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Appetizers? Sweets on N days?

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:20 pm
by Alexandria27
Hey guys! This is my first time posting, and I wanted to thank each and every person who remains active and helpful to board members. That type of support goes a long way!

I did however want to get opinions from those who follow vanilla No-S, and ask about what they do when it comes to being out at a restaurant on an N day, and appetizers are ordered for the group/person whom you’re eating with. To me, this is considered "snacking" and possibly "seconds" if you keep going in for those fries or chips and salsa.

Another little issue I've faced is being offered a sweet of one of my favorites on an N day, and it not being available on S days/unable to take and store for later. Has this happened to anyone? Is this a time where I just have to suck it up and keep going or make a mod like "Lifeisablessing" had done, to incorporate sweets 7 days a week if needed?

Let me know what you guys think and your personal opinions/experiences!

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:24 pm
by oolala53
You are going to get lots of different feedback, most likely. If you are just starting out, I recommend being true to Vanilla No S for a few months before you start making changes. The alternative is to wean yourself off the S's in a systematic way, but try not to flip flop.

The way I used to handle appetizers is to take a bit onto a little plate, which was usually provided, but not eat it until the entree came. If anyone said anything, which they usually didn't do, I'd say, "Oh, I'm saving my appetite for the main course, but I'd like a taste of this then." Then I'd change the subject.

I would also pass up the dessert, telling myself I had had much more than my quota of dessert in my lifetime, and that it was worth the sacrifice for me to build the habit I wanted to reinforce. There will likely be endless opportunities to break the rules. It can get very dicey deciding when it's rule-worthy or not. Give yourself a chance to see what life is like being compliant. From there, it's more accurate to decide that you want different options. If you don't, it's hard to tell if your motives are coming from the part of your brain that wants dearly to keep your old habits or from your true rational self. But I'd be very suspicious... :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:33 pm
by noni
Welcome, Alexandria,

You have options. You could white knuckle it, not eating the appetizer nor the dessert, or you could fill a virtual plate with your favorite foods including your appetizer. If this 'out to dinner with friends' is not a usual happening, you could take a Non-Weekend S day (we can take up to two per month without much damage), and eat in a moderate way, ie...a little of the appetizer and a little of the dessert if it's really what you want. You could take some of that entree home to enjoy later, though, since servings are large in most restaurants. Because this scenario would be unusual for me, I would take a little of everything I liked, call it a NWS-day or a red day and enjoy myself. I would also take home some of the entree. I would just make the dinner out a special time, but not the whole day.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:15 am
by Merry
I rarely eat out, so I've decided that on those occasions when I do and there are appetizers (chips & salsa, egg rolls etc...), I will eat them without really worrying about it. I do typically divide my meal plate in half though and take the rest home.'s kind of like virtual plating when it's Chinese, but probably more than a virtual plate for Mexican in my reality, but since we're talking about a less than monthly event for me, I'm just going to not worry about it and call it a meal.

If I ate out in those types of places weekly or even twice a month, then I'd probably feel differently.

I don't know if I've had a treat I couldn't save for later that I wanted that much...maybe! If I did, I think I'd take one of my two monthly NWS days for it, or I'd consider a red day if it was that special. Again, I'd ask yourself how often something like this comes along. If you have it happen weekly, then that's probably too many treats that are too high on the special scale and you'll need an alternate strategy.

I don't save NWS days just for special holidays. I limit to two per month as recommended, but I take them pretty much every month and I apply them towards things like a meal with a friend if there isn't a holiday. OTOH, I only lose a pound or two a month (and sometimes none), and that may be part of the slower equation for me, but it's what I'm willing to live with. I think sometimes you have to try things out and see what the effect is and see what you are willing to live with. Mark the reds and NWS days and maybe keep a quick note if you want to be able to look back and remember, to see what the impact is.

I also think...sometimes changes have to come gradually, as we are willing to make them. I'm in this for the long haul, and I want life-long changes that I'm really willing to live with. I don't want the "quick loss and then go back to how I ate before--and therefore go back to what I weighed before (or more!)" lifestyle--I've done that enough.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:56 am
by Skycat
My advice would be to stick with vanilla No S. The way I see it there is so much you CAN do, CAN eat and CAN enjoy on this diet, it's best to focus on that. The rules are very generous, in my case I think if I made the rules any more generous, there would be no point in following the diet, I may as well be eating as I was before.

When I need to I use a big lunch, as a reason for not having an appetiser, and being full as a reason for not having a dessert, I do have a couple of glasses of wine though. Focus on the fact that you can order whatever single plate of main course you want.

I tend to have an idea in advance of what I'll have on my S days, Snickers ice cream bars are a big favorite of mine, then when I turn down something sweet, I remind myself of what I will have instead at the weekend.

Good luck, keep posting here and maybe set up your own check in if you haven't already, I find that it really helps me.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:10 pm
by LifeisaBlessing
Hi Alexandria, and welcome to the NoS boards! :)

I achieved successful weight/fat loss with modified NoS, and am continuing to maintain. I'm also a firm member of Team Mod lol. Part of the reason I went with modified NoS is for the very situation which you described. Here's how I handle restaurants:

If appetizers are ordered for the group, and if you truly want one, count it as part of your dinner plate. I usually take a very small amount of stuff that looks good to me, and take my time eating it. For dinner, since restaurants typically serve a humongous portion, I automatically divide everything on my plate in half. The other half is reserved for the take-home bag. This way, you will account for the appetizer(s), and leave room for dessert. For dessert, again, I automatically divide it in half, and take home half (if not more, if it's a huge dessert). Applying these rules to restaurant meals got me through many graduation parties, wedding receptions, and other celebrations over the past year without ruining my progress.

As for separate sweets on N days, I usually include small amounts of sweets with all of my meals. You'll have to see, though, if this is something workable for your personality. If a sweet will be unavailable for the weekend or can't be stored for later, having a small amount with a meal (if you can stop at a small amount!) will enable you to enjoy it without derailing your weight loss.

Hope this helps! :)