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Day One - Reflections

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:01 pm
by Mustloseweight
A plain omelette for breakfast, cheese sandwiches and a packet of crisps for lunch and I will be doing either Spag Bol or a Chilli with rice for dinner. The aim is to only eat these things today. When I am on my three meal a day routine I have more energy to do things and I presume that this is due to freeing up the mental space used fretting over diets, food, guilt over non-compliance I am motivated to do other things. Rigorous housework is my default daytime activity but from tonight onwards I will do the 14 minutes shovel glove although my shovel will be a kettlebell that I will swing around for 14 minutes. So far so good and it is 1pm so long may it continue.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 1:22 pm
by oolala53
Are you keeping a check-in thread? I'll follow your progress there.

Re: Day One - Reflections

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:14 am
by levictoria
Mustloseweight wrote:A plain omelette for breakfast, cheese sandwiches and a packet of crisps for lunch and I will be doing either Spag Bol or a Chilli with rice for dinner. The aim is to only eat these things today. When I am on my three meal a day routine I have more energy to do things and I presume that this is due to freeing up the mental space used fretting over diets, food, guilt over non-compliance I am motivated to do other things. Rigorous housework is my default daytime activity but from tonight onwards I will do the 14 minutes shovel glove although my shovel will be a kettlebell that I will swing around for 14 minutes. So far so good and it is 1pm so long may it continue.
Hey! Watch out with the "swinging around" of the kettle bell. I have a friend who is a personal trainer to some top athletes and he said he's seen a lot of people develop back problems from using the kettle bell, even correctly

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 4:14 pm
by oolala53
Where are you? Did you get beyond day 1?

Regarding the kettlebell, maybe you can start with a heavy frying pan? And maybe not 14 minutes. I"m currently (August) requiring only FOUR minutes of vigor on N days, though I have gone up to 8 some days. I do mostly bodyweight stuff, though I have a 10-lb pair of dumbbells I can supplement with. That and about a good half hour TOTAL of walking. These are minimums I'm pretty sure I can meet but that don't feel like nothing. I'll up the ante in September. I figure by December, I'll get to the 14 minutes, but even then I may allow myself to divide it up during the day. I just haven't been able to stick to 14 consistently, so this is my concession. I KNOW I'm better off than I would be giving up.

I hope you didn't get discouraged by wanting to eat more often than you've planned to. Don't blame your body for wanting more food and more often. It's just responding as a body. It's not a reflection of personal worth. It doesn't know that the food supply is not going to run low for months on end. It has to be reminded that it's got stores galore by cutting down on how much and how often you bring new food in. It might make it feel unpleasant at times, but again, that's just old programming. You know better AND you can use your prefrontal cortex to come up with other things to do, things for mind, body, and soul, to take the place of eating. But that's a new habit, too, that it will take some time and effort to develop.