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Learning to serve the right amount first time

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:55 am
by Lilbec
I'm really happy with how things are going on No S this time around... BUT the thing I'm finding hardest is actually 'no seconds'. I'm so used to snacking a lot & eating small meals that I'm having trouble learning to put enough on my plate to satisfy my hunger without needing to go back for more. I think 'no seconds' is a good idea because it's a slippery slope to 3rds or 4ths without really being able to track how much you've eaten, but I'm often realising too late that I really didn't serve enough! I guess it's just a matter of practice but... if anyone else has had this problem, any tips would be appreciated 😊

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:08 am
by Merry
It took me awhile too--sometimes I served too little, sometimes too much. It evens out eventually (for me it was a lot better after the first few weeks). Now I can usually tell what's going to be enough, but occasionally I still get it wrong. I try to focus on being thankful we are able to eat three great meals a day, and grab a cup of tea or something to tide me over if needed. Hang in there!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:49 am
by kaalii
same like merry! :)

the right size of serving is the best skill im learning through noS...
i have also found that wanting seconds was also more connected to the bad habit than actual hunger... i always had seconds... and now even on S days hardly ever...

but it depends also what is on the plate... if im having f.e. pasta al pesto that i love im going to want seconds and/or be a bit more hungry 'till the next meal... if im having a more protein filled meal im going to be more full and not want seconds at all...

one other thing - im always eating a simple salad (italian dressing, no cheese, nuts, meat etc., those salads go to the plate) on the side of my 9" plate... it is in the common bowl at the table and if i feel i need a bit more food i have a couple of more forks of salad... that helps...

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:24 am
by Bullisaba
I can relate.

I was calorie counting before I stated No S and was used to eating small. I was always hungry and would look forward to my next meal or snack.

When I started No S I would often serve myself a meal that was too small. I was worried about how few 'rules' there were and that I would gain weight. I did not trust myself to know when I was full and push the plate away.

I have to admit that I do find it difficult to leave food on my plate even though I have been doing No S for a while (about 10 months I think??).

To stop cravings for seconds I slowly increased the amount I served on my plate. If I was really hungry I ate vegetables.

I also have a cup of coffee after every meal (even dinner) which removes the taste of the meal and helps me move on.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:26 pm
by oolala53
Serve bigger portions of the dense foods for awhile? If you hate throwing food out, resolve to save even small amounts and put them in an omelette? Or soup?