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Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:56 pm
by lilguysmama
I need some answers here. And I'm sure I already know the answers deep down. But here is my situation. I have been going to WW for almost 2 yrs now and have been having a really hard time sticking with the plan. It does work when you work the program. Over the first yr I have realized I am a sugar addict. And trying to deal with that is so hard to do. And then this past October I had to have back surgery done and was in the hospital for a week flat on my back and all I did was snack and eat. And when I finally got home I had to stay in bed and take it easy, well I ended back up it the hospital for another surgery due to a tear and flat on my back for another 3 days and a week later I finally got to go home. Well now that im healed somewhat and can start focusing on me getting my weight back down and move little bit, im in PT and can only walk very short time outside like 10 minutes right now. But Im so frustrated cause I am trying to stick with my WW points to lose this weight. I need so advice here. I cant do much movement cause it still hurts but im trying to move as much as I can.

Re: Hey

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:53 am
by Merry
So sorry to hear about the surgeries. I hope PT is going well--I'm sure it's quite a challenge to try to work back to your previous range of motion and activity levels.
lilguysmama wrote:I have been going to WW for almost 2 yrs now and have been having a really hard time sticking with the plan.
I think this is the "core" of the issue. Lots of diets can work if one can stick with them--but here you have been trying to do this for 2 years, and still can't stick with it. To me, that says WW doesn't really work for you. I've never done WW, but I've done calorie-counting plans, and it's basically the same reason. It works when you can stick with it, but all that counting is tedious and it's easier just to give up. (And when I gave up calorie-counting, I gained back what I had lost and then some--such a discouraging yo-yo).

I came to No-S thinking, I need something I can stick with and live with for the rest of my life. I can't yo-yo diet any more. I felt that No-S could teach me moderation, and that it was simple enough that I could follow it for the rest of my life. It starts with maintenance--it's doable.

Does No-S seem doable to you? Does it seem like a life pattern you could follow?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:10 pm
by noni
Do only what your body allows you to do. You can still lose weight without a lot of exercise when you follow No S. I'm quite sedentary, but I still lose despite being short and older. When I do exercise it's for my flexibility not weight loss, so I'm never disappointed or worried that I skipped a day (or two or three...).

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:12 pm
by MaggieMae
I second what merry and noni said! Give it a try. If a year from now you're the same weight and still have the same food issues, WW will always be waiting. I have a feeling you won't need it.