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No S and Pregnancy

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:32 am
by sunnyday
I had great success on no s last year and earlier this year. I got my weight to a healthy level and my relationship with food was more balanced than it had been in a long time.

In April I succeeded in falling pregnant and I soon discovered that my no s habits had to go. I found the only way to relieve the almost constant nausea was to snack every two to three hours. I wish I could say I only ate healthy snacks but I frequently ran out of healthy snacks and went for whatever I could find (usually chocolate).

Now I'm at 16 weeks and the nausea seems to be at an end but that snacking habit seems to be firmly back in place. I'm not even sure if I should try to kick it again because 'dieting' during pregnancy is always considered a no no.

I know that what I most certainly should do is reinstate the no sweets rule as that could only be a good thing for me and my baby. So I'm writing this post to affirm my commitment to no sweets except for sometimes on days starting with s.

Does anyone else have experience or advice for no s/diet during pregnancy?

Re: No S and Pregnancy

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:29 am
by harpista
sunnyday wrote: Now I'm at 16 weeks and the nausea seems to be at an end but that snacking habit seems to be firmly back in place. I'm not even sure if I should try to kick it again because 'dieting' during pregnancy is always considered a no no.
I've never been pregnant, but my grandma (a No-S person by nature, apparently) did eat 3 meals only through her pregnancies. Of course that doesn't mean that's what everyone should do. Still, No-S is not a diet, imo, it's a philosophy of relating to food.

When doctors say don't diet during pregnancy, they mean "don't restrict your calories in a drastic manner to cause weight loss," don't they? :) So I don't think it qualifies as a diet in that sense... Just my opinion...

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:34 am
by ThomsonsPier
There's some evidence (don't ask me to quote or, indeed, find it) to say that your diet during pregnancy can affect the child's eating habits through life. Therefore, by sticking to No-S (providing, of course, that you ensure you're eating the right foods), you could well be establishing healthy habits in your child even at this early stage.

This could, on the other hand, be complete twaddle, as I can't remember where I read it. It sounds sensible, though.

I'd say that you should allow a little more leeway for a while. If the baby wants something, it might be wise to provide it. Disclaimer: I have no practical experience here: everything I know about pregnancy, I learned from reading.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 2:01 pm
by Mia21972
Congratulations on the little one! Babies are the most perfect parasites. Your baby will take what he/she needs from you first, leaving whatever nutrition is left-over for YOU. I say, make No-S your guideline, but listen to your body and to your baby. If they are saying, "we need a snack" let them have it. It is only 9 months. I don't think your pregnancy eating habits will determine how your baby eats, but your attitude is transferable. If you're hungry or nauseous you will begin to resent the pregnancy from keeping you from staying on the plan or resent the plan for keeping you from having a healthy pregnancy. Those feelings are good for no one! Allow yourself this time to really take care of your baby and your body will work with you when you are alone in it again. ~Mia

PS The same rules apply while you are nursing, you will need to eat more. But, nursing will take the weight off your hips like no exercise, operation or "diet" ever could!

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:27 pm
by doulachic
I agree with Mia, you should definately listen to your body's signals durning pregnancy. if you are truely hungry, then have a snack...just don't make the mistake that a lot of preggie women make in thinking that they are eating for two and therefor can eat as much as they want...! that is how most women gain "un-needed" weight. if you are going to have a snack, just make it a healthy one like fruit, yogurt, nuts, etc.

also, expect that you WILL gain weight during this time, but it is NOT all fat...a lot of the weight gain is fluid, etc...your blood volume actually goes up, and there is an increase in breast size, the uterus grows, as well as the baby don't be discouraged! I would advise you to keep eating a variety of healthy foods, and have an extra snack or two if needed. Mia is right, the baby will get it's nutrients directly from you, and you get what is left, so be sure you are keeping your body fueled.

best of luck and congrats!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:32 am
by Daisy
I would definately keep going on the No S Plan - this isn't a faddy diet just a sensible healthy eating plan and that can only benefit you and your baby. Obviously if you need to snack then do, just try to make it as healthy as possible.

Good luck and congratulations. Daisy