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Figure is outlook speaking

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:23 am
by jackn
This is what I'm convinced of: my figure is a reflection of how I look at things.

Specifically, if I accept and flow, I can eat fine.
If, on the other hand, a bottomless yearning keeps haunting me, I resort to overeating.
The usual cycle then follows.

As I grow older, I feel more balanced and at peace, with self and world.
Yet, that I still struggle with food seems to me like a sort of ignorance and adolescence.
I need to grow.

What do you think?

And good luck to all on the journey.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:51 pm
by HappyHiker

I think the same, but I would say that if I have healthy habits vis a vis diet, exercise, sleep and stress reduction, then my levels of neurotransmitters are balanced and I have no problem eating moderately, but if I don't, then my dopamine receptors get desensitized and I get low levels of serotonin which result in an urge to overeat.

Same idea, just your way of saying it is far more compelling and poetic. ;)

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:15 pm
by jackn
Thanx, HappyH, for the response and the kind words both.

I actually think you've pointed out something essential.

The way I read you, there's give and take between practice and outlook.

The original post implies that to eat reasonably, you have to change your outlook.
Your post says that changing your practice can change your outlook.
This, then, feeds back into the loop, etc.

In other words:
A change of practice may come about without a change of heart and mind.
It may come about just out of sheer will, and not feel authentic necessarily. Yet, then, it may translate into an interior change. This deeper change allows the behavior to go on, this time as an authentic, spontaneous expression, not mere gesture without conviction.

In short, a dynamic give-and-take between practice and outlook, not one way street.

Hope this was clear, and, more importantly, true to your thoughts, HappyH...

Good luck with the habits.
To all.

Re: Figure is outlook speaking

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:28 pm
by Merry
I think there are elements of truth in both, as you said--that outlook can affect how we eat, and that behaviors (how we take care of ourselves) can also affect outlook--as well as how much we eat.

When I'm getting less sleep, I'm overtired, and my body can try to compensate by eating more--that can be a vicious cycle too.

I don't know if struggling with food is
jackn wrote:Yet, that I still struggle with food seems to me like a sort of ignorance and adolescence.
I think it can be--but it also can just be "natural." We're surrounded by an abundance of food of all varieties that's easy to get our hands on, and it tastes great. I think some level of struggle for many in this situation is to be expected, and that it takes work to overcome despite the struggle. All that to say...don't beat yourself up over that!
jackn wrote:If, on the other hand, a bottomless yearning keeps haunting me, I resort to overeating.
I think this is very true as one of the sources of overeating. We're all spiritual beings and we will have yearnings that we don't always understand, or that we try to fill in unspiritual ways like eating. When I notice this in myself, I turn to Christ and the Bible. Am I really going to God to have my needs met, or am I trying to fill them on my own? etc...

I think it's an important question, and one I find helpful, but not something I over-focus on, if that makes sense. I've heard of approaches to weight loss that make it purely about a spiritual battle, which can be an exhausting approach--especially since struggles with food are a mixture of issues generally, plus "analysis paralysis" and all that! In this, I find No-S really freeing. I don't have to know why, I just need to train the habits.

Interesting question!

Re: Figure is outlook speaking

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:24 am
by HappyHiker
Merry wrote:I've heard of approaches to weight loss that make it purely about a spiritual battle, which can be an exhausting approach--especially since struggles with food are a mixture of issues generally, plus "analysis paralysis" and all that! In this, I find No-S really freeing. I don't have to know why, I just need to train the habits.
My cat was overweight last time I took him for his shots. Turns out I was feeding him too much. He may have been eating too much for physical or emotional reasons (though he seems quite happy and content), but he has lost weight because now I am feeding him less. He has me to limit his food, and I have habits to limit mine, no matter what my reasons for wanting to eat more.

My point is, even though we should definitely tend to ourselves spiritually and emotionally, like you, I've found that having a nice habit to keep me inside the lines is a lovely shortcut to a healthy weight.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:50 am
by jackn
I feel I need to clarify.

Seeing eating only through the angle of a method to eat that will keep you within bounds, often means failure, I think.
a. you simply fail to keep it up, or
b. you manage, and that's even worse, in a way.

The apparent 'success' I see as worse for two reasons. First, it may cost a great deal in attention and mindfulness.
Second, and perhaps more importantly, the eating issue is simply a symptom of an underlying issue.
A method that 'works', therefore, leaves you with the whole underlying issue in your lap. It has all the downsides of treating a symptom - it leaves us blind to the cause, that way really missing an opportunity to grow.

Of course, changes in behavior will always be the way addressing eating will translate in the real world.

Finally, I don't at all feel I beat myself up.
I'm happy to recognize my problems.
I think of it as a step forward.
I feel I'm really in touch with myself then.
I'm always imperfect and always changing, and that feels comfortable and right.

I think the underlying issue is the failure to accept that living is forever imperfect, and that, by essence, it means not being content and at peace as a permanent state.
I think various psychological issues, including addictions of all sorts, may simply mean refusal of this eternal reality.
Overeating, to me, is my way of throwing a temper tantrum in an attempt to make reality comply.
It is I who needs to comply.

Now look what i did.
Busy typing away, I burnt the dish on the stove.
Quick, chocolate to the rescue!

When I grow up, when I truly accept my yearning without trying to
quench it once and for all... I think I'll be more alive, more true to myself and more efficacious.

Yes, one day, eternal peace and contentment will be mine.
I will be dead then.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:08 am
by Bullisaba
I would love to eat without rules and remain slim.

I have not been doing the No S diet for very long however, I would describe myself as option b - I manage but it requires attention and mindfulness.

My partner does not think about food like I do. He is very relaxed about when he eats and how much he eats. He is at peace.

I have no idea why I am not at peace and I do feel that the No S diet is treating the symptom and not the cause.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:57 am
by jackn
Dear Bullisaba.

How open and courageous.
Thank you.

I have thoughts about the substance of what you said, but I'm somewhat overwhelmed by your post.
I feel it's right to leave it be as is.

Re: Figure is outlook speaking

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:25 pm
by noni
Merry wrote:
"I think this is very true as one of the sources of overeating. We're all spiritual beings and we will have yearnings that we don't always understand, or that we try to fill in unspiritual ways like eating. When I notice this in myself, I turn to Christ and the Bible. Am I really going to God to have my needs met, or am I trying to fill them on my own? etc..."

I agree, Merry!
Before I eat, I try to remember a prayer with MET requirements;
That God would help me to eat with:

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:04 pm
by LifeisaBlessing
jackn--thank you so much for such an interesting, philosophical topic! I have to confess that your post really made me think--so much so it took me three days to come up with a response. So thank you for a wonderful "mental" exercise, so to speak! :)

I fall in both Merry and noni's camp: being a religious person, specifically a Christian and a Catholic, I firmly believe that we are spiritual beings, are put here for a purpose by God, and each of our lives is an individual journey of constant searching, improving, and working towards the end goal of being in Heaven.

While on the journey, each person will have his or her own individual challenges. Some of these will be lifelong; some can be handled and moved on from. Therefore, I don't necessarily believe that struggles with food indicate that you're stuck in an "ignorance and adolescence"; it's just an indication that it's a problem that might need more time to solve.

Feeling more balanced and at peace with your life is wonderful, and many times can indicate that you're on the correct path. From my religious perspective, however, I believe that total and complete balance and peace will not be achieved in this lifetime--only when we are reunited with God after we die.

The bottomless yearnings and emptiness will ultimately only be satisfied then. As St. Augustine so rightly put it, "Our heart is restless until it rests in you."

In writing all of the above, I understand that the NoS community has many faiths and belief systems, so I hope my post is read in view of that--not trying to convert anyone, but just giving my perspective. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:01 pm
by jackn
Lifeis, very kind and gratifying words.
Thank you.

I agree, I'm not stuck.
Everything is changing. All the time.

For my part, at least, your confession of faith is taken in exactly the spirit it's offered.