and never finished reading either version of it!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:27 am
by Merry
So frustrating! I hope it turns up!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:01 am
by Broca
Oolala, I absolutely love my kindle. I have read maybe one paper book in the last few years. I tried Kindle Unlimited and dropped it for the same reasons Dale did. You can try books before you buy or even return a book if you know you won't finish it.

I also download a lot of books for free from my state's library system using an app called Overdrive. I believe it can tap into any library system in the country if they have joined up for it. It sends books to you through your Amazon account. All free but your loan expires after two weeks. Titles are a little limited but I've gotten many good books from it. Check it out.