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6 weeks in and no weight loss

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:46 pm
by RhiVir2016
Can anyone shed any light on what I'm doing wrong? I started at the beginning of October. I had a few fails, but for the last 4 weeks I've been pretty much on-habit. And I've lost nothing. I'm short - 5 foot 2 and female, 33, and not very active but not entirely sedentary either. Could I just be eating too much, even if it does fit on a plate?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:16 pm
by LifeisaBlessing
Hi RhiVir2016, and welome to the NoS boards! :)

The unfortunate answer to your question is that yes, you are eating too much, even if the food fits on your plate. Calories still count, even on NoS. NoS is a wonderful plan to get into a regular three-meal-a-day habit without snacking, but ultimately, weight/fat loss comes down to burning off more calories than you consume. There is (unfortunately) no way around this.

I highly recommend reading this article on the subject: Why Am I Not Losing Weight: 11 Reasons You're Failing to Lose Fat. I will warn you, though, that it is a no excuses, hard line approach to losing weight/fat, so prepare yourself for some pretty tough truths! :o

If your main goal on NoS is weight/fat loss, you may have to look into the caloric content of your meals and adjust it down, based on your personal food preferences and how your individual biology reacts to various foods. It definitely can be done--I'm living proof! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:41 pm
by RhiVir2016
Curses. Oh well. Should I count calories? Or just eat smaller plates/more veg or something?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:09 pm
by LifeisaBlessing
Rhi - any of those solutions you mentioned would work. But what appeals to you the most? What can you live with?

If you really like the foods you've been eating, maybe try smaller plates for awhile and see if your weight moves down. If you'd rather keep a larger plate, you could replace a more calorically dense food with more veggies--that way, you keep the volume of food the same, but reduce the caloric content.

You also could try formally counting calories, but honestly, that gets tedious rather quickly. I successfully used a modified form of NoS to achieve and surpass my weight/fat loss goals, and I didn't obsessively count each and every calorie in every single bite of food I ate. I was and am, however, what I like to call, "calorically aware," meaning having a general idea of calories and portion sizes. Doing this led me to 16-17% body fat, weighing less than I ever have in my adult life. Three meals a day, eating the foods I love that react well with my biology and keep me from getting ravenously hungry between meals is how I did it, and continue to maintain and improve. But I never forget that all of that MUST be in the framework of reduced calories. Making peace with that fact will put you much further toward your goals. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 8:14 pm
I agree with LifeisaBlessing.

I am barely 5'3" and have lost 10lbs in about 15 months doing No S (not counting calories, but 'calorie aware').

I changed to a 9" plate at some point, and my appetite has reduced over time. I went through a period of feeling quite sad that I had to accept that I didn't need as much food as I 'wanted' to eat! I think I'm mostly over that now.

Given that I only have three meals a day - I have to make sure those three meals are nutritionally sound. Well, I don't HAVE to, but I choose to! So as well as only eating three meals, on 9" plates, I also use portion-control, and healthy-cooking methods. For me, I've found that keeping an eye on how much bread and other wheat products such as pastry, wraps, etc, has an effect on my weight too.

As LifeisaBlessing says, all these things ultimately have the effect of reducing the calories I eat.

I hope it will encourage you to know that I haven't had to force this - but practising No S and getting those N days down, has had the knock-on effect of weight reduction.

Keep going - keep tweaking - and good luck!

It's Calories Like It Or Not

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:04 pm
by friscobob
It's really all about calories in and calories out. The size of the plate is really not the issue, it's what's on the plate! Try to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, and drink two glasses of water before each meal, which will help you to eat less. Exercise more, try to walk at least 30 minutes daily, which will burn some calories, but remember, you can't exercise away a bad diet. Good luck.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:47 pm
by LifeisaBlessing
And Rhi, lest you think it's all "calorie bad news," don't worry--I find SO much more satisfaction out of my meals now than I ever did when I was eating more, simply because I only eat foods that I love and that taste fantastic! :) Just make sure that the foods you choose to eat are things that YOU like and fit into your way of life--don't force yourself to eat any food that doesn't meet your taste standards, or that someone else tells you is "healthy" or "good for you." Success comes from adapting the plan to fit your life, not the other way around. It is very possible, so be positive that you can do this--it'll happen! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:49 pm
by oolala53
Sorry, friscobob, but the plate issue can very much apply, as it's been shown that people do tend to eat less overall on smaller plates, if they are willing to use them. I lean more towards what you are suggesting, though, as I'd rather have a bigger plate (at least for dinner) with a fair volume of light foods (freggies) and smaller portions of dense foods. I don't think I would ever have lost much (though it wasn't my goal) if I had kept covering the plate with all dense foods. I also would have been too full to be really ready for the next meal.

I do agree that No S cannot defy the laws of physics and chemistry, so a person can definitely be eating more calories than would be needed to lose weight. I hate to tell you that I've heard this lament over and over from some women of your height or shorter. I think a lot of people would be disappointed to find out just how little some people get to eat if they want their body to start and keep drawing on the reserves. And bodies can slow things down so that they use even less, necessitating cutting even more.

So, smaller plates, some lighter foods, a little food left on the plate; you have a few options.

No matter what, enjoy every bite!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:32 am
by osoniye
The trick of filling half your plate with raw or cooked veggies before you put the heavier entree on it, is worth trying!! It makes a huge difference.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:56 am
by RhiVir2016
Thank you all! I will start off with smaller plates (I have a larger and a smaller dinner plate size, so that will be easy) and try for more veg. And I will aim for more exercise - I've barely crossed the doorstep these past 3 days - it's been freezing, snowing and now it's lashing with rain that must only be a degree or two above ice. Lovely!

Oolala, I suppose I did know that a short woman doesn't need to eat as much as a tall man, but I was pretending that I didn't and serving the same portion to myself as I did to my 5'11" husband. Cognitive dissonance, begone! And we've been having our kitchen redone recently so have been living off takeaways, which are enormous, and once it's on my plate I eat it all - always have.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:07 am
by RhiVir2016
And I'm going to make crisps an S. This putting them on my plate malarkey does not magically make them healthy!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:31 pm
by kaalii
besides no seconds, 9" plates do the trick for me, too... and im maintaining very lean body fat percentage with noS...
if i have to use a bigger plate i do serve-the-veggies-first trick, too...
and yes, crisps are not part of the meal foods for me, never have been, im raised that way... they are snacks in my book... i prefer them that way, too...

physical activity too - not so much in the sense of calorie burning but psychologically - im so much less hungry and feeling better in general on non-couchpotato days... walking, biking and using the car to the absolute minimum changes and opens my world in so many beautiful ways...

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:26 pm
by Merry
LifeisaBlessing wrote: I highly recommend reading this article on the subject: Why Am I Not Losing Weight: 11 Reasons You're Failing to Lose Fat. I will warn you, though, that it is a no excuses, hard line approach to losing weight/fat, so prepare yourself for some pretty tough truths! :o
LOL! But actually, I always did think that the whole "starvation reaction" concept must be overstated. It just didn't make logical sense to me that the metabolism would be ruined beyond repair, though I could believe it adds a layer of challenge (just like hormonal swings can and other issues).

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:29 pm
by Merry
RhiVir2016 wrote: Oolala, I suppose I did know that a short woman doesn't need to eat as much as a tall man, but I was pretending that I didn't and serving the same portion to myself as I did to my 5'11" husband. Cognitive dissonance, begone! And we've been having our kitchen redone recently so have been living off takeaways, which are enormous, and once it's on my plate I eat it all - always have.
Okay, this made me giggle (and I've made the same types of mistakes myself! I am NOT a teenager and can't eat like one!)

I think you identified your two biggest culprits right here. Large portions and take-out food (not only large portions but also calorically dense food). Work on those, and I'll bet you'll see some successes. I hope you enjoy your kitchen remodel!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:35 am
by Whosonfirst
Any chance you can add just a 30 minute walk into your daily schedule? Hang in there.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:41 am
by RhiVir2016
Whosonfirst, I can walk at lunchtimes 4 days a week, and on Fridays I can drag my kids out - that's much harder than a normal walk! I shall try to do that. In the short-term I'm going to try getting up early to do a fitness video as well, but that's probably not sustainable long-term. I'm only doing it because I'm going to a wedding a week on Saturday and my dress is a bit tight. I'd rather do a short burst of disordered exercise than a crash diet!

Yesterday's food:

B - porridge with full fat milk
L - pate sandwich with cucumber, tangerine
D - 2 sausages, small baked potato, broccoli in butter, on a smaller plate.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:51 pm
by Dale
When I first started doing No S, I had a look at blogs and so on to see how people were managing with it long-term. I was a bit disappointed to see that many I looked at seemed to also be using other methods to control their eating, such as a portion control. I had been hoping No S alone would be enough for most.

I think the sad truth is that if you're smaller, older, less active, etc. then it's actually quite easy for three plates of food to add up to your TDEE or more. My TDEE is around 1500 calories, and I could easily eat three 500 calorie platefuls (I could easily fit 1000 calories on to one plate, if I'm honest!), not to mention little bits of extras like milk in my tea, the occasional glass of wine and so on. So to actually lose I have to do more than just the three meals.

I have tried calorie counting, and that has worked. So have other methods like portion control. I find it helps for two of the meals to be very small, so I have some more leeway with the evening meal (and I have that to look forward to all day!). There are other techniques that I use but I think the trick is finding what works for you! For instance, I don't like smaller plates because I like to eat a LOT of vegetables! I usually replace the "starch" portion of the evening meal (pasta, potatoes, etc.) with vegetables.

Personally, I don't like to calorie count all the time - one of the advantages of No S is not having to bother with all that! But it might be interesting to just log what you're eating for a few days, and compare it to your TDEE, to get an idea. It sounds like you are already sorted, though!

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:39 am
by Whosonfirst
RhiVir2016 wrote:Whosonfirst, I can walk at lunchtimes 4 days a week, and on Fridays I can drag my kids out - that's much harder than a normal walk! I shall try to do that. In the short-term I'm going to try getting up early to do a fitness video as well, but that's probably not sustainable long-term. I'm only doing it because I'm going to a wedding a week on Saturday and my dress is a bit tight. I'd rather do a short burst of disordered exercise than a crash diet!

Yesterday's food:

B - porridge with full fat milk
L - pate sandwich with cucumber, tangerine
D - 2 sausages, small baked potato, broccoli in butter, on a smaller plate.
Haha, I hear you on the kids walk. I take my grandson out for a 1 to 1-1/2 Mile fast walk(for me) bike ride(for him) several times a week, much harder than my normal 3M walk. Good luck.