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Mixed emotions after week 2

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:17 am
by Emma21
Hi guys, new to this forum and to the 'diet'. Pretty much fit the profile of all you guys here, serial dieter with variations in succes, but in the last 4 years steadily gaining in spite of all the attempts to loose weight.I am 2 weeks in and doing ok on following the rules, sticking very well to vanilla on nos-days and not doing too bad on the s-days.. it is truely a relief to be able to let go of the unhealthy ways i dealt with eating and dieting. however, whatever weight is coming off on nos-days, i gain back on s-days, whichis a huge mindbender and messes with my motivation. Anyone have any good advice or experience with that? I am so afraid of stepping in to that seemingly perpetual trap that makes me want to be tougher and tougher on myself and in the end just giving up, like so many times before..

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:24 am
by Bluebell
Hi Emma and welcome to NoS. The best advice I was given in the early days was to focus on getting the habits ingrained and try not to worry about what the scales say. By all means use the scales as a measure of how things are going, but not as a stick to beat yourself with. If you are anything like me you have years of ingrained dieting habits to undo and this may well take some time before you see any weight loss. But, it will come! NoS works a kind of magic, gradually over time. Focus on the benefits of eating this way.
Good luck and hang on in there.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:37 am
by Emma21
Hi Bluebell, thanks so much for the quick respons! Sometimes it also helps to hear someone tell you to just hang on.. thanks for that! And so true, i have years of screwed up views on dieting and food in me, i have to pull theough and give it some time. And believe in the end, the weight loss will come! The first benefits to me are already showing in being able to let go (not always as this post shows you). Thanks so much, you guys are such an inspiration!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:38 pm
by Bluebell
Emma21 wrote:Hi Bluebell, thanks so much for the quick respons! Sometimes it also helps to hear someone tell you to just hang on.. thanks for that! And so true, i have years of screwed up views on dieting and food in me, i have to pull theough and give it some time. And believe in the end, the weight loss will come! The first benefits to me are already showing in being able to let go (not always as this post shows you). Thanks so much, you guys are such an inspiration!
No worries, I think it takes a while to get your head around NoS. When you have been on and off the diet wagon for so many years, you tend to end up with a lot of preconceptions which take a while to unpick - well they have done for me anyway and I am still very much going through that process.
If you have a look at my thread 'A little support in the early days please' back at the beginning of October you will see some of the thoughts I was having and some of the great advice I was given.
Good luck, you're doing really well :D

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:51 pm
by Emma21
Thanks so much for the support and i'll be sure to check out that thread! Last attempt i did was under the guidance of a registered dietician and i can't say that she gave wrong advice but in retrospect and after reading and experiencing nos i do think her plan involved too much food, too many moments and it was not attacking the root problem that i have. It is so much a psychological problem but that is not what it is recognized as. Thing is, i exercised my b*tt off and did exactly as she said for about 6 months and no results, that messed so much with my confidence and i got pretty desperate to be honest. I think one of the reasons nos works for people is because it gives you back control in a simple way, but doesn't make you feel like you are stretching your willpower to an unrealistic extend. Somebody once told me willpower is like an elastic band and i think that is so true. Nos will not stretch that elastic band to breaking. I think if i can sneak the exercice back in in healthy quantities i will do better and feel better. Ok, i'm getting lengthy here. Thanks so much for responding, the forum is a very supportive tool! :D

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:48 pm
by oolala53
Bottom line: less than a year of using the plan with at least 80% compliance is too little time to tell anything about it. The appetite adjusts differently in different people. Be willing eventually to experiment with different plate sizes and meal content, using your best informed judgment and balancing pleasure and health.

You MIGHT stumble on an easier, faster way of life that fits your bill, but the odds are against it.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:33 pm
by CamperRose
I entirely second what oolala says - definitely plan on a year. I have been on No S for one year; I have lost 24 pounds, but I lost only six pounds in the first four months. I am so glad I didn't give up. Please give No S the time and effort it deserves. It really works IF you stick with it.

Best wishes to you,

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:46 pm
by Emma21
Thanks so much Oolala and CamperRose for the advice!

Good to see this post

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:12 pm
by Brocky
I am just starting my second week, I just keep trying to say to myself that at this moment my weight is fine. I am trying to take it a day at a time just had a small plate of cheese and crackers not something I would normally have done as cheese was off my list and a bit of a binge food. Reading the post and knowing this will take a minimum of a year and to become of way of life is a good focus

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:24 am
by MaggieMae
CamperRose wrote:I entirely second what oolala says - definitely plan on a year. I have been on No S for one year; I have lost 24 pounds, but I lost only six pounds in the first four months. I am so glad I didn't give up. Please give No S the time and effort it deserves. It really works IF you stick with it.

Best wishes to you,
This is so inspirational camper rose! I told myself I'm going to stick to no S for all of 2017, but was already starting to have doubts. Thanks for sharing this.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:25 am
by MaggieMae
CamperRose wrote:I entirely second what oolala says - definitely plan on a year. I have been on No S for one year; I have lost 24 pounds, but I lost only six pounds in the first four months. I am so glad I didn't give up. Please give No S the time and effort it deserves. It really works IF you stick with it.

Best wishes to you,
This is so inspirational camper rose! I told myself I'm going to stick to no S for all of 2017, but was already starting to have doubts. Thanks for sharing this.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:12 am
by Merry
MaggieMae wrote:
CamperRose wrote:I entirely second what oolala says - definitely plan on a year. I have been on No S for one year; I have lost 24 pounds, but I lost only six pounds in the first four months. I am so glad I didn't give up. Please give No S the time and effort it deserves. It really works IF you stick with it.

Best wishes to you,
This is so inspirational camper rose! I told myself I'm going to stick to no S for all of 2017, but was already starting to have doubts. Thanks for sharing this.
I agree, very inspirational, camper rose!