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I Gained 5 Pounds my 1st month on No S - and that's okay.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:43 pm
by Anne-Marie
So I gained 5 pounds during my 1st month of No S and the weird thing (for me) is that I'm not freaking out AT ALL. I followed the No S Diet rules *exactly* but I over-indulged on the weekends (and that's putting it mildly - I actually crammed food in my cram hole until I felt sick for three weekends in a row) and during the week my meals were huge because I have never ever gone without snacking before and am terrified of feeling hungry. But for the past 10 days or so I have felt more normal around and about food than I ever remember feeling. And you know what? That feeling is way more important to me than a number on the scale. I love this way of eating. It's brilliant in its simplicity. No eating plan I've attempted in the past has felt so organic. I can sense that both my mind and my body are adjusting to this way of life and that when I weigh again in a month the number on the scale will be lower. I'm also coming off of years from the tedium of calorie counting and it feels like I just escaped from prison. I have freed up so much mind space! I'm doing things that I have been putting off forever and I think a lot of that has to do with me being able to concentrate on things other than food and weight. But I also maybe wanted to hear from those of you have had success on No S - but had an initial weight gain.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:23 pm
by oolala53
Can't help you there, but No S came after a period in which I quit trying to do anything to change my eating. It wasn't as positive as yours, but I just recognized that I wasn't willing to do much so why keep bugging myself about it? But I saw that I didn't want to live like that forever. No S allowed me to wean myself off the wildness.

Hope you hear from others who had the initial overages wear off. As they say in the X Files, the truth is out there.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:29 am
by scottwblack
I'm so proud of and happy for you, AMP. No S does seem right. I've tried it numerous times over the last 12 years, but never followed through. I always ran to something that would get me quicker results even though, as you well know, they never panned out and I ended up regaining any weight I lost. So, thanks for helping to inspire me to try again.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:59 am
by Merry
Welcome! Love that you are experiencing some of the benefits of No-S, and I hope your second month goes well! I didn't start off by going up, but I do go up whenever I'm on vacation or with family. I've also had a couple of 5-week plateaus, and despite it all, have still lost about 22 lbs. in a year's time. (I'm officially at the 1-year mark in 2 days!) Hang in there!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:13 pm
by naeman
I hope I'll be able to come back in a few months and say that I gained at first, but now I've lost!

I've been on No S for just a few weeks now. I did start out by going up, mostly because of Wild S days. I haven't really lost yet, but I've been hovering around my starting weight (with a pound or two gained from Thanksgiving weekend).

Honestly, just that I've maintained for 3 weeks is pretty unusual for me. My N days have started to look a lot more reasonable, and I'm convinced that I'll lose a couple of pounds before Christmas holidays come back around!

Still, it was such a pleasure to eat on Thanksgiving without any guilt, and to know that I had a plan to be in control for the Friday after that was full of leftovers.

Best of luck!

Re: I Gained 5 Pounds my 1st month on No S - and that's okay

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:19 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Anne-Marie wrote:So I gained 5 pounds during my 1st month of No S and the weird thing (for me) is that I'm not freaking out AT ALL. I followed the No S Diet rules *exactly* but I over-indulged on the weekends (and that's putting it mildly - I actually crammed food in my cram hole until I felt sick for three weekends in a row) and during the week my meals were huge because I have never ever gone without snacking before and am terrified of feeling hungry. But for the past 10 days or so I have felt more normal around and about food than I ever remember feeling. And you know what? That feeling is way more important to me than a number on the scale. I love this way of eating. It's brilliant in its simplicity. No eating plan I've attempted in the past has felt so organic. I can sense that both my mind and my body are adjusting to this way of life and that when I weigh again in a month the number on the scale will be lower. I'm also coming off of years from the tedium of calorie counting and it feels like I just escaped from prison. I have freed up so much mind space! I'm doing things that I have been putting off forever and I think a lot of that has to do with me being able to concentrate on things other than food and weight. But I also maybe wanted to hear from those of you have had success on No S - but had an initial weight gain.
This! Oh, it is just so wonderful to read your testimony. wow, I was feeling really fat and a failure because I haven't lost anything overall in six months. But I'm with you...the sanity about food is more valuable than any number on any scale. I too made myself sick on my first weekend, and I also was scared of feeling hungry...and I LOVE IT that that mindset, and that behavior, are no longer the case.

Your words were just exactly what I needed, because I'm feeling really discouraged about not having moved a single solitary pound of weight in all these weeks and months. Thanks for the superb reminder about what is ACTUALLY sublime about No S.