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What's Your Favorite N-Day Lunch?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 1:26 pm
by bd88
Happy Thursday, everyone!
I usually pack my breakfast and lunch for work at night, but I was so tired last night and only got around to packing breakfast this morning. I want to go out and grab lunch, but I am not sure where to go that is relatively inexpensive with normal-sized portions so I can stick to my one-plate meal. Chipotle used to be my go-to for a cheap meal, but I know it won't fit on a plate. I don't know if I am at the place now where I can just eat half and save the rest. I am afraid of having the temptation and going off the rails since I am still just getting started and have a history of binge eating.
Any ideas for where to go for lunch that has normal-sized portions and isn't super expensive?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:42 pm
by MaggieMae
I'm probably too late but my lunch go to is Panera. I either get a bowl of soup with a piece of baguette or I'll get the cup of soup with half a salad.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 7:46 pm
by MaggieMae
I love Chipotle by the way. I usually eat all or almost all of my bowl and count it as one plate. I don't get chips though since starting no s because I would definitely stuff myself. I justify it becAuse its got your protein, starch, veg, and healthy fat ( guacamole). 😀
Maybe you could order off the kids menu to cut down on size?

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:28 pm
by bd88
Thanks so much for replying! Unfortunately, I have a wheat allergy so I can't do Panera anymore (which SUCKS). You're definitely right about getting all the nutrition in the burrito bowls, but when I finish one, I am SO full afterwards. Like super stuffed, and I knew I didn't want to feel that way today.
I actually ended up going to Moe's since it's closer to my job. I got two tofu tacos and had the chips that came with it. It was definitely a bigger meal than I usually eat, but it all fit in their little basket, so I called it a plate. I didn't eat it all, but I left satisfied and comfortably full, which is my goal for my meals now.
I could've made a similar choice at Chipotle, so I know for the future that the tacos are a better option for me in terms of volume. Maybe it's because I didn't get the tacos with rice? Not sure, but they seemed to work out better for me in terms of post-meal comfort. I rarely ever eat out at lunch, though, so it seems okay to have a bigger-than-normal meal from time to time.
Also, I will definitely look at getting the kids' meal at Chipotle if I am in this situation again! I didn't even realize Chipotle has that.

Man, I am long-winded... sorry!

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2017 8:37 pm
by 1320401
I'm a big fan of thinks like burritos, bowls, etc. without the starch. I prefer to fill up on added greens or added protein so asking for those items without the starchy component is my usual go-to.

In addition, and this is probably sacrilege, I will order pho or similar without the noodles. With lots of bean sprouts it's a really filling meal without the added overfull effect of the starchy part.

I should caveat, the above are my everyday choices (like a everyday work lunch or something), but if it is a more special occasion I don't make the fuss (even if it is a N day).

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:57 am
by osoniye
This won't help you right now, but for future reference:
My favorite lunch that packs in a tupperware container, and is great at room temp: a bed of ~8 oz shredded raw carrot, middle layer of ~8 oz pan braised or roasted eggplant with spices, top layer of ~4 oz cottage cheese mixed with 1 T olive oil, black pepper/paprika. I don't know why I find this so addictive, but it sticks to my ribs, is fairly healthy, and is easy to put together.

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 2:48 pm
by bd88
Thanks so much for the responses! May as well keep them coming, as I'm sure this will help lots of people with their lunch plans! :D