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Non-Vanilla Newbee

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 7:27 pm
by AnnaBell
Hello, fellow No-Sers! I wanted to introduce myself to all of you, especially those who found that a few tweaks to Vanilla is what worked best for them (LifeisBlessing, ladybird30, 3-0-7 girl and more I'm sure). I am a SAHM who has tried everything to lose the baby weight (well, my baby is a senior in high school truth be told, LOL).

I have found that a couple tweaks have really allowed me to feel this could be long term sustainable for me, and I am losing, although VERY slowly, only 4 pounds over two whole months, but that is better than gaining right? I have over 50 to lose.

Here are my "tweaks":

7 Days a week: 3 meals a day - I found by letting the rules loosen up too much on S days, I perma-snacked all weekend and felt icky and bloated by Monday. This way I am preventing the "all day graze" which has been my biggest reason for gaining weight to begin with. So No "S Days" for me on the weekends, however....

7 Days a week: Larger Lunch and anything I crave is allowed, PLUS a dessert and/or appetizer no more than 4 times a week with the meal. I don't have specific days I add the app or sweet, but I do keep tabs on NOT doing this every day. So I guess I allow up to 4 "S Events" per week...

And lastly and more importantly, to balance out the above indulgences:

7 Days a week: Breakfast & Supper - Small, Simple, Clean & Low Carb
I.E. Small serving of a good quality protein with veg and/or salad with non-sweet dressing, butter on veggies, etc. This helps me get between meals with less hunger, but I can't do just straight low carb (been there, failed that, but I don't deny it helps with appetite control).

So for me this seems to be the best of both worlds, following the 3 meal a day structure which I strongly believe in, but added the lower carb meals for B & D to help curb my ravenous appetite in between while allowing one meal a day of my choice to keep from feeling too restricted and throwing in the towel. Finding sustainable habits is key (Reinhard, you are a genius!), even if what is sustainable for me might not work for everyone, I still wanted to share.

Hope this helps someone who may be struggling with straight up Vanilla, although I see MANY of you have found that is the way to go and have had incredible losses!

Thanks for listening

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:42 pm
by LifeisaBlessing
Hi AnnaBell! :)

Welcome to the NoS boards! Your "tweaks" sound perfect--I'm all about modifying to suit your own specific tastes and lifestyle, so whatever you have discovered that works for you and your goals--more power to you!!!! :D

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:57 am
by osoniye
Sounds like you're really making it your own. That's great!

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 7:04 am
by Lilac Bell
Hi Anna Bell

I am newbie too and I have to tell you I am going to name your NoS tweaks; the AnnaBell way, and give it a shot. The reason is it is very close to my own name and I have always said I would love to find a personalised diet!

Like you I like the main ideas of the No S plan but having total freedom on S days I find myself slipping into too much snacking. I have lost quite a bit of weight recently on a reduced carb and calorie meal replacement diet. But when I got to my goal weight I found I couldn't keep it up and started to regain weight. Even though I have found it unsustainable long-term there were some things I found helpful about the MR plan. The reduced carbs definitely help my appetite and the very strict rules made it simple to make the right choices.

I like Reinhardt's explanation of why strictness makes dieting easier and how we should "Fence about the Law". But I also want a little bit of freedom to make my own choices and have some treats and fit in with my family and social things. So I think your version of No S may be the right balance for me.

The only changes I would make to your plan is that I might have the main meal at dinner or occasionally breakfast depending on what I am doing that day, and then the other two will be the small meals.

I know I could just make up my own mods but having someone else make the rules does give that extra authority to the rules and it's so funny about the name suiting me perfectly that I definitely have to try it.

So thanks for posting your method and I will let you know how I get on with it.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:02 am
by oolala53
Only time will tell, and I look forward to your long term success.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:23 pm
by AnnaBell
LifeisaBlessing, osoniye, oolala thanks for the support and encouragement!

Lilac Bell!! Don't give me too much credit just yet I am still in the early stages and have a long way to go but so glad you resonate with my post!

I think I will add that my favorite Reinhard reference is "speak softly and carry a big stick".

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:20 am
by oolala53
And not a stick of butter.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:58 pm
by AnnaBell
Although life has really thrown a curveball into my stress levels two weeks ago, I have been able to stick to my modified no s plan and am down one more pound since Aug 10th (total of 5).

I am amazed I did not go into perma-snacking mode after hearing some disturbing news regarding an extended family member that will likely cause a lot of added stress and strife to myself and my immediate family for the next year or more. We all have storms that come into our lives, and this is one that will prove a true test to my ability to stick with No S while going through it!
(sorry details confidential/personal)

Walking has been my go to stress reliever as the weather has been beautiful here, and how awesome that it has been my instinct go-to stress reliever instead of chips, dips and candy!

I really feel that the simple STRUCTURE of No S, when implemented over time, is very helpful in deterring the desire to snack between meals. Anyone else feel that way?

I probably should be posting an update in a daily check-in thread so may start one for future updates.

Thanks for listening!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:30 am
by Merry
oolala53 wrote:And not a stick of butter.
:lol: snort!

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:33 am
by Merry
AnnaBell wrote: I really feel that the simple STRUCTURE of No S, when implemented over time, is very helpful in deterring the desire to snack between meals. Anyone else feel that way?

I'm sorry for the family stress right now. Praying for you right now. I often find walking helpful too. And sometimes No-S can be a comfort--having that habit to rely on instead of looking to drown stress in a bunch of junk food that ends up not really satisfying or solving anything any way. I enjoy feeling a bit healthier/stronger when I'm not stuffing myself.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:47 am
by oolala53
For the first time in years, I'm responding to stress with food. I know I will get over it because No S saw me through several very stressful times over the last seven years. I just usually thought, people in slim societies get stressed, too, but they don't double up on their croissants or rice, as the case may be! It hardly occurs to them. It's just not their habit. It doesn't have to be ours, either. (I'd better put my money where my mouth is. )

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:45 pm
by AnnaBell
Thank you Merry! :D :D :D