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Questions about exercise

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 5:42 am
by adgardner
Hi! I am interested to see if any among you are vanilla and also work out say 1 hour 3 or more days a week? Do you feel vanilla is compatible with this much exercise? I have been on again off again and I tend to blame exercising for my "need to snack" any help on timing or just let me know what you do.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 6:47 am
by oolala53
Humans have exercised the equivalent of a lot more than an hour of exercise a day without a lot of snacking for generations. In fact, some people believe with our mostly sedentary workstyles, we could easily get by on two meals a day, so three plus some tough workouts is plenty. Besides, don't you want to have some reason for your body to draw on its reserves?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:09 pm
by LifeisaBlessing
oolala53 wrote:Humans have exercised the equivalent of a lot more than an hour of exercise a day without a lot of snacking for generations. In fact, some people believe with our mostly sedentary workstyles, we could easily get by on two meals a day, so three plus some tough workouts is plenty. Besides, don't you want to have some reason for your body to draw on its reserves?

Agree 100%! :)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:35 pm
by Jen1974
I run 4 1/2 miles or do 45 minutes on the elliptical 6 days a week. I lift weights 5 days a week. I walk my dog about 40 minutes a day & lately have been riding an exercise bike while I read, check email, or do other things that can be done while riding an exercise bike, usually about 40 minues a day (: I consider myself very active and have been very successful with a version very close to vanilla (I don't snack on weekends & follow th 3 meal plan 7 days a week & have S events (sweets or seconds) occasionally during the week for things that come up.

I work best making sure every meal includes fat. It seems to be the most important nutrient for keeping me from getting hungry between meals with all the exercise.

Good luck!! Exercise can definitely make me hungry, but I've found that by tweaking my meals to be filling I can overcome it (:

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 5:02 pm
by adgardner
Good to see the inspiration. I need to see that you all are pulling it off. If you feel like it, I would love to know more details about the meals that work and also when you time your work out. I am 31 yr old female cyclist/runner hovering around 153 and wanting to be 138. I am 5ft 6.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:05 am
by Lilbec
I'm an amateur triathlete so swim, ride & run (around 3 sessions per week each) as well as doing some weights and yoga. I also have 3 kids so workouts are pretty much whenever I can fit them in; sometimes early in the morning (5am), sometimes lunchtime, sometimes evening.

I'm only a novice with 'No S' but apart from the first couple of days (when I was always STARVING in between meals) I'm having no issues with only having 3 meals, in fact I feel like I have a lot more energy. I used to snack non-stop and eat very small meals, now I just eat much more substantial meals and yes always make sure there's some fat & protein. I often end up having to wait a while between a workout and a meal (either because of timing or because life gets in the way) but somehow hunger seems to bother me less now! Mind you I generally only do moderate workouts after dinner, I think it could be hard to do a really hard workout then not eat until breakfast.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:13 pm
by Jen1974
I'm an early morning workout person, with adding biking or walking to my day as I find time. Usually an afternoon walk with my dog, walking up to the mailbox before dinner and jumping on the bike once I've gotten my kids out the door in the morning to organize my day & check emails.

I move a lot so I feel like I eat a lot but a pretty typical day would look like:

8 oz Noosa yogurt (full fat) mixed with a serving of grape nuts, bowl of berries, 2 coffees with cream

1/2 bagel with 2 oz mozzarella & pizza sauce, bowl of berries, serving of Total cereal with a little whole milk, 4 oz Noosa yogurt

4 oz 90% lean burger on 1/2 tortilla (like it better than a bun, not to avoid carbs), 1 oz cheddar, Noosa yogurt, more berries (=

I also include a light beer & some wine each night (: doesn't look much like what you would eat to lose weight LOL!! My N days are pretty big & my S days pretty mild though. An S day might be I replace a yogurt with a Ben & Jerrys ice cream, or add dark chocolate.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 7:07 pm
by k1dub
I've just added exercise into No S but I workout when I can (at night, during the week) and eat a big dinner afterwards. So far, so good.