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Lunch Ideas

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:50 pm
by carlaD
What kind of things do take to work for lunch?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 6:22 am
by Skycat
I'm very unimaginative, and always take a couple of bread rolls filled with ham and usually cucumber/tomato and a piece of fruit. I would blame it on the fact that there is no kitchen, or fridge or even break room that I have access to but I'm ashamed to say I'm no more creative when I'm at home for lunch and usually have exactly the same at home too.

I would also be interested in inspiration.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 8:26 am
by ironchef
Every week or so I cook a batch of rice and beans with veggies and some spices / sauce and freeze in lunch sized portions. I do boil away rice, and while it's cooking I pan fry some chopped veg and rince some canned beans.
It's super cheap and easy, makes mornings very quick, and because there isn't meat in it I don't feel as squicky about freezing and then defrosting in my bag on the way to work.

Some examples:

Black beans with rice, mushrooms, onions, with chilli sauce and soy.

Cannellini beans with brown rice, kalamata olives, carrot and celery, chopped semi sundried tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

If I'm feeling hungry, or got a long day, I take a small can of tuna to mix with it at lunchtime.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 11:46 am
by osoniye
If I don't want to get sleepy in the afternoon, a nice large salad with a chopped avocado or nut cheese and fresh ground pepper instead of dressing.

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:59 pm
by Buttercup
In the summer I have a big protein rich salad - chicken, rice and beans/lentils, salmon, egg and ham, and lots of veggies, seeds, a bit of mayo or olive oil.

In the winter I take hearty soups or leftovers of curry, chilli, stew etc that I can heat up.

Either way, I try and stay away from processed carbs (I bloat/fall asleep), but will have the odd sandwich if I am feeling lazy/naughty - maybe once or twice a month.

I can't see this changing much now I am on No-S - it seems to fit in well enough.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 1:11 am
by Ramy
I also do beans and vegetables often because it's quick, cheap and easy.

My other go to lunch (that I've eaten for a million years) is Greek yogurt, carrots and a piece of fruit. I often have about 10 minutes to eat and the protein holds me over for a while. Sometimes I add nuts to the yogurt as well.

Re: Lunch Ideas

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 5:08 am
by aimeusdietger
carlaD wrote: What kind of things do take to work for lunch?

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I try to take carbs during the day, preferably during lunch, then no carbs in the evening. My lunch may have some pasta, rice, or a sandwich accompanied by veggies and a protein. King's lunch.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 5:41 am
by oolala53
Starch (could be bread, cooked grain, flatbreads, potato, pasta), a green veg, another color veg, some greens, a protein or beans, some sauce or flavoring. A piece of fruit. Some fat like cheese, nuts, olive oil.

Or leftover restaurant fare supplemented with elements from above.

You might get some ideas here.